To all MCNers going to Boston for

Digits Fugit! MCN's 33rd annual meeting, November 2-5,


There are still seats available for the Boston Duck Tour!

However, seats are limited, so don't miss out, sign up today!

If you didn't reserve your seat on your registration form,

email Susan Rawlyk, Conference Coordinator, at, or call 1-403-288-9394.


These guys can't wait to see MCN delegates and give us the complete

historic and hysterical tour, including a float down the Charles River.


The DUCK will pick us up at the Omni Parker House Hotel

at 3:00 pm Saturday, November 5, and have us back at the

hotel by 5:00 pm.


What a way to close out a fabulous conference!  Join us

and your picture may be on MCN's new website!



Marla Misunas

Vice President/President Elect, Museum Computer Network

Conference Co-Chair, Boston 2005



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