In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11 : 'Al-Qaeda' is a Manufactured Intelligence Front

<>Kawther Salam | June 25 2004

During the past weeks, two American hostages have been killed and 
decapitated in Iraq and in Saudi Arabia. The media say that these crimes 
were comitted by Islamic Terrorists.

I have never read any Islamic Rule in the Koran which allows the 
decapitation of people whether they are Moslems, Christians or Jews, for 
any reason whatsoever.

I have never read an Islamic Rule which states that the killing of hostages 
is allowed. All what I remember that Islam has to say in this matter is 
that somebody who kills a "believer" unlawfully is sanctioned the same as 
if he had killed all the worlds nations. The word "believer" means "anyone 
who believes in God" in this context, not only Muslims.

The Koran states that the place where faith in God is held, and equally 
where the faith in God is broken, is in the heart. The Koran states that 
nobody can read what is in the hearts of others, or judge them as a 
believers or disbelievers. Even if their hearts are cut open, it is not 
possible to know if a person is a believer or not. Knowledge in this matter 
belongs only to God himself. This should be understood as meaning that 
Islam expressly forbids killing for religious reasons.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recommended good treatment for hostages and 
prisoners during the past Islamic wars. He said: "You should not kill an 
old man, a child, or a woman. You should not cut a tree or destroy a 
church...". Murdering and killing is outside of Islamic morals and 
principles, which are inviolable.

Seen from a more secular standpoint, an Arabic proverb says "Nobody can cut 
the head of a person but his Creator". This means again that nobody has the 
right to put an end to anothers life. While Islam expressly forbids 
suicide, it is still more acceptable to put an end to ones own life than to 
kill another person.

What does the word "Al-Qaeda" mean ? In Arabic, "Al-Qaeda" has a different 
meanings, among them "Base", "Ground", "Norm", "Rule", "Fundament", 
"Grammar". The exact meaning is dependent on the context in which it is 
used. It depends on the word which follows "Al-Qaeda" in the sentence. 
"Qawa'ad Askaria" is an Army Base, "Qawa'ad Lugha" stands for Grammar Rules 
(the Bases of Grammar).

"Qa'ada" is the infinitive of the verb "to sit". "Ma-Qa'ad" is a chair. 
"Al-Qaeda" is the base or fundament of something. "Ana raicha Al Qaeda" is 
colloquial for "I'm going to the toilet". A very common and widespread use 
of the word "Al-Qaeda" in different Arab countries in the public language 
is for the toilet bowl. This name comes from the Arabic verb "Qa'ada" which 
mean "to sit", pertinently, on the "Toilet Bowl". In most Arabs homes there 
are two kinds of toilets: "Al-Qaeda" also called the "Hamam Franji" or 
foreign toilet, and "Hamam Arabi" or "Arab toilet" which is a hole in the 
ground. Lest we forget it, the potty used by small children is called "Ma 
Qa'adia" or "Little Qaeda".

Those who founded the glorious "International of Islamic Terror, Al-Qaeda, 
probably knew too little about common use of Arabic language to know that 
by using this name for their organization, they risked becoming the 
laughing stock of everybody who speaks the Arabic "public" language.

To kidnap, torture and execute people are terrorist actions which are in no 
way related to God or to Islam, and these actions are not rewarded by 
paradise as some ignorant Western media figures would like to believe.

The terrorist event of New York 11 September 20001, and the terror event of 
Madrid on 11 March 2004, and other terror events commonly connected to 
Islam, are clearly not related to Islam if we consider that the Al-Qaeda 
terror organization was established by the C.I.A in the 1980s. Al-Qaeda is 
nothing but a conveniently "Islamic" front which enables the C.I.A. to 
commit crimes in the name of Muslims. It is well known that the Mujahadeen 
terrorists of Afghanistan were organized, trained and funded by the C.I.A. 
using the Pakistani ISI as a "cut-out" in order to lure the Soviet Army 
into Afghanistan at the end of 1979. The Mujahedeen can be seen as C.I.A. 
terrorism with an islamic name and "islamic" perpetrators. Afghanistan has, 
for all purposes, been destroyed by these fanatics in furtherance of 
American interests.

The Al-Qaeda terror organization has caused immense damage to Islam, to 
Moslems worldwide and to the interests of the peoples of all Arab and 
Muslim countries. The actions of Al-Qaeda have only served to promote the 
interests of the U.S. and Israel, which are clearly interested in 
"reshaping" the Middle East in such a way that they can more easily rape 
and plunder the region at will.

