[MCN-L] BitCurator Users Forum 2019 - Registration Reminder

2019-10-09 Thread Sam Meister
*Spots still available for*
BitCurator Users Forum 2019:
Communities of Practice!!!

You may have been thinking that BitCurator Users Forum 2019: Communities of
Practice <https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/bitcurator-users-forum-2019>
to take place October 24-25 at Yale University is probably sold out at this
point... but guess what???!!!

*As of this moment, there are still 20 registration spots available!*

We have a great program <https://bitcuratorusersforum2019.sched.com/> lined
up with an awesome set of workshops on day one of the event, and an amazing
set of speakers and panels for the second day. Plus, the fall colors in New
England should be really lovely at the end of October!

So don't delay any further, register now at:


Hope to see you in New Haven in October!


Sam Meister
Preservation Communities Manager, Educopia Institute

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Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

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[MCN-L] BitCurator Users Forum 2019 - Registration Open!

2019-08-05 Thread Sam Meister
**Please excuse cross-postings**


On behalf of the BitCurator Consortium Program Committee, I'm pleased to
share some exciting announcements related to the upcoming BitCurator Users
Forum 2019: Communities of Practice
<https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/bitcurator-users-forum-2019> scheduled to
take place October 24-25 at Yale University.

Preliminary Program Live!

We are happy to announce that the preliminary program
<https://bitcuratorusersforum2019.sched.com/> is now available on the
BitCurator Consortium website. Final program details will be available in
August 2019.

The first day of the BitCurator Users Forum 2019 will feature an
"Introduction to Digital Forensics" workshop aimed at practitioners who are
just getting started working with digital forensics tools and methods. This
workshop will include an overview of digital forensics concepts, and will
mostly focus on hands-on exercises and activities. Day One will also
feature workshops on a range of topics from natural language processing
tools, advocating for appraisal, and environmentally sustainable digital
preservation, as well as lightning talk round up at the end of the day. The
second day will feature a mix of panels,  presentations, and a
discussion-based session.

Registration Now Open!

Register for the BitCurator Users Forum 2019 here:

Sponsorship information
We are still seeking additional sponsors for the event, so if you are
interested and would like to learn more please visit the Sponsorship
<https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/buf19-sponsorship> section of the
BitCurator Users Forum 2019 website or contact s...@educopia.org

Sam Meister
Preservation Communities Manager, Educopia Institute

he / him / his
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] Announcing the first MetaArchive Cooperative Newsletter!

2018-11-29 Thread Sam Meister
In celebration of the second annual World Digital Preservation Day
<https://www.dpconline.org/events/world-digital-preservation-day>, the
MetaArchive Cooperative <https://metaarchive.org/> is delighted to announce
and share our first quarterly newsletter
In it, you’ll find a wealth of information on our most recent activities,
including an brief overview of our SuperNode Pilot Project, plus member
snapshots and new publications from community members.

If you’d like to receive future editions of the newsletter and other
community announcements, please be sure to subscribe here
<http://eepurl.com/dPg6df>. For those of you who may not be familiar, the
MetaArchive Cooperative is member-owned and governed community that
operates a geographically distributed digital preservation storage network,
that currently includes 15 secure, closed-access preservation nodes and
more than 200TB of content. More than just a storage solution, MetaArchive
is a community of practice that provides support for members who are
developing local digital preservation workflows, policies, and best

More information about MetaArchive is available here:

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at

We hope to see you on our newsletter list!

Sam Meister
Preservation Communities Manager, Educopia Institute

he / him / his
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] Join the BCC, pay a reduced fee - now through January 31, 2019

2018-11-29 Thread Sam Meister

If your institution has been considering membership in the BitCurator
Consortium <https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/> but hasn’t quite been able
to take the leap due to time or finances, or if your institution is curious
about the community but needs additional context for what membership
entails, you now have the opportunity to join the BCC at a reduced fee and
experience all the benefits of membership (including some new ones)!

