I don't know if this case has come up on MCN before.  Basically, a Russian software company wrote software, intended for sale, that cracks the protection on Adobe's eBook format for digital books.  Apparently the technology for doing so is trivial.  They were prosecuted under the DMCA, but found not guilty today in San Jose, CA.  The long version of the story is at


One key, free-speech-affirming quote follows:

"After much wrangling among attorneys over the definition of the word 'willful,' the judge told jurors that in order to find the company guilty, they must agree that company representatives knew their actions were illegal and intended to violate the law. Merely offering a product that could violate copyrights was not enough to warrant a conviction, the jury instructions said."

Ultimately the jury believed ElcomSoft's story, that they had only intended that the software be used on legally purchased eBooks--I imagine, for fair-use type purposes.

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