For Some Netflix Users,
Red Envelopes Gather Dust

July 18, 2006

Having grown up in a religious family that seldom went to movies, 
David Morrison didn't see a film in the theater until his early 20s. 
So when the Greensboro, N.C., resident heard about the DVD-by-mail 
rental service Netflix, he figured he could use it to watch great 
films he may have missed.

When he first joined, he packed his Netflix queue -- a member's 
running list of rental requests -- with diverse films. He watched 
Robert Flaherty's 1922 documentary "Nanook of the North," which 
follows an Inuit man's struggle to survive in the Arctic; Roman 
Polanski's 1974 detective film, "Chinatown"; and Sofia Coppola's 2000 
teenage suicide drama "The Virgin Suicides."

But soon, his excitement over the arrival of the bright red Netflix 
envelopes began to ebb. And the DVDs began to collect, unwatched, on 
his coffee table. "They were just coming to my house, sitting around 
and I was sending them back," said Mr. Morrison, 37, who cancelled 
his subscription after a few months.

Netflix Inc., which boasts nearly five million members, often 
trumpets how its all-you-can-eat rental model is changing the way 
people are watching movies. But Netflix may also be changing the way 
people don't watch them. Through its Web site, Netflix makes it easy 
to comb through a massive catalog of 60,000 films. It offers access 
to everything from Charlie Chaplin's 1921 silent tramp movie "The 
Kid" to recent Academy Award-winners like "Crash." And some members 
admit that when browsing the Netflix backlog, they overestimate their 
appetite for off-the-beaten-track films. The result: Sometimes DVDs 
languish for months without being watched.


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