You may be thinking, “Well, we don’t regularly use BitCurator, or we are
just getting started working with born-digital materials, so I’m not sure
if BCC membership is for us”. The BCC is so much more than the home for the
BitCurator software environment. It’s a space for practitioners working
with born-digital materials to share knowledge, resources, and
documentation. It’s a place to work together to develop new ideas and
solutions. Even if you are just getting started, the BCC offers a community
of support, a place to connect with people doing the same kind of work in
other institutions, as well as many training resources to assist
practitioners in their work.

And today, in celebration of World Digital Preservation Day,
<https://dpconline.org/events/world-digital-preservation-day> we’re
delighted to kick off a new Winter Membership Special
<https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/winter-membership-special> for the
BitCurator Consortium wherein institutions can join the BCC as full members
at a discounted rate of $500 (a 75% discount off the regular membership
rate!). This membership period will begin in January 2019 and last until
July 2019, providing institutions with a seven-month opportunity to explore
BCC’s treasure trove of educational resources, engage with our network of
engaged professionals, and most importantly, take advantage of a brand new
membership benefit: Born-Digital Workflow Consultation!

As part of this membership special, new members will receive 2-3 hours of
consultation time with BCC staff to assess, evaluate, and produce
recommendations related to their born-digital workflows and infrastructure.
This new membership benefit was created in response to a need that we have
heard articulated both within and beyond our community - that institutions
and their staff need assistance developing and evolving their born-digital
workflows. Through the BCC’s close involvement with the OSSArcFlow
<https://educopia.org/ossarcflow/>research project, we have developed a
process for documenting and evaluating current workflows and we are excited
to bring this approach to the larger community! If you would like to learn
more about Born-Digital Workflow Consultation benefits and other BCC
community resources please register for an upcoming information session on
Friday, December 14th at 12pm ET. See details here

If you’re interested in joining the BCC as part of the Winter Membership
Special, here are the details you need to know:


   Institutions can become a BCC member for only $500

   Membership Special term runs from January to June 30, 2019, with
   opportunity to renew and continue annual membership at regular rate

   Institutions must join by January 31st, 2019

   New members who join as part of the special will receive the
   Born-Digital Workflow Consultation benefit

In addition to the Winter Membership Special benefits listed above, all new
members will also receive access to the full suite of regular BCC
membership benefits, including:


   Discounts for events, including the annual BitCurator Users Forum

   Access to the members-only training resources and documentation

   Access to members-only help desk for technical support

   Prioritized requests for BitCurator feature development

   Opportunities to serve on BCC committees

   Engage with other members on the BCC mailing list

   Voting rights for community governance

   Professional development opportunities

The BCC exists to ensure that the digital forensics community in cultural
heritage institutions continues to thrive in the years to come. If you’re
interested in joining our community and investing in the success and
longevity of digital forensics practices worldwide, please review the
or visit bitcuratorconsortium.org. To take advantage of the membership
special, please submit your membership agreement no later than January 31,

If you have any questions regarding the BCC please feel free to contact Sam
Meister (s...@educopia.org). Also, please sign up here
<http://eepurl.com/defWBz> to receive our quarterly newsletter and
announcements on BCC community happenings!

We hope you’ll bring your expertise to the BitCurator Consortium and help
us shape

[MCN-L] Educopia Announces Publication of Community Cultivation - A Field Guide

2018-11-20 Thread Sam Meister
*Educopia Announces Publication of Community Cultivation - A Field Guide -
What are the characteristics of a healthy, sustainable community?- What are
the most crucial elements a community must attend to in order to thrive?-
What activities can a community undertake in order to strengthen and grow
its core?Issued by the Educopia Institute in November 2018,  Community
Cultivation - A Field Guide (https://educopia.org/cultivation
<https://educopia.org/cultivation>) provides a powerful lens that can
provide both emerging and established communities with ways to understand,
evaluate, and plan their own growth, change, and maturation.The Field Guide
is designed for use by directors, managers, facilitators, governance
bodies, officers, and staff members. It provides mechanisms for assessing,
developing, managing, and sustaining community projects, programs, and
organizational operations. It also offers a snapshot of the tools,
resources, and training modules Educopia regularly uses in its consulting
and community-building work, including templates, workshops, and guides.We
are offering the Field Guide freely in the hope that it will empower more
community facilitators and leaders to invest in the health and
sustainability of their own collaborative networks.For more information
about the Field Guide and how it can be used to improve the viability of a
broad range of library, archives, museum, and publisher communities, please
check out our blog post, "Community Cultivation Revisited"
<https://educopia.org/category/blog/>), or contact kather...@educopia.org

