Spage has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: [WIP] switch to core's server-side HTML templating

[WIP] switch to core's server-side HTML templating

Copy template setup from
into BlueprintSkinTemplate, Also the 'debughtml' from

werdnum lightncandy wrappers aren't needed, so no more composer.

But: PHP HTML templating does not properly support partials (T97188), so
doesn't resolve:
        LightnCandy::resolvePartial checking if file_exists
        Error: Can not find partial file for 'sidebar', you should set correct 
basedir and fileext in options

Bug: T104672
Change-Id: I450c799382f6c596fd0c82b482a765b24322e7dd
D composer.json
D composer.lock
M src/BlueprintSkinTemplate.php
R templates/Skin.mustache
D templates/Skin.php
R templates/sidebar.mustache
6 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 432 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e5ef43..0000000
--- a/composer.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-    "require": {
-        "werdnum/simple-lightncandy": "~0.1-dev",
-        "werdnum/mediawiki-lightncandy-skin": "~0.1-dev"
-    }
diff --git a/composer.lock b/composer.lock
deleted file mode 100644
index 99205d2..0000000
--- a/composer.lock
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-    "_readme": [
-        "This file locks the dependencies of your project to a known state",
-        "Read more about it at";,
-        "This file is @generated automatically"
-    ],
-    "hash": "e72751453fd65e861864cc13d8e197db",
-    "packages": [
-        {
-            "name": "werdnum/mediawiki-lightncandy-skin",
-            "version": "0.1.x-dev",
-            "source": {
-                "type": "git",
-                "url": 
-                "reference": "79ddf899dee8fea78cc4888dec6f2328bb0ef21d"
-            },
-            "dist": {
-                "type": "zip",
-                "url": 
-                "reference": "79ddf899dee8fea78cc4888dec6f2328bb0ef21d",
-                "shasum": ""
-            },
-            "type": "library",
-            "autoload": {
-                "classmap": [
-                    "AbstractLightNCandyTemplate.php"
-                ]
-            },
-            "notification-url": "";,
-            "license": [
-                "GPL"
-            ],
-            "authors": [
-                {
-                    "name": "Andrew Garrett",
-                    "email": ""
-                }
-            ],
-            "description": "Simple library for creating LightnCandy based 
skins for MediaWiki.",
-            "time": "2015-01-14 12:06:59"
-        },
-        {
-            "name": "werdnum/simple-lightncandy",
-            "version": "0.4.0",
-            "source": {
-                "type": "git",
-                "url": "";,
-                "reference": "3f9ce07c4ac3e7391b4dabf5bb0a107f361cd626"
-            },
-            "dist": {
-                "type": "zip",
-                "url": 
-                "reference": "3f9ce07c4ac3e7391b4dabf5bb0a107f361cd626",
-                "shasum": ""
-            },
-            "require": {
-                "zordius/lightncandy": "~0.18"
-            },
-            "type": "library",
-            "autoload": {
-                "classmap": [
-                    "SimpleLightNCandy.php"
-                ]
-            },
-            "notification-url": "";,
-            "description": "No-nonsense templating with lightncandy",
-            "time": "2015-04-06 10:24:18"
-        },
-        {
-            "name": "zordius/lightncandy",
-            "version": "v0.20",
-            "source": {
-                "type": "git",
-                "url": "";,
-                "reference": "257355494db7edb4738471fa7f2b247a2c4d8719"
-            },
-            "dist": {
-                "type": "zip",
-                "url": 
-                "reference": "257355494db7edb4738471fa7f2b247a2c4d8719",
-                "shasum": ""
-            },
-            "require": {
-                "php": ">=5.3.0"
-            },
-            "require-dev": {
-                "phpunit/phpunit": "4.0.17"
-            },
-            "type": "library",
-            "autoload": {
-                "classmap": [
-                    "src/lightncandy.php"
-                ]
-            },
-            "notification-url": "";,
-            "license": [
-                "MIT"
-            ],
-            "authors": [
-                {
-                    "name": "Zordius Chen",
-                    "email": ""
-                }
-            ],
-            "description": "An extremely fast PHP implementation of handlebars 
( ) and mustache ( ).",
-            "homepage": "";,
-            "keywords": [
-                "handlebars",
-                "logicless",
-                "mustache",
-                "php",
-                "template"
-            ],
-            "time": "2015-03-04 02:07:44"
-        }
-    ],
-    "packages-dev": [],
-    "aliases": [],
-    "minimum-stability": "stable",
-    "stability-flags": {
-        "werdnum/simple-lightncandy": 20,
-        "werdnum/mediawiki-lightncandy-skin": 20
-    },
-    "prefer-stable": false,
-    "prefer-lowest": false,
-    "platform": [],
-    "platform-dev": []
diff --git a/src/BlueprintSkinTemplate.php b/src/BlueprintSkinTemplate.php
index 76078b3..b22dde4 100755
--- a/src/BlueprintSkinTemplate.php
+++ b/src/BlueprintSkinTemplate.php
@@ -1,11 +1,20 @@
-class BlueprintSkinTemplate extends LightNCandyTemplate {
+class BlueprintSkinTemplate extends QuickTemplate {
        public function execute() {
