Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 12:55:49 -0400
From: "Robert A. Baron" <>
Subject: Re: MCN Policy on Vendors
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re: Jennifer Trant's objection to MCN vendor policy

I agree with Jennifer here and wish, further, to remind MCN members of the
long-standing and productive relationship MCN and its members have had with
the vendor community. Vendors have taken a major role in the development of
MCN as an organization and have contributed their expertise as board
members and as participants in annual meeting sessions, some of which were
specifically defined for the vendor community.  In some ways the very
discipline that MCN is here to support owes itself to the work and
ingenuity of vendors.

Further, the distinction between the self-interest of vendors and the lack
of self-interest of the non-vendor community is false, misleading and
promulgates a fiction and an inaccurate stereotype.  It is just as
important to one group as to the other that their products and services
investigations succeed.  If the pay-back differs in each case, nonetheless
it all comes down to the same thing: it puts food on the table and provides
means to pay the landlord.

The policy Jennifer quoted is also short-sighted in its lack of
acknowledgement of the fluid interchange between the vendor and non-profit
communities.  How many vendors have come from the museum and non-profit
communities?  How many vendors and their employees return? How many do both
at the same time?

I believe all people who have something valuable to contribute to MCN
should be encouraged to do so.  To avoid the slightest hint of conflict of
interest, all contributors should indicate in the formal schedule of the
conference or near the by-line of their articles their current affiliation.

Robert Baron

At 07:18 AM 6/18/97 -0400, Jennifer Trant wrote:
>Date: Fri, 13 Jun 1997 17:15:50 -0500
>From: (J. Trant)
>Subject: Museum Computer Network, Conflict of Interest Policy
>Dear Guy, Kathy, MCN Board and Members,
>I've just learned of the following MCN Policy, as an appendix to a note
>regarding participation in the upcoming MCN meeting in St Louis.
>>>*Museum Computer Network Conflict of Interest Policy*
>>>Please take note of the following policy:
>>>The Museum Computer Network (MCN) values commercial vendors and service
>>>providers as important members of the museum community and welcomes their
>>>participation in the conference program.
>>>MCN cannot, however, endorse or appear to endorse, the products and
>>>services of any individual commercial enterprise.
>>>Therefore, if commercial interests/enterprises take part in conference
>>>sessions or workshops as speakers or instructors, they must not promote or
>>>advocate their products or services, nor should they chair or moderate a
>When and why did MCN adopt such a policy? Where was it discussed? Did the
>members have an opportunity to comment?
>As we all know, the nature of work in technology in musuems is such that
>most of it is completed by contractors and consultants. If MCN chooses to
>exclude  a significant portion of its constituency from the shaping of its
>program, it is shooting itself in the foot. The majority of experitise and
>experience in this field is moving into the 'private' sphere.
>[who makes her living working FOR  and WITH museums]
>J. Trant                   
>Partner and Principal Consultant
>Archives & Museums Informatics
>5501 Walnut St., Suite 203           ph. + 1-412-683-9775
>Pittsburgh, PA USA 15232-1455        fax + 1-412-683-7366

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