Sam Meister
Preservation Communities Manager, Educopia Institute

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Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

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The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] Question on Digital Curation and Preservation Training

2018-08-29 Thread Sam Meister
*Greetings, We are seeking to better understand the landscape of current
digital curation and preservation training offerings in the library,
archives, and museum fields. We would appreciate any information you have
about your personal experiences with such training. If you have TAKEN or
OFFERED digital curation and preservation training in the last 3-5 years,
please send a quick email with any of the following details to
s...@educopia.org . If you could please send your response
by FRIDAY, September 7th that would be much appreciated.   1. Name of
training offering2. Format (e.g., workshop, webinar, online, graduate
course)3. Your role (trainee, host, trainer)4. Host or trainer (if not you
and if you recall)5. Date you took/hosted/taught this offering (rough dates
are fine)6. Any other details you want to shareThis query is related to the
IMLS funded Sustaining Digital Curation and Preservation Training grant
project. This Educopia Institute <https://educopia.org/> led project is
convening leading continuing education (CE) stakeholders (trainers, hosts,
administrators) from OCLC WebJunction, MIT (Digital Preservation
Management), NEDCC (Digital Directions), LYRASIS, NIU (Digital POWRR),
UNC-CH SILS (DigCCurr, CRADLE MOOC), DPN (DP Workflow), Society of American
Archivists (SAA), Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE) and
the Sustainable Heritage Network (SHN) to engage in multi-stakeholder
scenario planning and to develop a shared vision for expanding and
supporting digital curation and preservation training for libraries,
archives, and museum professionals. If you would like to stay abreast of
project findings, please let us know at: s...@educopia.org
Thank you in advance for participating!*
Best regards,

Sam Meister
Preservation Communities Manager, Educopia Institute
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] BitCurator Users Forum 2018 - Registration Reminder

2018-07-30 Thread Sam Meister
*Hello!With just about 8 weeks to go until the BitCurator Users Forum 2018:
Living on the Edge: Extending Digital Forensics into New Sectors
<https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/buf2018> scheduled to take place
September 13-14 at the UCLA Charles E. Young Research Library we wanted to
send a reminder that registration is open and we’d love to see you in Los
Angeles! Register here:
Program Now Available!We are happy to announce that the final program is
now available on the BitCurator Consortium website.
<https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/buf2018-program>Introduction to Digital
Forensics WorkshopThe first day of the BitCurator Users Forum will feature
an "Introduction to Digital Forensics" workshop aimed at practitioners who
are just getting started working with digital forensics tools and methods.
This workshop will include an overview of digital forensics concepts, and
will mostly focus on hands-on exercises and activities.Let’s-Do-This-a-thon
Sessions Day One will also feature a “Let’s-Do-This-a-thon”--collaborative
working sessions on various topics, hare-brained project ideas, problems,
issues, etc. We have invited submissions for the “Let’s-Do-This-a-thon” in
advance, but will also be providing time at the beginning of Day One for
attendees to self-organize around topics and interests. If you are
interested in submitting an ideas for a session you can still submit those
in advance here
informationFinally, the Program Committee would like to thank our initial
sponsors, Digital Intelligence <http://www.digitalintelligence.com/>,
Digital Library Federation <https://www.diglib.org/>, Digital Revolution
<http://www.digitalrevolution.tv/>, and LYRASIS
<https://www.lyrasis.org/Pages/Main.aspx>, whose generous support has
helped to make the BitCurator Users Forum 2018 event possible. We are still
seeking additional sponsors for the event, so if you are interested and
would like to learn more please visit the Sponsorship
<https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/buf2018-sponsor> section of the website. *


Sam Meister
Preservation Communities Manager, Educopia Institute
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] BitCurator Users Forum 2018 - Registration Now Open!

