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Register for DPLAfest 2013
October 24-25, 2013 in Boston
Dear all,
Registration has opened for the Digital Public Library of America?s first 
 a two-day series of events that are free and open to the public. Co-hosted 
with the Boston Public Library, Northeastern University's College of Social 
Sciences and Humanities, and the Simmons College Graduate School of Library and 
Information Science (GSLIS), DPLAfest 2013 will include a reception at the 
Boston Public Library on the evening of Thursday, October 24, followed by a 
full day of workshops, discussions, and other hands-on activities at 
Northeastern University and Simmons GSLIS on Friday, October 25.
Registration for DPLAfest 2013 is free and open to all. We invite all those 
interested from the general public, the educational community, public and 
research libraries, cultural organizations, state and local government, the 
creative community, publishers, and private industry to join us. To register, 
please fill out the following form:
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You will receive a confirmation email within 3-5 days upon successful 
submission of your registration. Additional information about the agenda and 
logistics, including how you can express interest in particular workshops 
scheduled for Friday, October 25, will follow shortly. Should you have any 
questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at info at<mailto:info at>.
We are looking forward to what promises to be a wonderful event, and we very 
much hope you can take part!

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