Dear All,  

Details of this year's mda pre-conference workshops can be found on 
our website:  

Workshop topics are:  

1. Collections Level Description
2. Quality Assurance for Museum Web Sites
3. Copyright and Collections
4. Creating Creative Content
5. Writing for the Web  

Workshops 1-4 are whole day, Workshop 5 half-day.  

All workshops take place on Tuesday 9 September and are separate from 
the main conference. They take place at the West Downs Centre, King 
Alfred's College, Winchester, Hampshire, UK and are run concurrently. 

Apologies for cross-posting.  

Gordon McKenna.  

 Gordon McKenna  e-mail:   
 The Spectrum Building,
 The Michael Young Centre 
 Purbeck Road                          Tel:    +44 1223 415760
 Cambridge CB2 2PD, UK        Fax:    +44 1223 415960 
 Supporting the management and use of collections

 Visit our Prototype Portal - Your First Stop for Information 


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