2018-06-08 Thread Sam Meister
*Hello!On behalf of the BitCurator Consortium Program Committee, I'm
pleased to share some exciting announcements related to the upcoming
BitCurator Users Forum 2018: Living on the Edge: Extending Digital
Forensics into New Sectors <https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/buf2018>
scheduled to take place September 13-14 at the UCLA Charles E. Young
Research Library.Preliminary Program Live!We are happy to announce that the
preliminary program <https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/buf2018-program> is
now available on the BitCurator Consortium website. Final program details
will be available in July 2018. The first day of the BitCurator Users Forum
will feature an "Introduction to Digital Forensics" workshop aimed at
practitioners who are just getting started working with digital forensics
tools and methods. This workshop will include an overview of digital
forensics concepts, and will mostly focus on hands-on exercises and
activities. For attendees looking to dive a little deeper into specific
topics or issues, Day One will also feature a
“Let’s-Do-This-a-thon”--collaborative working sessions on various topics,
hare-brained project ideas, problems, issues, etc. We have invited
submissions for the “Let’s-Do-This-a-thon” in advance, but will also be
providing time at the beginning of Day One for attendees to self-organize
around topics and interests. The second day will include a mix of panels,
presentations, and lightning talks.Registration Now Open!Register for the
BitCurator Users Forum 2018 here:
informationFinally, the Program Committee would like to thank our initial
sponsors, Digital Intelligence <http://www.digitalintelligence.com/>,
Digital Library Federation <https://www.diglib.org/>, Digital Revolution
<http://www.digitalrevolution.tv/>, and LYRASIS
<https://www.lyrasis.org/Pages/Main.aspx>, whose generous support has
helped to make the BitCurator Users Forum 2018 event possible. We are still
seeking additional sponsors for the event, so if you are interested and
would like to learn more please visit the Sponsorship
<https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/buf2018-sponsor> section of the website.*


Sam Meister
Preservation Communities Manager, Educopia Institute
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] Introducing the BitCurator Consortium Quarterly Newsletter!

2018-03-28 Thread Sam Meister
*The BitCurator Consortium <https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/> is delighted
to share our first quarterly newsletter
In it, you’ll find a wealth of information on our most recent activities
and upcoming events - including a CFP for the 2018 BCC Users Forum in Los
Angeles <https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/buf2018-cfp> - plus featured
resources (bulk_extractor webinar with Stanford Libraries, anyone?) and
member spotlights (hey there, Library of Congress!). If you’d like to
receive subsequent editions of the newsletter, please be sure to subscribe
For those of you who may not be familiar, the BitCurator Consortium is a
community of people invested in the success and longevity of digital
forensics practices worldwide. It's a dynamic space where members can share
information about digital forensics tools and techniques, plus build new
skills through extensive training opportunities, workflow documentation,
and conversation. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out
to me at s...@educopia.org . More information about the
consortium is available here: https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/join
<https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/join> We hope to see you on our
newsletter list

Sam Meister
Preservation Communities Manager, Educopia Institute
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] Registration open for new BCC Webinar on the BitCurator NLP project

2018-03-21 Thread Sam Meister
*We are pleased to announce a new BitCurator Consortium webinar on the
BitCurator NLP <https://bitcurator.net/bitcurator-nlp/> project! The
webinar is free and open to the public and will be held on April 20, 2018
at 12pm ET. Please register for the webinar here:
BitCurator NLP project has been developing software for collecting
institutions to extract, analyze, and produce reports on features of
interest in text extracted from born-digital materials. The project is
adapting existing natural language processing (NLP) software to identify
and report on items likely to be relevant to ongoing preservation,
information organization, and access, including entities (e.g. persons,
places, and organizations), potential relationships among entities, and
topic models to provide insight into how concepts are naturally clustered
within the documents. In this webinar current versions of BCA Webtools and
the BitCurator NLP tools will be demonstrated. The webinar will conclude
with a discussion of future directions.The webinar will be led by Cal Lee
and Kam Woods from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School
of Information and Library Science.There are no prerequisites for this
webinar. However, it is designed for users already familiar with the basic
operations of the BitCurator environment. The webinar will be roughly one
hour, including at least 10 minutes for Q&A at the end. The webinar will be
recorded and made available publicly on the BitCurator Consortium website.*

Sam Meister
Preservation Communities Manager, Educopia Institute
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

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The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] BitCurator Users Forum 2018: Call for Proposals Now Open!

