Boost to provide familiar ring

By Eric Convey/ Inspecting Gadgets
Monday, April 11, 2005 - Updated: 09:26 AM EST

    In the mobile telephone market, there's probably no major company 
more clearly aligned with a specific segment than Nextel 
Communications with business customers.
    When's the last time you saw a 14-year-old using his Nextel's 
walkie-talkie mode to check in with a buddy?
    Nextel has done a lot of things well, but the company is not 
broadly associated with the consumer market. That could all change, 
though, with a new-to-Boston service called Boost.
    Boost is Nextel's bid to reach not just individual consumers, 
but those who use pre-paid phones. That generally means those who are 
young and have not established extensive credit histories.
    That means the telltale walkie-talkie beep-beep could soon be 
coming to a shopping mall near you.
    At the core of Boost is a $100 mobile phone, the i285.


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