On the Beyond the Printed Page digital publishing blog, I've written a
new post that I thought would be of interest to many of you: "You Are
Here: The Exciting Possibilities of Geolocation in E-Books"

The post explores the idea of creating an e-book that can respond to
its reader's environment and be navigated in real space. For it, I
created a test e-book guide for a few works at the IMA's 100 Acres
sculpture park. The book is in the epub format (an open specification
and the industry's dominant reflowable e-book format) that uses some
simple javascript and the html5 geolocation api to determine a
reader's position and then direct them to specific information for
that location, in real time.

And for those interested in digital publishing in general and not
already following Beyond the Printed Page (or the Bliki as we call it,
http://digitalpublishingbliki.com) I hope you will. It was started by
Liz Neely and Amy Weber-Parkolap at the AIC, and though still in its
infancy, is already full of some great ideas and resources, with much
more to come!


Greg Albers
Hol Art Books
520) 331-2780
twitter: @holartbooks


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