2018-03-15 Thread Sam Meister

We invite presentations that address any topic related to digital
forensics. Topics of particular interest include:


   case studies: specific applications of digital forensics in a variety of
   domains - architecture, design, art, manuscripts, organizational records,
   museum collections, corporate archives, digital humanities, investigative
   journalism, personal digital archiving, to name some examples - and with
   different types of materials, such as records, manuscripts, digital art, or
   research data

   access to born-digital materials: how are organizations providing
   access? What description, software, hardware, and policies are used?

   training: teaching and learning in digital preservation, forensics, and
   archives, including advocacy, “in-reach,” and cross-training across roles
   within organizations

   ethical concerns: how privacy and security, donor relations,
   institutional risk tolerance, and other ethical issues affect forensic

   tool integrations: developing workflows that connect multiple digital
   curation systems

   process automation: use of scripting and related methods to support


The BCC Program Committee will review and accept abstracts based on their
relevance to the conference theme and audience; the clarity of description;
and their potential for inspiring discussion, collaboration, and


Submission Deadline: April 20, 2018

Acceptance Notification: May 18, 2018

How to Submit

Submit proposals here

Eligibility & Requirements

We welcome proposals from archivists, librarians, digital forensics
software and systems providers (vendors), scholars, students, and other
individuals working with digital forensics on a regular basis, at both BCC
member institutions and non-member institutions, large and small. We
particularly welcome submissions from organizations and individuals working
outside of the United States, as well as individuals working outside of
academic and special collections libraries.

Presenters must register for and attend the conference. Presenters must
also sign and submit a speaker agreement granting permission to the BCC to
distribute their slides online with a CC-BY license. Some sessions will be
recorded and distributed online, with permission from the presenters. These
presenters will also be asked to sign and submit an agreement granting
permission to the BCC to record presentations and distribute recordings
online with a CC-BY license. Exceptions to the CC-BY license will be
considered on a case-by-case basis.

BitCurator Consortium

The BitCurator Consortium <https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/> (BCC) is an
independent, community-led membership association that serves as the host
and center of administrative, user and community support for the BitCurator
environment. Its purpose is to support the curation of born-digital
materials through the application of open-source digital forensics tools by
institutions responsible for such materials.

The BCC is now welcoming institutions in all sectors and nations to join as
General Members.  Member benefits include:


   Access to the BCC help desk

   Prioritization in future feature and enhancement requests

   Dedicated educational offerings

   Voting rights

   Eligibility to serve on the BCC Executive Council and Committees

   Service opportunities

   Community engagement and networking

   Professional development and training

   Subscription to a dedicated BCC member mailing list

   Special rates for BCC events, including the annual BitCurator User Forum

The BCC exists to ensure that the BitCurator community continues to thrive
in the years to come. Please consider joining this growing community of
practice and international conversation around this emerging set of

For more information, visit bitcuratorconsortium.org

Sam Meister
Preservation Communities Manager, Educopia Institute
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] Save the Date - 2018 BitCurator Users Forum

2018-01-09 Thread Sam Meister

View this email in your browser 

** Save the Date! 2018 BitCurator Users Forum

The BitCurator Consortium (BCC) 
 is very excited to announce that the 2018 BitCurator Users Forum will be held 
September 13-14, 2018, on the campus of BCC member University of California, 
Los Angeles Library. We are delighted to be hosting the BitCurator Users Forum 
on the west coast and look forward to organizing a stimulating and engaging 

