In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War On Iraq - At Least 
655,000 + +

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In 
America'sWar On Iraq 3,155

The U.S. War On Iraq Costs $369,480,130,242 - See the cost in your community


Anti-Terrorism Act sections likely to die: Without parliamentary approval 
to renew, the provisions will automatically expire on Thursday.

OTTAWA ­ Prime Minister Stephen Harper offered an 11th-hour compromise 
Monday to salvage two controversial weapons in the government's 
anti-terrorism arsenal.

And his justice minister, Rob Nicholson, said he's open to other possible 
compromises. But the Liberals dismissed all the gestures as too little, too 


Takbeer, Allahu  Akbar! Islamic Society of Boston Wins Major Court Ruling 
on February 23rd

The Islamic Society of Boston is pleased to announce that a Massachusetts 
superior court judge has ruled that the lawsuit brought against the Islamic 
Society of Boston, the Boston Redevelopment Authority and the Roxbury 
Community College is without merit and has been dismissed. The Court ruled 
that the lawsuit was improperly brought by the plaintiff James Policastro 
and stated that if Mr. Policastro had any legitimate issue with the 
project, he should have participated in the multi-year public process which 
led to the project's approval.


Muslim girl ejected from tournament for wearing hijab

Five young teams from across Canada walked out of a Quebec soccer 
tournament Sunday because a young Muslim girl was ejected for wearing a hijab.

See also:


So, who is the terrorist?

israeli_terrorist_forcesOver 5,000 Palestinians killed by the Israeli army 
since 2000. Since the outbreak of the second Palestinian Intifada in 
September 2000, until late January 2007, the Israeli army has killed 5,050 
Palestinian men, women and children, wounded 49,760 others and detained 
10,4000 others.

351 Palestinian women have been killed, 150 patients have died at 
checkpoints and 66 others have been killed due to beating by Israeli 
settlers. 36 medical staff have been killed, 9 members of the press, and 
220 sportsmen.


Whose Rights?

It is widely believed in the Western world that respect for civil and 
political liberties is more highly advanced in the United States and among 
countries of the Anglo-American orbit than it is anywhere else. The idea is 
so deeply ingrained that even egregious abuses of human rights by the US 
government (most recently in connection with the "war on terror") are 
insufficient to discredit the fiction among US citizens that their 
government is the world’s principal human rights champion. While the US 
government has been criticized by such human rights organizations as Human 
Rights Watch and Amnesty International, the criticisms have been made in 
the context of concern that the US is squandering its human rights moral 
authority – criticism that serves to reinforce the dogma, not challenge it.


Iraqis are People, too

After spending two heart wrenching hours listening to two Iraqi gentlemen, 
one an educator, one a scientist, giving agonizing testimony about what is 
really going on in Iraq (outside the Green Zone), in Istanbul, I returned 
to my nearby hotel room and read something from the AP that tore my heart 
apart even further.


Hypocrisy in The Middle East

The tired assertion that America "supports democracy" in the Middle East is 
increasingly transparent. It was false 50 years ago, when we supported and 
funded the hated Shah of Iran to prevent nationalization of Iranian oil, 
and it’s false today when we back an unelected military dictator in 
Pakistan- just to name two examples.


American Plutocracy and the war on Workers

As we look to the democrats in Congress to end the occupation of Iraq and 
to divert another impending disaster in Iran, we must recognize that, like 
the commercial media, these people are working for the Plutocracy, not for 
the public good.


Bush Revenge

I was talking with some foreign journalists about the situation in Iraq and 
the reasons behind the US invasion to Iraq, one of the British journalist 
told me that the real reason of the war was Bush, the son, desire to 
revenge for his father.

I looked at the man and really could not believe what he had said, I was 
completely shocked of his speech.

Is it believable that that journalist believe in such thing and if it is 
true, is it believable that the president of the supreme state in the world 
belives in revenge?


'Exodus' of Iraq's ancient minorities

Iraq's minorities, some of the oldest communities in the world, are being 
driven from the country by a wave of violence against them because they are 
identified with the occupation and easy targets for kidnappers and death 
squads. A "huge exodus" is now taking place, according to a report by 
Minority Rights Group International.


Occupation killed a family of seven members in Iraq

Reported on Qudspress, an Iraqi ambulance man, reported that US military 
killed a family of seven people with their taxi driver, in their way to 
leave Iraq for Jordan.

The eyewitness Ahmed Khalaf Aljoaani said:

American forces opened fire on the car "GMC" with a family in it, a father, 
the mother and five children and the taxi driver in their way to Jordan to 
escape the deteriorating situation, all killed.

The American forces blocked the area of the incident, which was on the 
international highway,  near Al-Qaim city for an hour, re-opening after the 
removal of the bodies, and prevented  two photo-journalists from 
photographing the accident.


Egypt closes satellite TV feed from private Iraqi channel that supports 
Sunni insurgents

CAIRO, Egypt: Egypt has stopped the transmission by its TV satellite of 
Al-Zawraa, a private Iraqi channel whose propaganda on behalf of the Sunni 
insurgency had drawn fire from the U.S. and Iraqi governments, an 
Information Ministry official said Monday.


