Hi all,

Please join me for a Webby Talk at the National Museum of Women in the Arts
(Washington, D.C.) on January 10 at 10am. More info below, and if you'd
like to attend, please RSVP through the Google form so I know how many
people to expect (and which room we should meet in). If you have other
museum colleagues in D.C. that would like to attend, feel free to forward
this! Just please note that this is *not a public event*.

Webby Talks is a unique view into the ever-changing landscape of what’s
happening online, designed to provoke and inspire by highlighting some of
the most interesting trends, and innovative work on the Internet. The
presentation runs for 30-45 minutes and is based on research from more than
13,000 entries into last year’s Webby Awards, and a recent survey of 2,000

This year’s Webby Talks theme is *Under the Influence: How the Internet
exploits our thirst for a good fight, and leaves us wanting more*.

National Museum of Women in the Arts

January 10, 10 am


marakurlandsky.com | @mkurlandsky <https://twitter.com/mkurlandsky>
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