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New Book > Library Technology Reports > Libraries and the Mobile Web / Cody

ALA TechSource  / 978-0-8389-5830-8  / $43.00

What evidence would provide a good indication that the day had come for your
library to focus concerted efforts on mobile services? If nearly all
Americans owned cell phones? Maybe if a large percentage of those phone
owners demonstrably used their device to access the internet? Perhaps if
smartphone sales began to approach sales of PCs? If major information
service providers were shifting their focus from the desktop to mobile
devices? If the trend turned away from mobile devices mimicking the
functions of desktop computers, and instead desktops began to emulate
mobiles? Maybe if there was evidence that traditional desktop connectivity
wasn?t reaching people who could be reached on their mobile devices?

If so, then that day is today.


Source And Relevant Links Available At




Gerry McKiernan
Science and Technology Librarian
Iowa State University Library
152 Parks

gerrymck at iastate.edu

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