                global $wgBlueprintLeftNav;
+               $this->data['debughtml'] = MWDebug::getDebugHTML( 
$this->getSkin()->getContext() );
                $this->data['left_nav_sections'] = $this->getLeftNav();
-               return parent::execute();
+               $templateParser = new TemplateParser( __DIR__ . 
+               try {
+                       echo $templateParser->processTemplate(
+                               'Skin',
+                               $this->data
+                       );
+               } catch ( Exception $e ) {
+                       echo 'Error: ' . htmlspecialchars( $e->getMessage() );
+               }
        protected function getLeftNav() {
diff --git a/templates/Skin.template b/templates/Skin.mustache
similarity index 100%
rename from templates/Skin.template
rename to templates/Skin.mustache
diff --git a/templates/Skin.php b/templates/Skin.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0035c42..0000000
--- a/templates/Skin.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-<?php return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
-    $cx = array(
-        'flags' => array(
-            'jstrue' => false,
-            'jsobj' => false,
-            'spvar' => true,
-            'prop' => false,
-            'method' => false,
-            'mustlok' => true,
-            'echo' => false,
-            'debug' => $debugopt,
-        ),
-        'constants' =>  array(
-            'DEBUG_ERROR_LOG' => 1,
-            'DEBUG_ERROR_EXCEPTION' => 2,
-            'DEBUG_TAGS' => 4,
-            'DEBUG_TAGS_ANSI' => 12,
-            'DEBUG_TAGS_HTML' => 20,
-        ),
-        'helpers' => array(            'msg' => function( array $args, array 
$named ) {
-                               $message = null;
-                               $str = array_shift( $args );
-                               return wfMessage( $str )->params( $args 
-                       },
-        'blockhelpers' => array(),
-        'hbhelpers' => array(),
-        'partials' => array(),
-        'scopes' => array(),
-        'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in),
-'funcs' => array(
-    'v' => function ($cx, $base, $path) {
-        $count = count($cx['scopes']);
-        while ($base) {
-            $v = $base;
-            foreach ($path as $name) {
-                if (is_array($v) && isset($v[$name])) {
-                    $v = $v[$name];
-                    continue;
-                }
-                if (is_object($v)) {
-                    if ($cx['flags']['prop'] && isset($v->$name)) {
-                        $v = $v->$name;
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    if ($cx['flags']['method'] && is_callable(array($v, 
$name))) {
-                        $v = $v->$name();
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                }
-                if ($cx['flags']['mustlok']) {
-                    unset($v);
-                    break;
-                }
-                return null;
-            }
-            if (isset($v)) {
-                return $v;
-            }
-            $count--;
-            switch ($count) {
-                case -1:
-                    $base = $cx['sp_vars']['root'];
-                    break;
-                case -2;
-                    return null;
-                default:
-                    $base = $cx['scopes'][$count];
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    'sec' => function ($cx, $v, $in, $each, $cb, $else = null) {
-        $isAry = is_array($v);
-        $isTrav = $v instanceof Traversable;
-        $loop = $each;
-        $keys = null;
-        $last = null;
-        $isObj = false;
-        if ($isAry && $else !== null && count($v) === 0) {
-            $cx['scopes'][] = $in;
-            $ret = $else($cx, $in);
-            array_pop($cx['scopes']);
-            return $ret;
-        }
-        // #var, detect input type is object or not
-        if (!$loop && $isAry) {
-            $keys = array_keys($v);
-            $loop = (count(array_diff_key($v, array_keys($keys))) == 0);
-            $isObj = !$loop;
-        }
-        if (($loop && $isAry) || $isTrav) {
-            if ($each && !$isTrav) {
-                // Detect input type is object or not when never done once
-                if ($keys == null) {
-                    $keys = array_keys($v);
-                    $isObj = (count(array_diff_key($v, array_keys($keys))) > 
-                }
-            }
-            $ret = array();
-            $cx['scopes'][] = $in;
-            $i = 0;
-            if ($cx['flags']['spvar']) {
-                $old_spvar = $cx['sp_vars'];
-                $cx['sp_vars'] = array(
-                    '_parent' => $old_spvar,
-                    'root' => $old_spvar['root'],
-                );
-                if (!$isTrav) {
-                    $last = count($keys) - 1;
-                }
-            }
-            foreach ($v as $index => $raw) {
-                if ($cx['flags']['spvar']) {
-                    $cx['sp_vars']['first'] = ($i === 0);
-                    $cx['sp_vars']['last'] = ($i == $last);
-                    $cx['sp_vars']['key'] = $index;
-                    $cx['sp_vars']['index'] = $i;
-                    $i++;
-                }
-                $ret[] = $cb($cx, $raw);
-            }
-            if ($cx['flags']['spvar']) {
-                if ($isObj) {
-                    unset($cx['sp_vars']['key']);
-                } else {
-                    unset($cx['sp_vars']['last']);
-                }
