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Today's Topics:

   1. Lead singer of the band Boston dies (Greg Williams)
   2. FCC Commissioners Attend Media-Ownership Meeting in Ohio
      (George Antunes)
   3. AMD Finds Itself in Financial Peril (George Antunes)
   4. Ariane 5 / Skynet 5A & INSAT 4B Launch Coverage TODAY (3-10)
      @ 5:05pm ET. WEBCAST ONLY (Dishnut)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 00:30:28 -0500
From: Greg Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Medianews] Lead singer of the band Boston dies
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Lead singer of the band Boston dies

March 9, 2007

ATKINSON, N.H. --Brad Delp, the lead singer for the band Boston, was 
found dead Friday in his home in southern New Hampshire. He was 55.

Atkinson police responded to a call for help at 1:20 p.m. and found Delp 
dead. Lt. William Baldwin said in a news release that there was no 
indication of foul play.

"There was nothing disrupted in the house. He was a fairly healthy 
person from what we're able to ascertain," Police Chief Philip 
Consentino told WMUR-TV.

Delp apparently was alone at the time, Baldwin said.

The cause of death remained under investigation. Police said an incident 
report would not be available until Monday.

Delp sang on Boston's 1976 hits "More than a Feeling" and "Long Time." 
He also sang on Boston's most recent album, "Corporate America," 
released in 2002.

He joined the band in the early 1970s after meeting Tom Scholz, an MIT 
student interested in experimental methods of recording music, according 
to the group's official Web site. The band enjoyed its greatest success 
and influence during its first decade.

The band's last appearance was in November 2006 at Boston's Symphony Hall.

On Friday night, the Web site was taken down and replaced with the 
statement: "We just lost the nicest guy in rock and roll."

A call to the Swampscott, Mass., home of Boston guitarist Barry Goudreau 
was not immediately returned Friday night.

Greg Williams


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 12:15:48 -0600
From: George Antunes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Medianews] FCC Commissioners Attend Media-Ownership Meeting
        in Ohio
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

FCC Commissioners Attend Media-Ownership Meeting in Ohio

By John Eggerton
Broadcasting & Cable

3/8/2007 9:50:00 AM

Free Press estimates that about 400 people filled the Broad Street 
Presbyterian Church in Columbus, Ohio for a town meeting on media ownership 
that featured the first FCC majority--three out of the five commissioners-- 
to attend one of the unofficial gatherings.

The FCC is reviewing its media ownership rules with an eye toward loosening 
some of them. Three of five commissioners were in attendance, Democrats 
Jonathan Adelstein and Michael Copps and Republican Robert McDowell.

Adelstein and Copps are regular attendants of the meetings, but it was 
McDowell's first appearance. McDowell was the first Republican to attend 
any the Free Press hearings--of which there has been over a dozen.

McDowell has shown himself to be an independent voice who has not promised 
his vote to the Republican majority. He earned plaudits from the 
anti-consolidation crowd for his decision not to vote on the Bell 
South/AT&T merger.

According to a Free Press account, McDowell said the media ownership debate 
concerns "the vitality of American Democracy." He added that he was "eager 
to hear from the public on the impact of media policy decisions."

The commissioners heard testimony from more than 100 people.

The informal forum followed an official FCC public meeting in Harrisburg, 
Pa., where well over a hundred people voiced their opinions causing the 
meeting y to exceed the official scheduled time

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
antunes at uh dot edu


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 12:18:14 -0600
From: George Antunes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Medianews] AMD Finds Itself in Financial Peril
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

AMD Finds Itself in Financial Peril

Mar 9, 2007  3:09 PM (ET)

Associated Press

SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) - The high-flying Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) 
of 2006 has given way to a company in financial peril, saddled with debt 
and bleeding from a brutal price battle with its larger and suddenly 
resurgent Silicon Valley archrival, Intel Corp. (INTC)

AMD finds itself the subject of rumors of a possible takeover or 
private-equity cash infusion. While it wasn't long ago that AMD was 
stealing a big slice of the microprocessor market and emerging as a 
long-term threat to Intel, those very gains may have left AMD's well 
running dry.

