Dear Media & Technology and MCN members:

I want to apprise everyone of the deadline dates for proposal submissions
for the 2012 AAM Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 29-May 2:

Deadline date for proposals to go through the SPC Program Committee: *July
15 *

Final date for general submissions: *August 31*

The theme for this year is "Creating Community."

Why is it important to get your submissions in early? Proposals that go
through the SPC Program Committee have a greater shot at being accepted,
because of the assistance you receive by yours truly to fine-tune your
proposal and make it stronger. The process is changing this year, so unlike
in past years when I (and Herminia before me) was able to work with you and
make final adjustments between July 15 until the Program Chairs meeting in
August, I will not be able to help fine-tune your proposal after the July 15
deadline. So PLEASE contact me in advance and tell me your ideas, if you
need someone to present with, or if you need a look-see or an editor to
ensure your program has the best shot it has at being accepted by the
National Program Committee in October.

This year's process:
*now-July 15*: M&T Program Chair (i.e. me) works with interested session
chairs to develop sessions
*July 15-August 3*: ALL SPC programs chairs review ALL submissions (not just
their own SPC) and grades them according to a set of criteria, including
inclusion of international speakers and non-traditional presentation formats
*August 4*: Program Chairs meeting in Washington DC. The top 39 sessions
from all SPC-reviewed proposals are presented for approval by the entire SPC
council. These sessions will be marked as "Endorsed by the SPC Council." One
session from each SPC will be protected as a "nuts and bolts" session
*August 5-31*: Program Chairs can discuss and fine-tune sessions with
session chairs for final SPC endorsement until the August 31 deadline
*October*: Final schedule is determined by National Program Committee

AAM has also said they will be setting up a site for session chairs to flesh
out ideas and look for co-presenters. I'll provide that address when it's

Thank you so much to everyone who presented this year. It was a great
conference and I look forward to hearing from you soon so we can raise the
bar even more for Minneapolis.


~Perian Sully
AAM Media & Technology Program Chair

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