-                unset($cx['sp_vars']['index']);
-                unset($cx['sp_vars']['first']);
-                $cx['sp_vars'] = $old_spvar;
-            }
-            array_pop($cx['scopes']);
-            return join('', $ret);
-        }
-        if ($each) {
-            if ($else !== null) {
-                $cx['scopes'][] = $in;
-                $ret = $else($cx, $v);
-                array_pop($cx['scopes']);
-                return $ret;
-            }
-            return '';
-        }
-        if ($isAry) {
-            $cx['scopes'][] = $in;
-            $ret = $cb($cx, $v);
-            array_pop($cx['scopes']);
-            return $ret;
-        }
-        if ($v === true) {
-            return $cb($cx, $in);
-        }
-        if (!is_null($v) && ($v !== false)) {
-            return $cb($cx, $v);
-        }
-        if ($else !== null) {
-            $cx['scopes'][] = $in;
-            $ret = $else($cx, $in);
-            array_pop($cx['scopes']);
-            return $ret;
-        }
-        return '';
-    },
-    'ifvar' => function ($cx, $v) {
-        return !is_null($v) && ($v !== false) && ($v !== 0) && ($v !== 0.0) && 
($v !== '') && (is_array($v) ? (count($v) > 0) : true);
-    },
-    'ch' => function ($cx, $ch, $vars, $op) {
-        return $cx['funcs']['chret'](call_user_func_array($cx['helpers'][$ch], 
$vars), $op);
-    },
-    'chret' => function ($ret, $op) {
-        if (is_array($ret)) {
-            if (isset($ret[1]) && $ret[1]) {
-                $op = $ret[1];
-            }
-            $ret = $ret[0];
-        }
-        switch ($op) {
-            case 'enc':
-                return htmlentities($ret, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
-            case 'encq':
-                return preg_replace('/&#039;/', '&#x27;', htmlentities($ret, 
-        }
-        return $ret;
-    },
-    );
-    return ''.$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('headelement')).'
-<div id="side-menu">
-'.'    <h1 class="firstHeading" 
id="firstHeading">'.htmlentities((string)$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, 
array('titletext')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'</h1>
-       <ul class="content-links">
-'.$cx['funcs']['sec']($cx, $cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, 
array('content_navigation','views')), $in, true, function($cx, $in) {return '   
-                               <a
href="'.htmlentities((string)$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('href')), 
class="'.htmlentities((string)$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('class')), 
-                                       '.(($cx['funcs']['ifvar']($cx, 
$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('rel')))) ? 
'rel="'.htmlentities((string)$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('rel')), 
ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'"' : '').'
-                                       '.(($cx['funcs']['ifvar']($cx, 
$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('id')))) ? 
'id="'.htmlentities((string)$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('id')), 
ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'"' : '').'
-                               >
'.htmlentities((string)$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('text')), ENT_QUOTES, 
-                               </a>
-                       </li>
-';}).''.$cx['funcs']['sec']($cx, $cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, 
array('content_navigation','namespaces')), $in, true, function($cx, $in) 
{return ''.((!$cx['funcs']['ifvar']($cx, $cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $cx['sp_vars'], 
array('first')))) ? '                            <li>
-                                       <a
href="'.htmlentities((string)$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('href')), 
class="'.htmlentities((string)$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('class')), 
id="'.htmlentities((string)$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('id')), 
-                                       >
'.htmlentities((string)$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('text')), ENT_QUOTES, 
-                                       </a>
-                               </li>
-' : '').'';}).'        </ul>
-       <ul class="toc sidebar-toc">
-'.$cx['funcs']['sec']($cx, $cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, 
array('left_nav_sections')), $in, true, function($cx, $in) {return '            
<li class="'.(($cx['funcs']['ifvar']($cx, $cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, 
array('current')))) ? 'sidebar-toc-active' : '').' sidebar-toc-page">
-                       <a href="'.htmlentities((string)$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, 
$in, array('url')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'">
-                               <span class="tocnumber">&mdash;</span>
-                               <span 
class="toctext">'.htmlentities((string)$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, 
array('text')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'</span>
-                       </a>
-               </li>
-';}).' </ul>
-       <nav class="navbar navbar-fixed-top">
-               <div class="container-fluid">
-                       <div class="navbar-header">
-                               <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-head" >
-                                       <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" 
