Principals claim right to search cell phones
By Tyler B. Reed/ Daily News Staff
Friday, July 7, 2006 - Updated: Jul 8, 2006 02:04 PM EST

FRAMINGHAM -- High school administrators under a new policy are 
claiming the right to snatch information stored in students' cell 
phones when they search for drugs or stolen property at school.
     The change clarifies the school's search and seizure policy, 
adding cell phones to the list of places school officials can snoop 
if they suspect a student has contraband.
     Federal law says school officials need only "reasonable 
suspicion" of the presence of drugs or stolen goods to conduct 
     "We reserve the right to look through the cell phone," Principal 
Michael Welch said. "It would be no different than if a student were 
to have a notebook. We've had instances of graffiti. We've looked 
through a notebook and found identical instances of graffiti."
     The apparent broadening of principals' search rights drew 
criticism from the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts.


Students cry foul over cell phone policy: Teens say officials are 
'overreacting' and violating their privacy
By Eric Athas/ Daily News Correspondent
Saturday, July 8, 2006 - Updated: 02:04 PM EST

FRAMINGHAM -- Fearing their wireless freedom may be in jeopardy, 
students at Framingham High School were fuming over a new school 
policy that allows administrators to seize cell phones and search 
their contents.
     The policy, administrators say, is to improve security and stop 
the sale of drugs and stolen goods, but students said that the edict 
is an invasion of privacy.


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