In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The myth of Muslim support for terror

The common enemy is violence and terrorism, not Muslims any more than 
Christians or Jews.

Those who think that Muslim countries and pro-terrorist attitudes go 
hand-in-hand might be shocked by new polling research: Americans are more 
approving of terrorist attacks against civilians than any major Muslim 
country except for Nigeria.

The survey, conducted in December 2006 by the University of Maryland's 
prestigious Program on International Public Attitudes, shows that only 46 
percent of Americans think that "bombing and other attacks intentionally 
aimed at civilians" are "never justified," while 24 percent believe these 
attacks are "often or sometimes justified."

Contrast those numbers with 2006 polling results from the world's 
most-populous Muslim countries – Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and 
Nigeria. Terror Free Tomorrow, the organization I lead, found that 74 
percent of respondents in Indonesia agreed that terrorist attacks are 
"never justified"; in Pakistan, that figure was 86
percent; in Bangladesh, 81 percent.

Do these findings mean that Americans are closet terrorist sympathizers?


Anti-American feelings soar among Muslims, study finds

The War on Terror has radicalised Muslims around the world to unprecedented 
levels of anti-American feeling, according to the largest survey of Muslims 
ever to be conducted.


Islamophobia : Terrorists have ambitions of empire, says Cheney

TERRORISTS' ultimate aim is to establish "a caliphate covering a region 
from Spain, across North Africa, through the Middle East and South Asia, 
all the way to Indonesia -and it wouldn't stop there," the US 
Vice-President, Dick Cheney, warned yesterday.


Ban on Hijab Begins in Somalia- Hijab literally being torn off women's 
heads by  security officers

afrol News, 19 February - Two months after the Islamic Courts Union regime 
was flushed out in the country, the transitional federal government is now 
at the brink of transforming Somalia into a secular state. This action 
begins today as security officers have started removing the hijab or veil 
from women's heads on the streets of major cities in the country.


Islamic artists were 500 years ahead of Western scientists

Islamic artists were exploiting a mathematical principle to decorate 
buildings with complicated patterns of tiles more than 500 years before its 
discovery in the West.


Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War On Iraq - At Least 
655,000 + +

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In 
America'sWar On Iraq 3,154

The U.S. War On Iraq Costs $368,729,960,733 - See the cost in your community


Bush Gang Swore Saddam Was Behind 9/11 In Lawsuit

The judge's decision is proof of the fact that the White House is home to 
the guilty parties who deliberately mislead Americans. His written findings 
document the fraud perpetrated on the country by top administration 
officials in taking the country to war based on the false claim that Saddam 
was involved in 9/11.


Fallujans Defiant Amidst Chaos

Resistance attacks against U.S. forces have been continuing in Fallujah despite
military onslaughts and strong security measures


North Of Baghdad, War Getting Worse

More Attacks, Less Troops In Diyala Province As Military Focuses On Baghdad 


Violating Iraqi Women

...Next week, MADRE , an international women’s human rights organization, 
will release a report that documents the widespread use of rape and other 
forms of torture against female detainees in Iraq by U.S. and Iraqi forces. 
The report includes testimonies collected by the Organization of Women’s 
Freedom in Iraq (OWFI) of numerous rape survivors. Since November 2005, 
OWFI has conducted a Women’s Prison Watch project and has found that 
"torture and rape are common procedure of investigation in police stations 
run by the militias affiliated with the government, mostly the Mahdi and 
Badr militias," according to their summer 2006 report. These are the same 
sectarian Shiite militias that have been prosecuting Iraq’s civil war, the 
same militias that stepped into the power vacuum created by the U.S. 
overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003 and the same militias that have been 
systematically attacking Iraqi women in their bid to establish an Islamist 
theocracy (...) By 2005, the U.S. was actively aiding the militias. As the 
"cakewalk" envisioned by U.S. war planners quickly devolved into the 
quagmire is the Iraq War, the U.S. began to cultivate Shiite militias to 
help battle the Sunni-led insurgency. According to Newsweek, the plan was 
dubbed the "Salvador Option," recalling the use of militias by the U.S. to 
bolster right-wing regimes in 1980s Central America. Today, the Mahdi Army 
controls the police forces of Baghdad and Basra , Iraq’s two largest 
cities. The Badr Brigade is headquartered in Iraq’s Ministry of Interior, 
which directs the country’s police, intelligence and paramilitary units...


Rape accusations split Iraqi government

Accusations that Iraqi policemen taking part in a new security operation in 
Baghdad raped a young Sunni woman opened sectarian splits in the government.

