Tidak semua orang Malaysia memandang rendah Indonesia. Berikut saya 
copy paste kan blog seorang Malaysia yang sempat tinggal di Jakarta. 
Ia bahkan menganggap orang Indonesia cukup hebat di banyak bidang 
dibanding Malaysia.

Exporting Creativity, Not Just Labour 

I'm writing this from Jakarta where I am visiting my in-laws for the 
holidays. It hasn't been a good week in Indonesia what with a ship 
that sank in high seas and 400 people still missing, then the AdamAir 
crash on New Year's Day.Plus ongoing floods in Aceh, which hasn't 
fully recovered from the tsunami, and the horrible horrible mud flood 
engulfing villages in Sidoardjo, East Java. If you haven't heard 
about this, this is truly corporate greed gone very wrong. A company 
Lapindo Brantas Inc was drilling in the area for gas and somehow 
caused hot mud and gas to spew out and it's been spewing out 
unceasingly since June. By December it had left 10,000 people 
homeless and no end in sight. The government is demanding 
US$420million in compensation but there are concerns that this might 
not be enough. Check out 

I truly don't spend enough time here, as my hubby will attest, but 
every time I do, it strikes me how similar and different our two 
countries, Malaysia and Indonesia, are. For one thing, we definitely 
don't speak the same language. After 8 years I am finally beginning 
to get the hang of 'Jakartan', in that I'm beginning to understand 
the slang and am getting some of the inflections. It's a bit strange 
to listen to myself sometimes.Still people tend to think I'm really 
quiet here because I'm too shy to speak Malay for fear of being 
misunderstood ( or worse, being laughed at) and feel silly speaking 
English when we're supposed to be 'serumpun'.

Language apart, we also have very different mindsets about many 
things. As much as we like to think of Indonesia as not being as 
developed as us, and only a nation of maids and labourers, many 
Indonesians are certainly much more culturally sophisticated than any 
of us. You just have to read Geonawan Mohamad's writings, beautiful 
in English, breathtaking in Indonesian. He's just done an opera 
libretto called The King's Witch with a musical score by Tony 
Prabowo, performed by musicians from the US here in Jakarta. 
Indonesian musicians, dancers, costumers and crew travelled all over 
the world with the renowned impresario Robert Wilson to perform the 
epic I La Galligo, based on an ancient Javanese legend. Last night at 
a friend's house I saw a book on Indonesian exports. The interesting 
thing is that they did not limit it to just furniture, batik and 
handicrafts, they included architects, musicians, film-makers, 
artists and cartoonists, because " these days creativity is 
exportable". I've never heard a single government official in 
Malaysia say that!!! Is that because they don't think so, they've 
never thought of it or we don't have any exportable creativity here?

Today I read in the papers that as many as 158 (and counting) film 
industry people are returning their Citras (the Indon equivalent of 
Oscars) in protest against the last Indonesian Film Festival in 2006 
because they awarded the Best Film Award to a movie that stole the 
copyright of some songs. They are also demanding some changes in the 
way the film industry is run by their equivalent of FINAS to better 
promote the industry. This includes changing the Film Censor Board 
into a Film Classification Board (although I must say that their 
Censor Board is nothing like the paranoid lot at ours, the final kiss 
in Ada Apa dengan Cinta being a case in point). Can you imagine this 
happening in our country?

Ostensibly Indonesians are mostly Muslims. But even while they are 
getting ever more conservative, many Indonesians have a much more 
open attitude than we do about many things. They don't obssess about 
eating halal food like we do when they are abroad. They are used to 
having friends of all religions, sometimes even relatives of all 
religions. They are not afraid to debate religious issues at all. 
Recently there was a demo led by Ibu Sinta Nuriyah, wife of former 
President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), against polygamy!!! Gus Dur is 
of course head of the 40-million strong Nadhatul Ulama so both he and 
his wife are very influential . And they've both been consistently 
progressive on many issues affecting Indonesian Muslims. (So, ok, he 
was a lousy President. Which may mean that religious leaders don't 
necessarily make good administrators. But Indonesia has been dealt 
pretty bad deals, leaderwise.)

Not to say that everything is OK here. The club down the street from 
where I stay got raided by vigilantes and have since shut down. We 
are surrounded by three mosques with extremely tone-deaf bilals who 
insist on high-decibel azan competitions with one another, even at 
4.30am. How this converts anyone, I don't know. 

State schools here suck. They're overcrowded, underfunded and provide 
low quality teaching. Violence between students of different schools 
is rife. Yet they have some good private schools. My stepson went to 
an Islamic private school where he received an excellent education, 
including a very progressive brand of Islam. One year he wrote, 
produced and acted in a play which featured Jesus Christ and the 
parents, all Muslims, came and loyally supported their kids. I can't 
imagine that happening in Malaysia, where schools would never even 
dream of giving students that leeway.

While we think of ourselves as diverse, we don't have nearly as much 
diversity as Indonesia. They may all look the same to us, but to 
them, Indonesians throughout the 17000 islands are all different with 
different languages, cultures, histories, religions, even looks. They 
can tell just by the name where a person comes from, whereas we can't 
tell a Kelantanese from a Johorian on paper, unless they start 
talking. My son's name, Haga Tara, actually comes from two different 
languages, both meaning light or star. So as similar as we may think 
ourselves with Indonesians, we really are not.

Until I started coming here regularly about a decade ago, I really 
knew nothing about Indonesia. Most of us probably know very little or 
almost nothing about our neighbouring countries at all. Likewise, 
it's amazing what stereotypes Indonesians have about us Malaysians - 
that we are very conservative and snobby towards them. I wonder 
sometimes how much miscommunication we have between us, just because 
we assume our cultures and mindsets are the same.


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