Though the price competition has cut into both chip makers' profits, Wall 
Street has punished AMD's stock particularly hard. Its shares have plunged 
more than 60 percent over the past year on fears about the company's 
ability to continue gaining share without hurting profit margins. 
Meanwhile, Intel's stock is down just 4 percent.

Investors are concerned AMD is spending too heavily to keep up with Intel's 
aggressive transition to next-generation manufacturing technology.

AMD's fall has wiped out about $10 billion in shareholder wealth. Analysts 
say the exodus will likely continue until the company rolls out its new 
chips this year and resolves fears about its dwindling cash reserves and 
high capital expenditures.

The shifting fortunes highlight the challenges facing AMD as it squares off 
against a company with seven times its annual revenue and a history of 
spending heavily on breakthrough technologies.

"AMD, as a company, has enough strong parts that it will survive, but I 
think it's going to be a rough couple of years for this organization," said 
Stephen Kleynhans, a research vice president at Gartner Inc. (IT) "They've 
got some very solid technology, but technology can be very fleeting. A 
technology lead today can just disappear in just a matter of quarters."

Both Intel and AMD are adept at weathering the boom-and-bust cycles of the 
volatile semiconductor industry. But they are still adjusting to AMD's 
newfound competitiveness across a range of products, from desktops to 
laptops to servers.

AMD stole about 4 percent of the overall processor market from Intel in 
2006, according to Mercury Research. AMD scored a particularly big victory 
by partnering with Dell Inc. (DELL), once an exclusive Intel client.

But Intel, which still controls about three-quarters of the total market, 
has roared back with a lineup of powerful and energy-efficient processors 
that appears to be slowing AMD's offensive.

While AMD continues to gain market share in desktops and laptops, its 
growth in the lucrative server market has stalled. In 2006, AMD siphoned 
about 5 percent of the server market from Intel, but leveled out at 22 
percent share during the second half, according to Mercury Research.

Last month, Intel scored a high-profile victory of its own, announcing an 
alliance with server and software maker Sun Microsystems Inc. (SUNW) The 
partnership will put Intel chips back in Sun servers and workstations after 
several years of AMD exclusivity.

AMD is banking on regaining momentum with the mid-2007 launch of its new 
server chip, code-named Barcelona, which has four computing engines and an 
updated design. The company acknowledges that Intel beat it to market with 
four-core chips that launched in November. But AMD insists its design for 
getting the cores to communicate with each other will serve as a key advantage.

"Five years ago no one knew who we were in the server space, now we're a 
player," said Mario Rivas, AMD's executive vice president for the computing 
products group. "This will allow us to be a serious contender in the server 
space and regain the performance crown. There is a halo effect that goes 
with that."

But analysts are not optimistic about a quick turnaround for AMD.

The company swung to a $166 million loss for fiscal 2006 and disappointed 
investors by offering little clarity on how it intended to differentiate 
its products from Intel's and improve profitability.

This week, AMD warned it was unlikely to meet its first-quarter revenue 
guidance of $1.6 billion to $1.7 billion.

"Our view is that this will get worse before it gets better," said 
Christopher Caso, a senior analyst with Friedman Billings Ramsey. "This 
quarter's performance is evidence that it did get worse."

Wall Street is worried that AMD is in dire need of cash after its $5.6 
billion acquisition of graphics chip maker ATI Technologies Inc. and heavy 
spending on factory upgrades. AMD bought ATI last year under the philosophy 
that combining traditional processing chores with graphics capabilities in 
one chip would give AMD a long-term advantage over Intel.

But the deal reverberated through AMD's finances. At the end of 2006, AMD 
was sitting on $1.5 billion in cash but had $3.8 billion in debt, including 
$2.2 billion associated with the ATI acquisition. In 2005, AMD had $1.8 
billion in cash and a total debt load of $1.4 billion.

AMD said in its annual report that the big debt may crimp its ability to 
borrow more money and pay for $2.5 billion in capital expenditures planned 
in 2007.

