*Spots still available for*
BitCurator Users Forum 2019:
Communities of Practice!!!

You may have been thinking that BitCurator Users Forum 2019: Communities of
Practice <https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/bitcurator-users-forum-2019>
to take place October 24-25 at Yale University is probably sold out at this
point... but guess what???!!!

*As of this moment, there are still 20 registration spots available!*

We have a great program <https://bitcuratorusersforum2019.sched.com/> lined
up with an awesome set of workshops on day one of the event, and an amazing
set of speakers and panels for the second day. Plus, the fall colors in New
England should be really lovely at the end of October!

So don't delay any further, register now at:


Hope to see you in New Haven in October!


Sam Meister
Preservation Communities Manager, Educopia Institute

he / him / his
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