-                                       <li><a class="navbar-brand" 
href="/">'.htmlentities((string)$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('sitename')), 
ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'</a></li>
-                                       <li id="extra-space"></li>
-                               </ul>
-                       </div>
-                       <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" 
-                               <div id="navbar-right">
-                                       <form class="navbar-form navbar-left" 
action="'.$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('scriptpath')).'" role="search">
-                                               <input
-                                                       type="text"
-                                                       id="searchInput"
-                                                       class="form-control 
-                                                       placeholder="Search"
-                                                       name="search"
-                                               >
-                                               <input type="hidden" 
name="title" value="Special:Search">
-                                       </form>
-                                       <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
-                                               <li class="dropdown">
-                                                       <a href="#" 
class="account-menu dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" 
-'.$cx['funcs']['sec']($cx, $cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, 
array('personal_urls')), $in, true, function($cx, $in) {return 
''.(($cx['funcs']['ifvar']($cx, $cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $cx['sp_vars'], 
array('first')))) ? '                                                           
                  '.htmlentities((string)$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, 
array('text')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'
-' : '').'';}).'                                                        </a>
-                                                       <ul 
class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
-'.$cx['funcs']['sec']($cx, $cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, 
array('personal_urls')), $in, true, function($cx, $in) {return '                
href="'.htmlentities((string)$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('href')), 
ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'" class="'.htmlentities((string)$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, 
$in, array('class')), ENT_QUOTES, 
'UTF-8').'">'.htmlentities((string)$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('text')), 
ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'</a></li>
-';}).'                                                 </ul>
-                                               </li>
-                                       </ul>
-                               </div>
-                       </div>
-               </div>
-       </nav>
-       <div class="container" id="content">
-               <h1 class="firstHeading" id="firstHeading">
-                       '.$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('title')).'
-               </h1>
-'.(($cx['funcs']['ifvar']($cx, $cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, 
array('isarticle')))) ? '                   <div 
id="siteSub">'.$cx['funcs']['ch']($cx, 'msg', array(array('tagline'),array()), 
-' : '').'              <div id="contentSub" '.$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, 
-                       '.$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('subtitle')).'
-               </div>
-'.(($cx['funcs']['ifvar']($cx, $cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, 
array('undelete')))) ? '                    <div 
id="contentSub2">'.$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('undelete')).'</div>
-' : '').''.(($cx['funcs']['ifvar']($cx, $cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, 
array('newtalk')))) ? '                    <div 
class="usermessage">'.htmlentities((string)$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, 
array('newtalk')), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'</div>
-' : '').'              <div class="mw-body-content" id="bodyContent">
-                       '.$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('bodytext')).'
-               </div>
-'.(($cx['funcs']['ifvar']($cx, $cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, 
array('printfooter')))) ? '                 <div class="printfooter">
-                               '.$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, 
-                       </div>
-' : '').'      </div>
-'.$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('debughtml')).'
-'.$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('bottomscripts')).'
-'.$cx['funcs']['v']($cx, $in, array('reporttime')).'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/sidebar.template b/templates/sidebar.mustache
similarity index 100%
rename from templates/sidebar.template
rename to templates/sidebar.mustache

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I450c799382f6c596fd0c82b482a765b24322e7dd
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/skins/Blueprint
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Spage <>

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