Dear all,

The University of Amsterdam is looking for a Professor of Information
Science and Culture (dl December 12th). It is a unique position
because it deals with information in the broad sense of the word (the
products of human thought and action) and with culture (information of
and about culture).

Here the link with information about the position, the department, the
application, etc. Some information is in Dutch but please don't feel
intimidated and ask to get materials in English, we are also looking
for international candidates !

For further information, please contact the secretary of the selection
committee, Ms J.H.J. Kuiper, tel. 020 525 2006, email
J.H.J.Kuiper at, or the committee chairman, Prof. P.P.R.W.
Pisters, tel. 020 525 4593, email P.P.R.W.Pisters at

Trilce Navarrete

PhD researcher and lecturer University of Amsterdam -Digital Heritage.
Masters in Cultural Economics -Digital Museum Collections. Erasmus
University Rotterdam.
Masters in Arts Administration -Museum Studies. University of Oregon.
m: +31 (0)6 244 84998
e: trilce.navarrete at
a: Turfdraagsterpad 9 (room 1.03) NL 1012XT Amsterdam
s: trilcen

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