AFL-CIO Unveils 'Jaw-Dropping' Case Studies of CEO Pay and Rigged
     Deals in New Executive Paywatch Website
     - Apr 11, 2005 05:45 PM (PR Newswire)

Launches Campaign to Curb Runaway CEO Pay

WASHINGTON, April 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Excessive CEO pay enriches 
corporate executives at the expense of working families' retirement 
savings, according to the new Executive Paywatch website, , unveiled by the AFL-CIO today. As part of a 
growing movement to reform executive pay, the website provides case 
studies on companies that rewarded CEOs with huge pay packages last 
year. It gives visitors tools to pressure companies to reform out of 
control CEO pay.

According to the New York Times, average CEO pay increased 12 percent 
in 2004 while the pay of average workers increased just 3.6 percent. 
Last year, the average CEO of a major corporation received $9.84 
million in total compensation.



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