Alexandros Kosiaris has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: WIP: postgresql ganglia plugins

WIP: postgresql ganglia plugins

Add ganglia gmond plugins

* Have username/password, times configurable
* Add/remove metrics

Change-Id: Icfe76e156dbd02ea01014eed30f44d141868cdc8
A modules/postgresql/files/ganglia/
A modules/postgresql/files/ganglia/postgresql.pyconf
A modules/postgresql/manifests/ganglia.pp
A modules/postgresql/spec/classes/postgresql_ganglia.rb
A modules/postgresql/tests/ganglia.pp
5 files changed, 437 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/modules/postgresql/files/ganglia/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a83470b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/postgresql/files/ganglia/
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+#!/bin/env python
+import sys
+import os
+import threading
+import time
+import psycopg2
+descriptors = list()
+_Worker_Thread = None
+_Lock = threading.Lock() # synchronization lock
+metric_results = {}
+def metric_of(name):
+    global metric_results
+    return metric_results.get(name,0)
+# These are the defaults set for the metric attributes
+Desc_Skel = {
+    "name"        : "N/A",
+    "call_back"   : metric_of,
+    "time_max"    : 60,
+    "value_type"  : "uint",
+    "units"       : "N/A",
+    "slope"       : "both", # zero|positive|negative|both
+    "format"      : "%d",
+    "description" : "N/A",
+    "groups"      : "PostgreSQL",
+    }
+# Create your queries here. Keys whose names match those defined in the default
+# set are overridden. Any additional key-value pairs (i.e. query) will not be
+# added to the Ganglia metric definition but can be useful for data purposes.
+metric_defs = {
+    "pg_backends_waiting": {
+        "description": "Number of postgres backends that are waiting",
+        "units": "backends",
+        "query": "SELECT count(*) AS backends_waiting FROM " + \
+            "pg_stat_activity WHERE waiting = 't';"
+    },
+    "pg_database_size": {
+        "description": "Total size of all databases in bytes",
+        "value_type": "double",
+        "format": "%.0f",
+        "units": "bytes",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(pg_database_size(d.oid)) AS " + \
+            "size_database FROM pg_database d ORDER BY 1 DESC;"
+    },
+    "pg_idx_blks_read": {
+        "description": "Total index blocks read",
+        "slope": "positive",
+        "units": "blocks",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(idx_blks_read) AS idx_blks_read " + \
+            "FROM pg_statio_all_indexes;"
+    },
+    "pg_idx_blks_hit": {
+        "description": "Total index blocks hit",
+        "slope": "positive",
+        "units": "blocks",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(idx_blks_hit) AS idx_blks_hit " + \
+            "FROM pg_statio_all_indexes;"
+    },
+    "pg_locks": {
+        "description": "Number of locks held",
+        "units": "locks",
+        "query": "SELECT count(*) FROM pg_locks;"
+    },
+    "pg_query_time_idle_in_txn": {
+        "description": 'Age of longest _idle in transaction_ transaction',
+        "units": "seconds",
+        "query": "SELECT COALESCE(max(COALESCE(ROUND(EXTRACT(epoch " + \
+            "FROM now()-query_start)),0)),0) AS " + \
+            "query_time_idle_in_txn FROM pg_stat_activity " + \
+            "WHERE current_query = '% in transaction';"
+    },
+    "pg_max_idle_txn_time": {
+        "description": "Age of longest idle transaction",
+        "units": "seconds",
+        "query": "SELECT COALESCE(max(COALESCE(ROUND(EXTRACT(epoch " + \
+            "FROM now()-query_start)),0)),0) as query_time_max FROM " + \
+             "pg_stat_activity WHERE current_query <> '<IDLE>';"
+    },
+    "pg_txn_time_max": {
+        "description": "Age of longest transaction",
+        "units": "seconds",
+        "query": "SELECT max(COALESCE(ROUND(EXTRACT(epoch " + \
+            "FROM now()-xact_start)),0)) as txn_time_max " + \
+            "FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE xact_start IS NOT NULL;"
+    },
+    "pg_connections": {
+        "description": "Number of connections",
