The next ARCS Twitter Chat is scheduled for Tuesday Sept. 6 at 8 pm EST.
We have a “back to school” theme - So You Want to be a Registrar…  Use the
hashtag #ARCSChat to join in.

If you missed any of our previous conversations, edited and annotated
versions can be found on our Storify page: https://storify.com/Arcs4All/

2017 ARCS Conference
We’re pleased to announce that the next ARCS biennial conference will be
held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada, November 1 - 5, 2017.  Stay tuned for more details.

Powerpoints and handouts from the 2013 conference are available to all (
 2015 conference handouts and powerpoints are available to members (

Mentoring program
Interested in being a mentor or mentee to your colleagues?  Apply for the
Registrars and Collections Specialists Mentoring Program (

Academic Registrars Forum
This spring we added a new section to our Forum page, dedicated to Academic
Registrars.  You can find a link to the forum page on –
http://www.arcsinfo.org/forum/.  ARCS member?  Log in.  Not a member? There
will be a prompt to register as a guest – then the forum is available.

Aprons and T-shirts Still Available
A reminder that ARCS T-shirts and aprons are still available with a minimum
donation of $30 for members and $35 for non-members.  Your donation helps
produce programming to benefit ARCS members and the community at large.


Webpage Search Features
Members are able to search the ARCS membership directory by region once
they log into their ARCSInfo.org account.


And anyone (member and non-member) accessing the OnContract directory can
search by geographic region as well.


And finally, a heartfelt thanks to all our supporters, we couldn’t do it
without you!
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