Join us for ichim01 !

The International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting 2001
"Cultural Heritage and Technologies in the Third Millennium"

        Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
        3-7 September, 2001 (Italy) or (US)

About ichim01

The International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting (ICHIM) is, traditionally, the best international forum in which to examine the relationship between technology and cultural heritage. ICHIM has been held every two years, alternating between North America and Europe. Following successful meetings at Le Louvre in Paris (97), and Washington D.C. (99) our host for ichim01 is the Politecnico di Milano. We expect at least 500 specialists, from museums, cultural organizations, universities, research institutes, technology companies and organizations. Please join us!

The Program

The ichim01 Program includes a full range of papers, presentations, panel discussions and tutorials, including:

* keynote addresses by outstanding experts:
- Maxwell L. Anderson (Director of the New York Whitney Museum of American Art, USA)
        - Sarah Tyacke (Keeper of the Public Records Office, United Kingdom)
- Peter Walsh (Chair of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Art Commission, USA)

* over 100 papers, by professionals and researchers from 24 countries

* panels featuring leading experts from the US and Europe debating issues of culture and technology and offering new visions

* over 30 demonstrations of new technologies and applications

* 26 pre-conference tutorials (20 in English and 6 in Italian) covering a broad spectrum of approaches and state-of- the-art technologies

* engaging social events, held in the most charming places of Milan - the City of Art, Fashion, and Design.


You can register online, or print out a registration form to return by mail or fax.


ichim01 is organized by Archives & Museum Informatics and the Politecnico de Milano, with our thanks to the Honorary Committee and a Program Committee of more than 60 respected professionals from throughout the world.

Conference Co-Chairs
Paolo Paolini,  Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Jennifer Trant,  Archives & Museum Informatics (USA)

Program Co-Chairs
David Bearman,  Archives & Museum Informatics (USA)
Franca Garzotto,  Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

ichim01 is held under the aegis of the Cultural Heritage Ministry of Italy, the European Commission (IST Programme), Fondazione CARIPLO, Camera di Commercio di Milano, Municipality of Milano, the counties of Genova, Milano, Perugia, Roma, Torino, Venezia, the regions Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardia, Puglia, Sicilia, Umbria, Val d'Aosta, Veneto, and the following Milanese museums: Museo alla Scala, Museo Archeologico, Museo Bagatti Valsecchi, Musei Civici Milanesi, Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica, Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Pinacoteca di Brera, Poldi Pezzoli, Triennale.

ichim2001                               Milano, Italy
Archives & Museum Informatics               September 3-7, 2001
2008 Murray Ave, Suite D      
Pittsburgh, PA 15217          

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