+        "units": "connctions",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(numbackends) FROM pg_stat_database;"
+    },
+    "pg_wal_files": {
+        "description": "number of wal files in pg_xlog directory",
+        "units": "# wal files",
+        "query": "SELECT count(*) AS wal_files FROM " + \
+            "pg_ls_dir('pg_xlog') WHERE pg_ls_dir ~ E'^[0-9A-F]{24}$';"
+    },
+    "pg_xact_commit": {
+        "description": "Transactions committed",
+        "slope": "positive",
+        "units": "transactions",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(xact_commit) as xact_commit FROM " + \
+            "pg_stat_database;",
+    },
+    "pg_xact_rollback": {
+        "description": "Transactions rolled back",
+        "slope": "positive",
+        "units": "transactions",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(xact_rollback) as xact_rollback FROM " + \
+            "pg_stat_database;",
+    },
+    "pg_blks_read": {
+        "description": "Blocks read",
+        "slope": "positive",
+        "units": "blocks",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(blks_read) as blks_read FROM " + \
+            "pg_stat_database;",
+    },
+    "pg_blks_hit": {
+        "description": "Blocks hit",
+        "slope": "positive",
+        "units": "blocks",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(blks_hit) as blks_hit FROM " + \
+            "pg_stat_database;",
+    },
+    "pg_tup_returned": {
+        "description": "Tuples returned",
+        "slope": "positive",
+        "units": "tuples",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(tup_returned) as tup_returned FROM " + \
+            "pg_stat_database;",
+    },
+    "pg_tup_fetched": {
+        "description": "Tuples fetched",
+        "slope"       : "positive",
+        "units": "tuples",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(tup_fetched) as tup_fetched FROM " + \
+            "pg_stat_database;",
+    },
+    "pg_tup_inserted": {
+        "description": "Tuples inserted",
+        "slope": "positive",
+        "units": "tuples",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(tup_inserted) as tup_inserted FROM " + \
+            "pg_stat_database;",
+    },
+    "pg_tup_updated": {
+        "description": "Tuples updated",
+        "slope": "positive",
+        "units": "tuples",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(tup_updated) as tup_updated FROM " + \
+            "pg_stat_database;",
+    },
+    "pg_tup_deleted": {
+        "description": "Tuples deleted",
+        "slope": "positive",
+        "units": "tuples",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(tup_deleted) as tup_deleted FROM " + \
+            "pg_stat_database;",
+    },
+    "pg_heap_blks_read": {
+        "description": "Heap blocks read",
+        "slope": "positive",
+        "units": "blocks",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(heap_blks_read) as heap_blks_read FROM " + \
+            "pg_statio_all_tables;",
+    },
+    "pg_heap_blks_hit": {
+        "description": "Heap blocks hit",
+        "slope": "positive",
+        "units": "blocks",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(heap_blks_hit) as heap_blks_hit FROM " + \
+            "pg_statio_all_tables;",
+    },
+    "pg_idx_blks_read_tbl": {
+        "description": "Index blocks read",
+        "slope": "positive",
+        "units": "blocks",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(idx_blks_read) as idx_blks_read_tbl FROM " + \
+            "pg_statio_all_tables;",
+    },
+    "pg_idx_blks_hit_tbl": {
+        "description": "Index blocks hit",
+        "slope": "positive",
+        "units": "blocks",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(idx_blks_hit) as idx_blks_hit_tbl FROM " + \
+            "pg_statio_all_tables;",
+    },
+    "pg_toast_blks_read": {
+        "description": "Toast blocks read",
+        "slope": "positive",
+        "units": "blocks",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(toast_blks_read) as toast_blks_read FROM " + \
+            "pg_statio_all_tables;",
+    },
+    "pg_toast_blks_hit": {
+        "description": "Toast blocks hit",
+        "slope": "positive",
