MDA is pleased to announce that Standards in Museum Care of 
Collections series are now available from the Collections Link 
website at:

The series was originally published in the 1990s by the Museums and 
Galleries Commission (MGC), now the Museums, Libraries and Archives 
Council (MLA) and cover:  

* Archaeological Collections; 
* Biological Collections; 
* Geological Collections; 
* Larger and Working Objects; 
* Touring Exhibitions; 
* Photographic Collections; 
* Musical Instrument Collections; 
* Costume and Textile Collections. 

Updates to those on Geological Collections (ed. Mick Stanley, 2004), 
and Musical Instruments (ed.Patricia Andrew, 2005) replace the 
earlier versions.  

Both standards were revised to reflect changes in current best 
practice, legislation and health and safety regulations. They are 
equally applicable to small local collections or national museums 
with a huge variety and number of objects. They include advice on a 
wide range of curatorial tasks from conservation, disaster planning 
and environmental control to access, loans and research, and include 
sections linking to sources of further advice and information.  

Peter Winsor, Collections Link Project Director, commented: 

"The Standards in the Museum Care of Collections series is still 
widely regarded as the best source of information on the conservation 
and care of different types of collection. We are delighted to be 
able to make these revisions available via Collections Link, and it 
is hoped that revisions of other publications in the series will 

The revised standards join a range of new resources on the website. 
Also recently added is a section on Emergency Planning highlighting 
resources from outside the cultural sector:

and the London Screen Archives guide to caring for moving image 


 Gordon McKenna  e-mail: gordon at   
 The Spectrum Building, 
 The Michael Young Centre, 
 Purbeck Road          
 Cambridge CB2 2PD, UK
 Tel:    +44 1223 415760
 Fax:    +44 1223 415960  

Setting the standard for managing collections information
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