In fact the C.I.A is using the terrorist actions of its proxy Al-Qaeda in 
order to give the U.S. an excuse to extend their power into and invade the 
Arab countries, first countries with rich plunder (Oil) like Iraq, Iran, 
Saudia Arabia, and second any country which is a "threat" to Israel, or 
more exactly which Israel dislikes for whatever reason. The third objective 
for which the C.I.A. is using its proxy Al-Qaeda is to engender fear and 
hate of Islam and Muslims worldwide. This corresponds to an old and tried 
ploy of colonizers: to slander and denigrate the target population so that 
it is acceptable and even called for to commit genocide against them. The 
peoples of Ireland, Africa and the Americas have all suffered this tragedy, 
and these regions have been colonized. The next obvious victims are Arabs 
and Muslims by extension because they live in geographic areas rich in oil 
and other resources, and because Muslims as a collective are not white 
enough to be respected as full humans by the criminals in London, Washinton 
and Tel Aviv.

The immediate question is then: What purpose is the U.S pursuing in Saudi 
Arabia with the decapitation of Paul Johnson ? Is this crime related to 
their plans in the region in any way, or is it just one more sideshow 
related to the upcoming elections in the U.S. designed to distract the 
american public from some very embarassing information leaks which could 
endanger the reelection of President Bush ? Will there be a new 
decapitation every time something embarassing or dangerous for the Bush 
administration leaks to the media, in the same way as there was a very well 
timed suicide bomber in Israel every time Sharon would have otherwise been 
forced to make peace with the Palestinian side ? In a strange coincidence, 
the murder of Paul Johnson was made public last Thursday or Friday.

The pictures of Johnson's decapitation were widely shown in the mainstream 
media. At the same time, last Thursday, two American officers testified 
before the Commission investigating the 911 crime according to the article 
by Tom Fiocco linked above. This was conveniently ignored by the mainstream 
media. If the 911 Commission had chosen to ask these two officers hard 
questions related to the weirdness of that day, they could probably have 
been found more than just weirdness and chaos. A pertinent question would 
have been: could "Al-Qaeda", without the very opportune "weirdness" around 
the actions of these two officers, been able to kidnap and fly four 
airplanes for hours through the USA, to crash them into buildings in two 
separate cities ? Whatever the answer to this question, the two officers 
named in the linked article, Navy Captain Charles J. Leidig, Jr. and 
Brigadier General Montague Winfield have since been promoted by President 
Bush according to the article of Tom Fiocco.

A strange coincidence around the murder of Paul Johnson is that the Saudi 
Police apparently cooperated with those who abducted him. Why would a 
security service trained by American and British C.I.A. fronts like the 
Vinnell Corporation, cooperate with "Al-Qaeda", their purported enemy ? 
This is the second time during the last weeks that Saudi security forces 
have cooperated with "Al-Qaeda. If this starts happening regularly, it 
would suggest either a very grave instability in the Kingdom or that the 
Saudi security forces are run in accordance with American interests

And, why was the body of Paul Johnson, just like Nicholas Berg before him, 
clothed in an orange Guantanamo-style overall ? Does "Al-Qaeda" go shopping 
at Guantanamo Bay, or is there something else behind this "coincidence" ?

During the second Palestinian Intifada, the Israeli intelligence tried to 
create an "Al-Qaeda" organization in the West Bank and and Gaza using the 
American know-how and experience gained creating Al-Qaeda and Mr. Osama bin 
Ladin. The Israeli Intelligence services were using the damaged 
Palestinians economy to lure in unaware Palestinian youths. They provided 
several Palestinians with machine guns and thousands of dollars to kill 
Israelis under the name of Al-Qaeda. When the game was discovered by the 
Palestinians intelligence, the Israelis scurried away and stopped their 
disgusting "Al-Qaeda" game with Palestinians. Only last week the media 
carried news of an Israeli (not Palestinian) arrested in the Phillipines 
for being a member of "Al-Qaeda"

As an example of how different things can be when the USA wants, in April, 
1992, the airplane of President Arafat made a forced landing in the desert 
during a trip between Lybia and Sudan. He was found almost instantly by 
Israel and America, and brought to safety on the next day. Why is the USA 
not able to find Osama bin Laden in the same way with all the resources 
they have ?

On behalf of my people I would like to say that we deny that the terror 
practices of Al-Qaeda represent Islam and Moslems in any way. We are 
against the instrumentalization of Islam and all Moslems by the C.I.A 
through their front organization Al-Qaeda. This disgusting criminal gang 
has already caused too much death and suffering for innocents of all creeds 
in many lands. We reject the Al-Qaeda announcement to killing innocents 
people under the name of Islam for revenge of the injustices comitted 
against Palestinians. We reject all Al-Qaeda practices as these crimes are 
against humanity. These crimes are all steered from Washington by the 
C.I.A. and they only represent U.S. policy.



-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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