Hello all,

Perhaps of interest to any MCN-L subscribers who may be involved in 
computer-human interaction design for kiosks, web, or whatever:

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Call for participation: alt.chi
> Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 15:59:29 -0800
> From: Louise Barkhuus <barkhuus at CS.UCSD.EDU>
> Call for Participation: alt.chi
> Submission deadline: January 8th 2008.
> Alt.chi invites controversial ideas, novel prototypes, failed but  
> valuable user studies, bold experiments, and anything else that can  
> give a fresh perspective on CHI. We invite submissions that explore  
> technical or practical limitations in technologies or methodologies;  
> that introduce promising, although currently non-viable techniques;  
> that critique the current state of the field; and that explore topics  
> outside of current discussion. We particularly welcome topics on CHI  
> 2008's theme, art.science.balance. We invite work that would  
> otherwise not have been presented at CHI 2008, because it is too  
> controversial or outside of the norm.
> alt.chi Review Process:
> The alt.chi 2008 program will be selected through a non-anonymous  
> process, where all submissions and reviews are completely open. There  
> will be an open forum were anyone can register to submit and review,  
> and all submitters are required to take part in the review process.  
> All reviews and submissions will be available to anyone who  
> registers. We want to encourage discussion and debate on what makes a  
> good alt.chi (or regular CHI) submission, what makes a good review,  
> and, ultimately, what makes for a fruitful conference experience.
> See details at: http://www.chi2008.org/alt.chi.html
> Louise Barkhuus and Jofish Kaye, alt.chi co-chairs, 2008
> chi2008-alt at acm.org
>    ---------------------------------------------------------------
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>     mailto:chi-announcements-unsubscribe-request at listserv.acm.org
>    For further details of CHI lists see http://sigchi.org/listserv
>    ---------------------------------------------------------------

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