+        "units": "blocks",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(toast_blks_hit) as toast_blks_hit FROM " + \
+            "pg_statio_all_tables;",
+    },
+    "pg_tidx_blks_read": {
+        "description": "Toast index blocks read",
+        "slope": "positive",
+        "units": "blocks",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(tidx_blks_read) as tidx_blks_read FROM " + \
+            "pg_statio_all_tables;",
+    },
+    "pg_tidx_blks_hit": {
+        "description": "Toast index blocks hit",
+        "slope": "positive",
+        "units": "blocks",
+        "query": "SELECT sum(tidx_blks_hit) as tidx_blks_hit FROM " + \
+            "pg_statio_all_tables;",
+    },
+def print_exception(custom_msg, exception):
+    error_msg = custom_msg or "An error has occurred"
+    print "%s %s" % (error_msg, exception),
+    print "Code: %s, Message: %s" % (exception.pgcode, exception.pgerror)
+class UpdateMetricThread(threading.Thread):
+    def __init__(self, params):
+        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+        self.running      = False
+        self.shuttingdown = False
+        self.refresh_rate = 30
+         = "localhost"
+        self.dbuser       = "postgres"
+        self.dbpass       = "secret"
+        self.database     = "template1"
+        self.port         = 5432
+        param_list = ["host", "port", "dbuser", "dbpass", "database", 
+        for attr in param_list:
+            if attr in params:
+                setattr(self, attr, params[attr])
+    def shutdown(self):
+        self.shuttingdown = True
+        if not self.running:
+            return
+        self.join()
+    def run(self):
+        self.running = True
+        while not self.shuttingdown:
+            _Lock.acquire()
+            try:
+              self.update_metric()
+            except psycopg2.OperationalError, e:
+              print_exception("Unable to update metrics", e)
+            _Lock.release()
+            time.sleep(int(self.refresh_rate))
+        self.running = False
+    def update_metric(self):
+        global metric_results
+        try:
+            conn = psycopg2.connect(, port=self.port, 
database=self.database, \
+                                    user=self.dbuser, password=self.dbpass)
+        except psycopg2.OperationalError, e:
+            print_exception("Could not connect to database", e)
+            raise 
+        converter = {
+            'float': float,
+            'uint': int
+        }
+        for metric_name, metric_attrs in metric_defs.iteritems():
+            cur = conn.cursor()
+            cur.execute(metric_attrs['query'])
+            query_results = cur.fetchone()
+            convert_fn = 
converter.get(metric_defs[metric_name].get('value_type'), int)
+            metric_results[metric_name] = convert_fn(query_results[0])
+            cur.close()
+        conn.close()
+def metric_init(params):
+    global descriptors, Desc_Skel, _Worker_Thread
+    _Worker_Thread = UpdateMetricThread(params)
+    _Worker_Thread.start()
+    for metric_desc in metric_defs: 
+        descriptors.append(create_desc(metric_desc, Desc_Skel, 
+    return descriptors
+def create_desc(metric_name, skel, prop):
+    return dict(skel.items() + [('name', metric_name)] + [(k, v) for k, v in 
prop.items() if k in skel])
+def metric_cleanup():
+    _Worker_Thread.shutdown()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Debug the Ganglia PostgreSQL 
+    parser.add_argument('--host', default='localhost',
+                         help='The PostgreSQL database host (default: 
+    parser.add_argument('--port', type=int,
+                         default=5432,
+                         help='The PostgreSQL database network port (default: 
+    parser.add_argument('--dbuser', default='postgres',
+                         help='The PostgreSQL database user (default: 
+    parser.add_argument('--dbpass', default='secret',
+                         help='The PostgreSQL database password.(default: 
%(default)s). ' + \
+                             'WARNING: Specifying passwords on the commandline 
is insecure. ' + \
+                             'Consider the -W option.')
