HDTV on Your Mac

by Erica Sadun, author of Modding Mac OS X

So the other night, I popped over to Target to pick up an antenna. 
You remember what those are, don't you? Those telescoping metallic 
things that connect to television sets? That predate cable? Rabbit 
ears? I was about to buy my first antenna in, what, something like 20 
years? I am such a cable-generation baby. I felt I was walking into a 
time warp (and not the good Rocky Horror kind, either) until I walked 
into the actual aisle.

It was the packaging that hit me first. Target had about a dozen or 
so antennas on sale, and every single one (and let me repeat that, 
just to be emphatic, Every Single One) had an HDTV digital-ready 
sticker on it. I hadn't walked back into the past--I had just entered 
the present. This was the world of "Terrestrial HDTV": 
high-definition television broadcast over the airways. The GE 
"Futura" unit I picked up (got to laugh at the name, but it was only 
ten bucks) proclaimed that it was "designed to receive the highest 
quality broadcast HDTV signal." You've just got to love that.

As a platform, Macintosh is a little late to the HDTV party. PC 
solutions (both Windows and Linux) are more abundant and better 
supported, but who wants to use a PC unless you have to? Sticking 
with Mac, you can either fork over the medium-to-big bucks to buy a 
turn-key solution, like ElGato's EyeTV 500 ($350 USD), or you can try 
to put together your own system using a decoder card, an antenna, 
some freeware software and a lot of love, elbow grease, and spit. 
Naturally, I chose the latter.



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