Conference theme
The ‘Provenance of Knowledge’ is a core element of good practice in 
documentation and so is the theme of the next annual CIDOC conference, in 
Heraklion from 29 September to 4 October 2018.
As an essential aspect of documentation, Provenance of Knowledge refers to the 
attempt to trace the origins of the information and knowledge about an object, 
an entity or an idea in order to reconstruct the whole chain of creation, use, 
interpretation and dissemination of relevant information and knowledge. The 
ultimate purpose of this reconstruction is to confirm, illustrate, and validate 
the information and knowledge contained in the documentation in order to 
facilitate understanding across times and cultures. In this way, it contributes 
to scholarly citation in information handling while connecting all the material 
evidence kept in museums and other memory institutions.
The validation of information and knowledge has been greatly helped by the 
increasing use of digital technologies in documentation. However, this 
advancement in documentation has created new difficulties as the abundance of 
the available information makes it difficult to introduce standards and 
processes to model and maintain the development and validity of documented 
The 2018 annual CIDOC conference aims at supporting museums by deepening the 
understanding of documentation as a means of knowledge preservation, 
dissemination and exchange.
We invite you to participate in the conference and to advance relevant 
scientific inquiry. You can enhance our discussions on the harmonization of the 
processes to trace back information by presenting:   
   - Theoretical aspects;
   - User experience;
   - Innovative implementations for the analysis and documentation of 
information and knowledge.
The aim is to give us with new insights into the Provenance of Knowledge. More 
analytically, the conference topics are the below.Conference topics   
   - Object information as historical source
   - Object documentation and archival resources
   - Field research and object documentation
   - Oral tradition and witnessing information in connection with objects
   - Documentation and interdisciplinarity
   - Object documentation and analytical resources
   - Provenance of materials and techniques
   - Documentation for target groups (e.g. special needs)
   - Methods of knowledge verification and documentation of knowledge revision
   - Ethics of provenance of information
   - Provenance of knowledge and preservation of referred sources
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