Heads of ‘death squads’ escape punishment

The current security plan in which tens of thousands of U.S. and Iraqi 
troops are involved to pacify Baghdad was thought to target members and 
leaders of death squads.


Democrats reinforce "war on terrorism" lie

In another display of true colors, the Democrats are considering 
legislation to limit the Bush administration's war powers in Iraq to 
"fighting Al-Qaeda."?

This deception clearly demonstrates, once again, that the Democrats are 
politically and morally bankrupt -- and every bit as enthusiastic as the 
Bush administration in spreading the endless "war on terrorism" conquest to 
every corner of the world.


How Democrats are Buying the Iraq War

Last week, members of the Smedley Butler Brigade of Veterans for Peace 
organized an office occupation of Representative Ed Markey's office in 


'Mercenaries' to fill Iraq troop gap

MINISTERS are negotiating multi-million-pound contracts with private 
security firms to cover some of the gaps created by British troop withdrawals.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 25 February 2007

    * US troops blow up ‘Anah Post Office with no explanation before the 
eyes of astonished local residents.
    * Mortar shells of unknown origin slam into al-Fallujah street midday 
    * Resistance bomb in as-Saqlawiyah leaves three US troops reported dead.
    * Resistance marksman kills puppet soldier in al-Fallujah.
    * US troops arrest, terrorize three local men in al-Fallujah Saturday 
    * Mysterious bomb explodes near al-Mustansiriyah University college 
killing, wounding dozens.
    * Resistance fighters shoot down unmanned US spy plane over western 
Baghdad Sunday afternoon.
    * Car bomb targets Iranian embassy guards in Baghdad’s as-Salihiyah 
    * Two US troops reported killed in “huge explosion” in northern Baghdad.
    * US troops raid house in al-Mawsil, kill two brothers on Saturday.
    * US to return cell phone service to ar-Ramadi in hopes local will use 
it to report Resistance activity.
    * “Maybe drunk or just having fun,” US sniper kills Iraqi civilian in Hit.
    * Resistance bomb kills puppet policeman in al-Miqdadiyah. Resistance 
bomb targets puppet troops in al-Miqdadiyah.
    * Ba‘qubah , Resistance fighters assault puppet police checkpoint 
Saturday afternoon.
    * Resistance bomb wounds two puppet policemen in al-Mawsil Sunday morning.
    * Puppet policeman killed in al-Mawsil. US troops raid house in 
al-Mawsil, kill two brothers on Saturday.
    * Tall ‘Afar, Two puppet policemen wounded in Sunday Resistance ambush.
    * Bomb wounds British troops just north of al-Basrah.


13 Years of Lesson after Al-Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre - A Memorial History 
for the 29 Palestinian Martyrs

The dawn of Friday 15 Ramadan 1414 a.h. / 25 February 1994 marked the first 
of three massacres perpetrated by Israeli settlers accompanied by the 
Israeli Army. There were more than 30 martyrs and 270 injured. The main 
massacre toke place while the victims were performing al- Fajr (Dawn) 
Prayer at Al Ibrahimi mosque.


Olmert tells defense heads to prepare for war with Syria

The cabinet heard intelligence assessments from the Mossad, the Shin Bet 
(Israel Security Agency), Military Intelligence, the National Security 
Council and the Foreign Ministry.


Palestinian killed as Israel occupation forces reinvade Nablus

Shops and schools remained closed Monday, when Israeli soldiers shot dead a 
42-year-old Palestinian noncombatant and injured his son in their home 
during a large-scale search-and-arrest operation.,5


Suicide bomber kills police officer in occupied Afghanistan

A suicide attacker blew himself up near a police station in southeastern 
Afghanistan on Monday, killing a police officer and wounding another, an 
official said.


9/11 : TV cameraman among detainees at Guantanamo

NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba -- A TV cameraman is getting an inside view 
of life at Guantanamo Bay prison, only he is unable to get out and tell the 

Sami al-Hajj, of the Al Jazeera TV network, was stopped at the Afghanistan 
border by Pakistani authorities in December 2001, turned over to U.S. 
forces and hauled in chains six months later to Guantanamo, where about 390 
men are held on suspicion of links to al Qaeda or the Taliban.


U.S. Severe Poverty Rate at Highest in Three Decades

The percentage of poor Americans who are living in severe poverty has 
reached a 32-year high as the gulf between the nation's "haves" and 
"have-nots" continues to widen.


16 Million Americans Now in Deep Poverty- Poorest City Is Washington, D.C 
With 10.8% Being Severely Poor

(CBS4) WASHINGTON The percentage of poor Americans who are living in severe 
poverty is the highest in thirty years, in which millions of working 
Americans are falling closer to the poverty line, and the gulf between this 
country’s ''haves'' and ''have-nots'' gets wider.


-muslim voice-

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