From: "Susan Patterson" <>
To: "mcn-l" <>
Subject: News from the Fall, 1998 MCN Board Meeting
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 13:28:02 -0600
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Here is a summary of the Fall, 1998 Board Meeting -- something of a
momentous one, I think.  I have left the summary in the order in which the
items were addressed in the meeting.  However I draw your attention to two
items in particular which will have a lasting impact on MCN for the
foreseeable future: 1) selection of a new Association Management Company --
Adler Droz, Inc.; and 2) the proposed plan for MCN publications.  Please
read these sections thoroughly and feel free to direct any questions to me
-- -- or any board member.  Thanks for your patience
during this transition period.

Susan Patterson
Secretary to the Board
Museum Computer Network

Museum Computer Network Fall Board Meeting
September 26, 1998
Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel
Santa Monica, CA

Members present: Richard Rinehart, President; Susanne Warren,
President-Elect; David Bridge, Steve Dietz, Robin Dowden, Julie Haifley,
Guy Hermann, Leslie Johnston, Amalyah Keshet, Susan Patterson, 
Greg Spurgeon.

President Rinehart welcomed all members and announced the results of the
recent election. Susanne Warren was named President-Elect; re-elected to 
serve second terms (second and final term through Fall, 2001) were Guy 
Hermann and Susan Patterson. Elected as a first term member
was Sam Quigley (first term through Fall, 2001).   Robin Dowden will
continue as Treasurer; Susan Patterson as Secretary; and Leslie 
Johnston as Membership Chair.

Treasurer's Report

The unaudited financial statements for the Museum Computer Network for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1998 paint the following picture:
1. main checking account balance as of 6/30/98: $148,552
2. unrestricted general fund (accumulation of all prior years revenue over
expenses): $100,439 

While we didn't make money in FY98, we also didn't loose any: ASIS 
reports an excess of $1,914 over expenses.  We made $32,908 from the 
St. Louis conference. Financial reports on the LA conference were not 
available at the time of the board meeting.  As of Sept 23, 1998, ASIS 
reported having received $94,285 in meeting revenue; expenses to that 
date were $16,659.  Leslie estimated a $30,000 profit from MCN'98.

Review of Committees:

>Executive Committee: R. Rinehart, chair, S. Warren, R. Dowden, S.
Patterson, L. Johnston.
>AMC Transition Committee: G. Hermann, chair, S. Patterson, L. Johnston, S.
Warren, R. Rinehart, R. Dowden.  This committee will function through
1999 meeting.
>Membership Committee: L. Johnston, chair, S. Quigley.
>Professional Development: S. Warren, chair, R. Rinehart, S. Dietz
>SIGs:     R. Rinehart reported that the following Special Interest Groups
met during the conference: MIS, Art & Archaeology, California, Internet,
Intellectual Property, Visual Information, Standards.  In accordance with 
the SIG Charter, each SIG will report to the membership a minimum of 
one time each year outlining their activities.
>Planning Committee: G. Hermann moved that the duties of the Planning
Committee be assumed by the Executive Committee and that a separate 
planning committee be dissolved. Seconded by A. Keshet, unanimously 
>The following committees were suspended, pending coordination with the
Development, Marketing, Publications.
>Nominating Committee: (1999) R. Dowden, chair, D. Bridge, L. Johnston, G.

Conference Reports

>1998:     L. Johnston, chair.  Approximately 400 attendees with an
estimated income of $30,000. The Board extended special thanks and 
recognition to Leslie Johnston for her outstanding efforts in administering

the conference.

>1999:     J. Haifley, Program Chair.  The 1999 conference will be held at
the Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel in Philadelphia, PA, October 27-30. 

2000:     Greg Spurgeon will investigate both Victoria and Vancouver on an
upcoming trip to the area. 

Publications Proposal

As an interim measure, Spectra will be published three times in 1999, with
each issue shepherded by a guest content editor.  R. Rinehart will
the first issue on Standards; S. Warren will coordinate the second issue 
on professional development; and S. Dietz will coordinate the third issue 
focusing on "cool apps." 

Steve Dietz presented a publications proposal addressing both electronic
and print options.  In general, publications would fall into four
newsletter and listserv; web site and archives; articles; proceedings. A 
general discussion of the proposal followed with duties and 
deadlines assigned. G. Hermann will be website coordinator until AMC takes
over general managership.

G. Hermann moved that this first portion of the board meeting be adjourned.
L. Johnston, seconded.  All agreed and meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.

Museum Computer Network Fall Board Meeting, continued
September 27, 9:15 am
Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel
Santa Monica, CA

Members present: Richard Rinehart, President; David Bridge, Steve Dietz,
Julie Haifley, Guy Hermann, Leslie Johnston, Amalyah Keshet, 
Sam Quigley, Susan Patterson, Greg Spurgeon.

International Chapters

G. Spurgeon led a discussion concerning the possibility of establishing
international chapters of MCN.  By the Spring Board Meeting, Greg will 
draft a proposal which could be presented to potential chapter organizers. 

Association Management Company (AMC)

G. Hermann described the process which was employed to determine which AMC
to select.  A Request for Qualifications was sent to some 80 association 
management companies, resulting in approximately 30 responses.  Thirteen 
companies were sent MCN's Request for Proposal.  Three respondees were 
selected to be interviewed on September 22.  A straw poll taken at the end
the interviews was unanimous: Adler Droz, Inc. (ADI)  G. Hermann and S.
Patterson visited the offices of ADI, references were called and Fred Droz 
came to the final day of our conference.  A. Keshet moved that MCN pursue 
finalizing a contract for services with ADI; J. Haifley, seconded. 
Unanimous vote.

G. Hermann will work to finalize details of the contract, aiming for a
signed agreement by October 15, with ADI assuming the management 
role January 1. Details of the transition period were discussed and duties 
assigned. After the contract with AD is finalized, MCN will send a
letter to all members announcing the new mangement service, and giving the
specific changes to MCN's mailing address and phone numbers.


>CIMI      G. Hermann will continue as liaison.  R. Rinehart said that the
MCN-named delegate to CIMI projects works well. It was suggested that this
delegate report back to the membership.  Delegates are selected by
a call for participants via mcn-l; recommendation to CIMI and ask for their

>AAM       R. Rinehart will attend affiliate meeting.  Ideas were discussed
about how to maximize MCN presence at AAM meeting.

>NINCH     Rachel Allen has accepted the duty of delegate to NINCH.  She
will report to the board and membership.

DFC       The Intellectual Property SIG discussed the question of MCN
participation in this project but recommends that MCN does not participate 
at present.

G. Spurgeon moved that the meeting be adjourned; A. Keshet seconded; all
agreed. Meeting adjourned at 1:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Patterson
Secretary to the Board of Directors
Museum Computer Network

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