The woman said three policemen took turns to rape her on Sunday at a police 
facility in Baghdad where she was falsely held for supporting fighters.


Iraqi War Refugees: Millions of Iraqis Flee The Violence

The United Nations is warning that the violence in Iraq is leading to a 
disastrous refugee crisis in the Middle East. Out of a population of 26 
million, nearly two million Iraqis are internally displaced and another two 
million have fled abroad, according to recent UN estimates


No such thing as victory in Iraq, says Nelson

IRAQ will remain beset by sectarian violence and terrorism even after 
coalition forces leave it, Defence Minister Brendan Nelson has warned.


Two Katyusha missiles target al Adhamiya district

Our Haq correspondent in the residential Adhamiya reported that this 
neighborhood was subjected to two shellings from Katyushas which led to the 
injury of several civilians including women and children. Eyewitnesses 
report that the two missiles fell in Street 20 which led to the fleeing 
away of several inhabitants most of them children and to serious damage to 
two houses. Furthermore at dawn, the Iraqi and American forces raided the 
Royal Cemetery in a barbaric way...
Haq Agency,


The Jaysh al Mahdi militia kidnap and kill the son of a Muezzin fom the Um 
al Qaree Mosque in Baghdad

Our correspondent in Baghdad reported that the Safavid Jaysh al Mahdi militias
has returned today to attack sunni homes in the Amil district. Our 
correspondent adds that eyewitnesses confirm that the criminal Jaysh al 
Mahdi militias targeted with the help and support of the Maghawir brigades 
from the Ministry of Interior and the Iraqi police, several houses near the 
Waraqa school for girls. This led to the inhabitants resisting back and 
containing this attack. The al Amil district is supposedly under the new 
security plan, yet it is still subjected to continuous attacks by the Jaysh 
Al Mahdi militias who roam freely in the streets doing what they please. 
Furthermore in al Baya'a district, two bodies of sunni civilian victims 
were found bearing severe signs of torture and gun shots in the head.


The retreat from Basra

  "They promised us freedom and now we find ourselves like slaves: no 
rights, no homes, no freedom, no democracy, and not enough strength to say 
a word." Like many Sunni she believed the US had deliberately fomented 
sectarian hatred in Iraq to keep control of the country.


Revealed: The true extent of Britain's failure in Basrat

The partial British military withdrawal from southern Iraq announced by 
Tony Blair this week follows political and military failure, and is not 
because of any improvement in local security, say specialists on Iraq.

In a comment entitled "The British Defeat in Iraq" the pre-eminent American 
analyst on Iraq, Anthony Cordesman of the Centre for Strategic and 
International Studies, in Washington, asserts that British forces lost 
control of the situation in and around Basra by the second half of 2005.


Nation-building, Resource Manipulation and Zionist Skullduggery

Though the US war on Iraq has been a disaster for nearly everyone, the 
Israelis have benefited in three distinct ways:


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 22 February 2007

    * US aerial attacks on ar-Ramadi civilian districts continue Thursday 
night with "dozens" more dead reported in American drive to "cleanse" the 
city. Earlier, savage US air raids killed 26 residents of ar-Ramadi, 18 of 
them women and children during Wednesday-Thursday night.
    * US air raids kill 26 residents of ar-Ramadi, 18 of them women and 
    * US troops shoot, kill Iraqi woman after she stabs US Marine who tried 
to enter her home when she was alone with her small children in al-Hadithah.
    * Puppet police in Hit take over two schools, one family home to turn 
them into puppet police stations.
    * Resistance bombards puppet army camp with rockets late Wednesday night.
    * Resistance bomb disables Humvee in at-Taji Thursday morning.
    * Resistance bombing in eastern Baghdad Thursday morning leaves three 
US troops reported dead.
    * Resistance bomb destroys US Humvee Thursday morning.
    * Resistance bomb leaves three US troops dead in western Baghdad 
Wednesday afternoon.
    * Resistance blasts US base near at-Tarimiyah with mortars at dawn 
    * US soldier reported killed in al-Khalis Thursday afternoon. 
Resistance fighter wounds puppet soldier in al-Khalis.
    * US encircles Buhriz after Resistance shoots down US helicopter 
Thursday morning, reportedly killing two crewmen.
    * Resistance fighters ambush puppet "National Guards" in al-Miqdadiyah 
at noon Thursday.
    * Four US troops reported killed in bomb attack on US vehicle in 
al-Miqdadiyah Thursday morning.
    * Four US Marines reported killed by Iraqi Resistance, US soldier kills 
Iraqi school girl in bloody day in Ba'qubah Thursday.
    * Resistance bombs damage two US Bradley armored vehicles near Ba'qubah 
    * Resistance bombards US base in al-Hillah Wednesday night.
    * Puppet troops block entrance to at-Ta’mim province as effort to drive 
Sunni Arabs out of oil-rich Kirkuk accelerates.
    * Rockets, mortars pound British facilities in al-Basrah area.


