Verizon Boosts Top Broadband Speed
      - Jul 18, 2006 06:10 PM (AP Online)

NEW YORK (AP) -- Verizon Communications Inc. on Tuesday raised the 
top download speed for its fiber-based Internet service in New York, 
New Jersey and Connecticut, the areas where it competes with 
Cablevision Systems Corp. for broadband customers.

New York customers of Verizon's FiOS paying $89.95 a month can now 
get download speeds of 50 megabits per second, up from 30 mbps.

The new speed appears to be the fastest offering from a major U.S. 
Internet service provider. At 50 mbps, users of Apple Computer Inc.'s 
iTunes Music Store could download a standard-length song in about a 

Cablevision has a competing cable broadband service at 30 mbps, far 
faster than most cable companies.



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