>could shock memory be replaced with the ability to eliminate silence and
>have a good transition between songs? Like those CD changers that take 5 to
>10 seconds to change disks, can you set them to record some in memory so by
>the time the disk has to change, you could have gapless playing?

Sony megadisk CD changers will do crossfade transitions if you have two
The Sony MDX65 car changer does disc change without interruption (but not
crossfade) using the shock memory.

I'd like to see a crossfade feature that works regardless of whether the
tracks are
on the same disc, different disc in the same changer or different disc in a
different changer.
Given a sufficient amount of RAM, it doesn't look like it would be a big
deal...  In an
ideal implementation, it would be user adjustable, say from a uniform 5
second gap
between tracks to a 5 second overlap.

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