Of obvious interest:


There is no benefit to society of extending copyright beyond the 50 years 
mandated by the WTO. While some TPP countries, like the United States, Mexico, 
Peru, Chile, Singapore or Australia, already have life + 70 (or longer) 
copyright terms, there is growing recognition that such terms were a mistake, 
and should be shortened, or modified by requiring formalities for the extended 

The primary harm from the life + 70 copyright term is the loss of access to 
countless books, newspapers, pamphlets, photographs, films, sound recordings 
and other works that are "owned" but largely not commercialized, forgotten, and 
lost. The extended terms are also costly to consumers and performers, while 
benefiting persons and corporate owners that had nothing to do with the 
creation of the work.

Amalyah Keshet
Head of Image Resources & Copyright Management
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

From: krista.l.cox at gmail.com [mailto:krista.l....@gmail.com] On Behalf Of 
Krista L. Cox
Sent: 09 December, 2013 11:48 PM
To: lawfuluse at publicknowledge.org
Subject: [LawfulUse] 29 Organizations and More than 70 Individuals Sign Letter 
Opposing Life Plus Seventy Copyright Term in TPP

Full text of letter and PDF available here:  http://keionline.org/node/1849

Krista L. Cox
Staff Attorney
Knowledge Ecology International
(202) 332-2670<tel:%28202%29%20332-2670>

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