  Mass murder of Afghan women & children

International Laws exist to preserve the happiness, safety and lives of 
everyone on the Planet. Those who step outside the Law are criminals. Those 
who step outside International Law and in doing so kill huge numbers of 
innocent people must unequivocally be described as mass murderers and 
Americans who do so are subject to the death penalty under US Federal Law.

MWC News Editor Shahram Vahdany alerted me to the latest estimates of 
horrendous Maternal Mortality in US-occupied Afghanistan (see MWC News ) 
and I have responded to this horrifying report with the following carefully 
documented analysis. Based on the latest UNICEF data (unlike in Orwell’s 
“1984?, 2 plus 2 still equals 4 in much of the World) Bush Amerika has been 
involved for over 5 years in the mass murder of 145,000 Afghan women 
perinatally, 1.4 million Afghan females in total and 2.0 million under-5 
year old Afghan infants as documented below in relation to (a) UNICEF 
demographic and mortality data and (b) International Law and moral culpability.


U.N. Commissioned Report Compares Israel to Apartheid in South Africa

An independent report commissioned by the United Nations compares Israel's 
actions in the West Bank and Gaza to apartheid South Africa — charges that 
drew angry rebukes from Israel and may revive charges that the U.N. Human 
Rights Council is biased against the Jewish state.


Apartheid looks like this

Jonathan Cook joins a watchdog group on duty in the West Bank, documenting 
abuses and numberless humiliations that characterise the daily life of 
ordinary Palestinians under occupation


Occupied Gaza like apartheid South Africa, says UN report

Officials inspect the damage to the Palestinian interior ministry building 
following Israeli air strikes on Gaza city.

A UN human rights investigator has likened Israel's occupation of the 
Palestinian territories to apartheid South Africa and says there should be 
"serious consideration" over bringing the occupation to the international 
court of justice.,,2019547,00.html

Read the UN report (pdf)


Arabs say Israel is not just for Jews

A broadly representative elite of Israel's Arab minority has rejected the 
idea of Israel as a Jewish state and demanded a partnership in governing 
the country to ensure that Arab citizens get equal treatment and more 
control over their communities.


'A Very Long and Very Bloody War'

In contrast to Bush administration pronouncements that America's enemies 
despise our way of life, Scheuer says bin Laden has been quite clear that 
he is opposed to policies of the United States, not its character.


Asia no longer in awe of US superpower

Times Asia Editor looks at how Dick Cheney's visit has displayed a new mood 
in the region


Poker, Prostitutes and Bribes : Did Corruption Force CIA Boss To Quit?

Video BBC - Newsnight's Peter Marshall has been investigating the reasons 
behind the resignation of former CIA chief, Porter Goss.


46 of 49 Nations OK Ban on Cluster Bombs (& who voted NO in US Senate)

The bill was " To protect civilian lives from unexploded cluster 
munitions." In Sept. 2006, after Israel had dropped a million cluster bombs 
on Lebanon.

Voting Nope, don't protect civilians were:
    * Senator Hillary Clinton
    * Senator Joseph Biden
    * Senator Bayh
    * Senator Dodd
    * Senator Inouye
    * Senator Landrieu
    * Senator Lautenberg
    * Senator Lieberman
    * Senator Lincoln
    * Senator Schumer
    * Senator Rockefeller
    * Senator Nelson
    * Senator Nelson
    * Senator Pryor
    * Senator Salazar

All the other Democrats, including Kerry and Obama voted FOR the resolution.
All the Republicans voted against it with the Democrats listed above.,,-6435402,00.html


All candidates are pro-Israel

All the hopefuls for the office of the president have put the interest of 
Israel ahead of the best interest and security of the United States. Why?


Global capitalism now has no serious rivals. But it could destroy itself

Marx thought capitalism would have a problem finding consumers for the 
goods that improving techniques of production enabled it to churn out. 
Instead, it has become expert in a new branch of manufacturing: the 
manufacture of desires.,,2018451,00.html


-muslim voice-

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