>From Amalyah Keshet, Israel Museum:
Orphan Works Testimony, House Judiciary Intellectual Property Subcommittee   
March 8

Many thanks to Diane Zorich for bringing this important opportunity for action 
to the attention of MCN President Marla Misunas, and to the MCN Board of 
Directors for signing MCN on as a supporter.  

"Maria Pallante-Hyun, Associate General Counsel and Director of Licensing at 
the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation/Guggenheim Museum (and a frequent MCN 
speaker at IP SIG sessions at MCN conferences), will be presenting important 
testimony on behalf of the cultural heritage community at the House Judiciary 
Intellectual Property Subcommittee hearing on Orphan Works (i.e., works whose 
copyright owner cannot be located).  The hearing is slated for Wednesday, March 
8th, at 2:00 PM on Capital Hill.

Maria and attorneys from many other museums have been spearheading the orphan 
works initiative on behalf of cultural heritage organizations.  This 
opportunity to testify in front of the House Judiciary IP Subcommittee to lay 
out the concerns that cultural organizations have with orphan works legislation 
is very important. Organizations "signing on" to the testimony include AAM, 
ALA, ARTStor, JSTOR and CAA. We want to emphasize that a strong showing of 
consensus for Maria's testimony is critically important for achieving an Orphan 
Works legislative solution that best meets all of our needs."

"The issue of orphan works is of great importance to MCN's constituency.  Our 
members' attempts to make museum collections and archival information 
accessible to the public are often thwarted by their inability to locate 
copyright owners.  They frequently have to keep materials from public 
programming because copyright ownership cannot be determined and their 
institutions cannot assume the risks of potential infringements.

We believe Ms. Pallante-Hyun's testimony crystalizes our concerns and outlines 
a positive and equitable way of addressing the orphan works issue.  
Implementing her suggestions would result in an outpouring of previously 
"off-limits" materials, resulting in untold research and educational 

Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2006 09:19:55 -0500
From: "Diane M. Zorich" <dzor...@mindspring.com>
Subject: IP SIG:  Fwd: RE: Orphan works Testimony

For those true policy wonks out there, Maria Pallante-Hyun's testimony on 
behalf of museums and orphan works legislation can be seen live on March 8 at 

http://judiciary.house.gov/oversight.aspx?ID=22 or 

Diane M. Zorich
113 Gallup Road
Princeton, NJ 08542 USA
Voice: 609-252-1606
Fax: 609-252-1607
Email:  dzor...@mindspring.com

Amalyah Keshet
Head of Image Resources & Copyright Management
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Chair, MCN IP SIG 

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