Hi MCN Community,

Since the escalation of the COVD-19 pandemic, digital programming has taken
on new importance and prominence across museums and cultural institutions.
Many organizations have also begun to monetize these digital programs,
through fixed-fees, suggested donations, or including them as membership

With the rise of digital programs, there are many new questions: how many
organizations are monetizing digital programs? What types of virtual
initiatives are bringing in the most revenue? What is the return on
investment for digital programs? And, do organizations plan to continue
these programs after COVID-19 is under control?

In response to these new questions, the Cuseum team is researching revenue
generation through digital programs across the cultural sector.

As trusted colleagues in the cultural space, we invite you to participate
in this research. With your input, we hope to provide a clearer picture of
the state of virtual programming and its future. By completing the survey,
you will be contributing to a valuable resource that will help countless
institutions better understand this ever-changing landscape.

Click here to participate in a short survey related to virtual programming.

This should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and consists
exclusively of multiple choice questions. By completing the research
survey, you will be the first to receive the final report on The Impact of
Virtual Programs on Revenue Generation for Cultural Organizations.

You will also be entered for a chance to win a $100 American Express gift

Thank you very much for your time and response. Please complete the survey
by Friday, January 29th, 2021.

Maddie Taylor
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Marketing & Content Lead | Cuseum <http://cuseum.com>
617-356-8200 x714
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