Further details regarding registration logistics and a call for proposals will 
be issued in March 2018. In an effort to make the Forum accessible to as many 
people as possible, the BCC is committed to ensuring the registration fees 
associated with the forum are reasonable. Program details, registration, and 
lodging information will soon be available here 
"Floppy disks -- 5.25 
 " by uclalsc 
 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 
About the BitCurator Users Forum

The BitCurator Users Forum brings together representatives from libraries, 
archives, museums, and related information professions engaged in (or 
considering) digital forensics work to acquire, better understand, and make 
available born-digital materials. The two-day forum will balance discussion of 
theory and practice of digital forensics and related digital analysis workflows 
with hands-on activities for users at all levels of experience with the 
BitCurator environment, digital forensics methods in general, and other tools 
for use in digital analysis and curation.

"Charles E. Young Research Library 
 " by afagen 
  is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 

About the UCLA Library

The UCLA Library creates a vibrant nexus of ideas, collections, expertise, and 
spaces in which users illuminate solutions for local and global challenges. We 
constantly evolve to advance UCLA’s research, education, and public service 
mission by empowering and inspiring communities of scholars and learners to 
discover, access, create, share, and preserve knowledge. UCLA is located in 
LA's Westwood neighborhood, 10 miles from LAX and 16 miles from the Bob Hope 
Airport in Burbank. Summary information for travel to campus can be found here 

The BitCurator Users Forum is organized by the BCC’s Program Committee:

Laura Alagna, Northwestern University
Matthew Farrell, Duke University
Sam Meister, Educopia Institute
Shira Peltzman, University of California, Los Angeles
Edson Smith, University of California, Los Angeles
Amy Wickner, University of Maryland, College Park

See you in Los Angeles this fall!

** Twitter 
** Website 

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Educopia Institute . 1230 Peachtree Street, Suite 1900 

[MCN-L] Announcement: Curating the Bits workshop at Museums and Web 2016

2016-02-19 Thread Sam Meister
Are you a museum conservator, curator, archivist working with digital

Are you looking for more skills, knowledge, and tools to help acquire,
process, analyze, and curate the digital materials in your collections?

Then Curating the Bits: Enabling digital curation activities with
BitCurator and BitCurator Access
half-day workshop on April 6, 2016 at the upcoming Museums and the Web 2016
conference is the event for you!

This workshop will provide an introduction to how digital forensics tools
and methods can support a variety of important tasks related to acquiring
and analyzing born-digital materials and data. Workshop participants will
learn about and get experience using BitCurator environment tools that can
assist with various aspects of digital curation, including pre-imaging data
triage; forensic disk imaging; file system analysis and reporting;
identification of private and individually identifying information; and
export of technical and other metadata. Participants will gain a practical
understanding of how to apply these tools in their own institutions and
establish contacts in peer institutions who are undertaking similar work.

Register for the workshop here:


More about BitCurator

The BitCurator environment is an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution that
includes open source and public domain digital forensics tools and unique
reporting mechanisms and user interfaces designed to assist libraries,
archives, and museums with the curation of born-digital materials. Funded
by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the BitCurator project has developed,
packaged, and documented open-source forensics and data analysis tools to
create forensic disk images, analyze files and file systems, extract file
system metadata, identify and redact sensitive information, and identify
and remove duplicate files.

About the BitCurator Consortium

The BitCurator Consortium (BCC) is an independent, community-led membership
association that supports digital forensics practices in libraries,
archives, and museums in order to help ensure the longevity and reliability
of the cultural, scientific, and historical record. Members of the
BitCurator user community founded BCC in 2014 to enhance, promote, and
explore this growing area of professional activity. Member benefits include:


   Access to a BCC help desk

   Prioritization in future enhancement requests

   Dedicated educational offerings


   Voting rights

   Eligibility to serve on the BCC Executive Council and Committees

   Professional development and training opportunities

   Subscription to a dedicated BCC member mailing list

   Special registration rates for BCC events

Some URLs that you might find useful:

BitCurator Consortium website


Documentation related to the BitCurator software environment



Sam Meister
Preservation Communities Manager, Educopia Institute
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