"It's a dilemma - we believe AMD needs to spend the money to build the fabs 
(chip factories), but they may have to find some additional financing to 
achieve those goals," said analyst John Lau of investment bank Jefferies & 
Co. "We believe investors need to see some resolution of these issues 
before they start to get back into the stock again."

Intel ended 2006 in a healthier financial position: $10 billion in cash and 
$2 billion in total debt. Intel's net income dropped 42 percent last year - 
hurt by price-cutting and extensive factory upgrades - but analysts are 
bullish the company is quickly recouping its investments and improving 

Intel is known for its heavy research-and-development spending even during 
lean times. In 2006, the company said it was eliminating 10,500 positions 
in a massive restructuring. But it still spent $5.9 billion on R&D - about 
17 percent of overall revenue - up from $5.1 billion in fiscal 2005.

By comparison, AMD plowed $1.2 billion - more than 21 percent of its 
revenue - into R&D last year.

The expenditures have helped Intel pull ahead of AMD by at least a year in 
producing chips based on 65-nanometer and 45-nanometer technology, which 
shrinks chip circuitry to 65- and 45-billionths of a meter. The smaller 
scale allows more transistors to be crammed onto the same piece of silicon.

AMD said it is closing the gap with Intel and believes its partnership with 
IBM Corp. makes rolling out the technology more cost-efficient.

"We believe we're putting the right capacity in at the right time, and 
we're immediately getting the benefits," said Tom Sonderman, AMD's director 
of manufacturing technology.

Industry analysts said both companies are suffering from the need to 
balance the near-term goals of shareholders and the huge expenditures 
required to stay competitive.

"What this comes down to is the companies are playing a long-term game," 
said Dean McCarron, principal analyst at Mercury Research. "The financial 
people would be delighted to hear AMD would not be investing in any 
factories. They would be delighted if Intel would not compete on price to 
gain market share and would focus on margins. That's great for the next 
three quarters, but a train wreck for both companies."

Perhaps one lifeline for AMD will come from none other than Intel itself.

AMD is suing Intel for antitrust violations, claiming that Intel undercut 
AMD by forcing customers into exclusive deals and offering secret rebates. 
Trial isn't due to begin for two more years, but there's precedent for a 
settlement. In the mid-1990s, AMD and Intel agreed to resolve several legal 
claims against each other, and one result was that AMD won the right to 
keep producing chips on the x86 design architecture - which both companies 
still use today.

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
antunes at uh dot edu


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 13:31:10 -0800
From: Dishnut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Medianews] Ariane 5 / Skynet 5A & INSAT 4B Launch Coverage
        TODAY (3-10) @ 5:05pm ET. WEBCAST ONLY
To: Medianews <>,,      Satellite
        TV Wild Feeds List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, TVRO Newsgroup
        <>, TVRO Talk Newsgroup
        <>,    WildFeeds List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Arianespace is set to launch, a Ariane 5 ECA (v.174)with Skynet 5A 
military communications satellite for the British Ministry of Defense 
and INSAT 4B direct-to-home broadcasting satellite for India, from 
ELA-3, Kourou, French Guiana, South America.

Launch is set for 5:25 p.m. EST. with a window extending to 5:58 p.m. EST.

Spacecraft separation for Skynet 5A is expected 26 minutes after lift 
off and 31 minutes after liftoff for INSAT 4B.

Unfortunately there will be no satellite broadcast to North America, but 
there will be a webcast of the launch available at:

Broadcast starts around 5:05 p.m. EST.

Additional coverage at:


Operator of RadioFree Dishnuts - Producer of The Dishnut News
              heard Saturdays at 10pm EST. on
RFD, W0KIE Satellite Radio Network Galaxy-26 (T6) Transponder 1 / 6.2 & 
(4DTV T6-999) WTND-LP 106.3, and many micro LPFM stations.
RFD Listen Links:
Show Archives: (Partly Up)

    **In Loving Memory of Mom (Dishnut Gerry)**


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End of Medianews Digest, Vol 200, Issue 1

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