Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 10:58:23 -0400
From: Jenny Wilker <>
Subject: Scholarly CD-ROM
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Dear Colleagues:

The Allen Memorial Art Museum at Oberlin has just published Masterworks =
for Learning: A College Collection Catalogue, a CD-ROM catalogue of works =
in Oberlin College's Allen Memorial Art Museum, one of the top college =
and university art museums in the country.  Three years in the making, =
this catalogue was produced almost entirely by museum staff in =
collaboration with Oberlin College students, alumni, and faculty.  It =
developed out of our desire to make the collection more accessible--and mo=
re useful--to college students and to our wider international audience as =
well.  The non-profit project was funded by the Andrew W. Mellon =

The scholarly catalogue presents 171 important works of art from the =
entire range of art history in all media, from a Chinese Buddhist stele =
to Andy Warhol's Brillo Boxes.   Although each work is illustrated with a =
larger than screen size image, this publication is much more than an =
imagebase and much more than general audience entertainment.  Each entry =
consists of 500-1000 words of succinct information, a full bibliography, =
and technical data; and may be may be printed out in its entirety for =
further research.  Also provided are glossary definitions of art =
historical terms, artist biographies, contextual material, comparative =
illustrations, and three-dimensional views of sculpture.  The CD-ROM also =
includes a multimedia introduction to museum programs and functions, a =
complete collection database of 10,000 objects, and a history of the =
collection and the buildings that house it.

Masterworks runs on Mac Power PCs ( and Mac 6800s with system 7 or later) =
and Windows 95 systems with thousands of colors capability and at least =
16 MB RAM.

For further information on obtaining Masterworks contact

Jenny Wilker
Publications Editor
Allen Memorial Art Museum
Oberlin College

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