+    parser.add_argument('-W', dest='prompt_pass', action='store_true',
+                         help='Prompt for the PostgreSQL database password.')
+    parser.add_argument('--database', default='template1',
+                         help='The PostgreSQL database to use. (default: 
+    parser.add_argument('--refresh_rate', type=int, default=10,
+                         help='The interval, in seconds, between query 
executions ' + \
+                             'metric collection. (default: %(default)s).')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    params = vars(args)
+    if params['prompt_pass']:
+        import getpass
+        script_name = os.path.basename(__file__)
+        params['dbpass'] = getpass.getpass(prompt="%s password: " % 
+    try:
+        metric_init(params)
+        while True:
+            for d in descriptors:
+                v = d['call_back'](d['name'])
+                print ('value for %s is '+d['format']) % (d['name'],  v)
+            print
+            time.sleep(5)
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        time.sleep(0.2)
+        os._exit(1)
diff --git a/modules/postgresql/files/ganglia/postgresql.pyconf 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f11ab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/postgresql/files/ganglia/postgresql.pyconf
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+modules {
+  module {
+    name = 'PostgreSQL'
+    language = 'python'
+    param host {
+            value = 'localhost'
+    }
+    param port {
+            value = 5432
+    }
+    param dbuser {
+            value = 'postgres'
+    }
+    param dbpass {
+            value = 'secret'
+    }
+    param database {
+            value = 'template1'
+    }
+    # This parameter determines the interval, in seconds, between the execution
+    # of queries which gather the statistics of the database
+    param refresh_rate {
+            value = 120
+    }
+  }
+collection_group {
+  collect_every = 20
+  time_threshold = 90
+  metric {
+    name_match = "pg_(.+)"
+    value_threshold = 0
+  }
diff --git a/modules/postgresql/manifests/ganglia.pp 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0be0a36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/postgresql/manifests/ganglia.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# == Class postgresql::ganglia
+# This installs a Ganglia plugin for postgresql
+class postgresql::ganglia($ensure='present') {
+    Class['postgresql::server'] -> Class['postgresql::ganglia']
+    package { 'python-psycopg2':
+        ensure => $ensure,
+    }
+    file { '/usr/lib/ganglia/python_modules/':
+        ensure => $ensure,
+        owner  => 'root',
+        group  => 'root',
+        mode   => '0444',
+        source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/ganglia/",
+        notify => Service['gmond'],
+    }
+    file { '/etc/ganglia/conf.d/postgresql.pyconf':
+        ensure => $ensure,
+        owner  => 'root',
+        group  => 'root',
+        mode   => '0444',
+        source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/ganglia/postgresql.pyconf",
+        notify => Service['gmond'],
+    }
diff --git a/modules/postgresql/spec/classes/postgresql_ganglia.rb 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f26c30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/postgresql/spec/classes/postgresql_ganglia.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe 'postgresql::ganglia', :type => :class do
+    let(:params) { {
+        :ensure           => 'present',
+        }
+    }
+    context 'ensure present' do
+        it { should 
+        it { should 
contain_file('/etc/ganglia/conf.d/postgresql.pyconf').with_ensure('present') }
+    end
+describe 'postgresql::slave', :type => :class do
+    let(:params) { {
+        :ensure           => 'absent',
+        }
+    }
+    context 'ensure absent' do
+        it { should 
+        it { should 
contain_file('/etc/ganglia/conf.d/postgresql.pyconf').with_ensure('absent') }
+    end
diff --git a/modules/postgresql/tests/ganglia.pp 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c72ddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/postgresql/tests/ganglia.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+include postgresql::ganglia

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: Icfe76e156dbd02ea01014eed30f44d141868cdc8
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: operations/puppet
Gerrit-Branch: production
Gerrit-Owner: Alexandros Kosiaris <>

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