Apologies for cross-postings:  

MDA has announced the launch of its new short training film on 
labelling and marking museum objects. Making Your Mark has been made 
in consultation with museum curators and conservators and illustrates 
up to date labelling and marking techniques as well as containing 
essential health and safety information.    

The film provides close-up demonstrations of techniques for labelling 
and marking different kinds of objects, and addresses the need for a 
clear demonstration of current best practice in this important area. 
Object types discussed in the film include:    

*Natural history specimens; 
*Paper and photographs.  

Nick Poole, MDA Director, commented, "The labelling and marking of 
museum objects is the essential first step in ensuring that they are 
managed effectively. Museum professionals need to know how to mark 
the objects in their care in a way that is non-destructive and 
reversible. This film highlights the importance of labelling and 
making in the context of wider collections management issues."    

Making your Mark was produced by Nick Fishwick, a Cambridge 
University student seconded to MDA through the STEP Programme, a UK- 
wide initiative offering undergraduates project-based work in small 
and medium sized companies. The film has won the regional STEP award 
in a field of over 20 projects in small and medium enterprises 
throughout Cambridgeshire and MDA would like to congratulate Nick on 
the innovative approach he took to the project.    

Making Your Mark  will be shown as part of all MDA documentation 
training courses. It is also available to buy for:    

27.50 UKP for MDA members or 
37.00 UKP for non-members.  

To order a copy, please email ord...@mda.org.uk stating whether you 
require DVD or VHS (PAL) format.  

 Gordon McKenna  e-mail: gor...@mda.org.uk   
 The Spectrum Building, 
 The Michael Young Centre, 
 Purbeck Road          
 Cambridge CB2 2PD, UK
 Tel:    +44 1223 415760
 Fax:    +44 1223 415960  

Setting the standard for managing collections information
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