For those in the DC area:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: The Copyright Society of the USA
Date: Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 2:03 PM

[The Copyright Society of the USA]

The CSUSA Washington, DC Chapter Presents
The Internet: Its Origins and
How to Manage (Copyright) Information

With Robert E. Kahn

  Tuesday, March 17

The George Washington University School of Law
716 20th Street, NW, Washington, DC
Faculty Conference Center - Burns 505


Final Registration Deadline: March 16, Midnight EST

Please join us [Robert E. Kahn] as Robert E. Kahn, the pioneering engineer and 
co-inventor of  key components of Internet, speaks about his career and the 
work he is doing (and has done) to propel copyright-related industries.

Dr. Kahn has charted an incredible course. From an academic career at Princeton 
and MIT in the sixties, to his groundbreaking work in the seventies and 
eighties developing Arpanet (the first packet-switched network) and the TCP/IP 
protocols at the heart of the Internet today, Robert Kahn has never stopped 

More recently, Dr. Kahn has been instrumental in developing and implementing 
Digital Object Architecture, a system of identifying digital documents. While 
useful in many contexts, it is particularly helpful in copyright-related 
industries, especially publishing. As a testament to his service, 
inventiveness, and many accomplishments, Dr. Kahn has been the recipient of 
numerous awards. These include the Secretary of Defense Civilian Service Award, 
the 2001 Charles Stark Draper Prize from the National Academy of Engineering, 
the National Medal of Technology, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Dr. Kahn will be available for a brief Q&A after the main program.




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