Dear MCN-L Subscribers,

Many of us find MCN-L to be a great source of information essential to our 
daily work, a place to get quick answers to our questions, and a great means of 
keeping up with our ever-changing professional worlds.

As the year draws to a close, we hope you will choose to help support this 
valuable resource. The Museum Computer Network offers MCN-L as a service to our 
entire community. If you find it to be useful, we encourage you to:

* If you are not currently a member, strengthen your connection to MCN by 
becoming one today:
* and/or, donate to MCN any amount you wish at

Your fully tax-deductible donation to MCN - a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit 
organization - will help us continue to provide MCN-L and everything else MCN. 
You'll receive an email receipt for your tax records, plus the satisfaction of 
being an MCN-L supporter!

Thank you for your continuing support of our thriving community,
Douglas Hegley, President, MCN

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