**Renew Your ARCS Membership**
Is your ARCS membership about to expire at the end of the year?  If so, be
sure to renew it to continue to enjoy the many benefits of membership, such
as access to workshops and seminars, networking opportunities, online
forums, resources behind the members firewall, and much more. Visit our
Membership page for more details and to access to our secure online renewal

**#ARCSConf 2017 Stipend Recipient Reviews**
The first 4 reviews of conference sessions from our travel stipend
recipients are now available on our website.

-Rebecca L. Dankert, McNany Art Museum: Lighten Up: Enhancing the Visitor
-Vanessa Delnavaz, Kansas University:  Straight from the Source: Providing
Collections Access for Object Based Research
-Cory Gooch, Fry Art Museum: Separating the Wheat from the Chaff:
Collection Priorities at Christchurch Art Gallery
-Helen Merritt, Horniman Museum and Gardens:  Old Loans: Out of Sight, Out
of Mind

**#ARCSConf 2017 Videos Now Online**
ARCS members can now access the video recordings released by speakers from
last month’s conference in Vancouver.  Make sure you’re signed in to your
ARCS account and find them here: ARCSConf 2017 Presentations.
And a reminder that materials from the Chicago and New Orleans conferences
are available to everyone on our Programs page.

**Courier Training Toolkit**
The Dutch Registrar’s Group has developed a toolkit for couriers, in both
English and Dutch.  Including a training framework, templates, scenario
examples, and a courier questionnaire, this is an invaluable resource for
anyone either working as a courier or managing couriers in their
institution.  Find it under the Information tab on their website.

**#ARCSchat on Storify**
If you missed December’s #ARCSchat on Certificates of Insurance you can
find it on Storify here.

**Important Dates**
Jan. 2, 2018  #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here
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