Maine Joins Fight to Keep Pay Phones
     - Apr 6, 2005 05:39 AM (AP Online)

By GLENN ADAMS Associated Press Writer

FAYETTE, Maine (AP) -- Along a hilly stretch of road in central 
Maine, there's no cell phone service for more than a mile.

Callers once used the pay phone outside the Fayette Country Store, 
but that ended when the phone company, despite objections, removed 
it. Customers who need to make toll calls now are told to drive a few 
miles to use a pay phone at the Readfield Post Office.

Around the state and country, similar scenes are playing out as 
telephone companies remove unprofitable pay phones. In Maine alone, 
the 8,200 pay phones available to the public in 1998 dropped to 4,500 
by 2003, according to state Rep. Herbert Adams.



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