Awight has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: [WIP] Wipe out activemq

[WIP] Wipe out activemq

Change-Id: I70af0564badd12703a41beee5e6ae9b67f648d6b
D puppet/modules/activemq/lib/puppet/type/tarball.rb
D puppet/modules/activemq/manifests/init.pp
D puppet/modules/activemq/templates/activemq-upstart.conf.erb
D puppet/modules/activemq/templates/activemq.xml.erb
M puppet/modules/crm/manifests/init.pp
M puppet/modules/crm/templates/DonationInterface.settings.php.erb
M puppet/modules/payments/manifests/donation_interface.pp
M puppet/modules/role/manifests/fundraising.pp
8 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 250 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/puppet/modules/activemq/lib/puppet/type/tarball.rb 
deleted file mode 100644
index bec0237..0000000
--- a/puppet/modules/activemq/lib/puppet/type/tarball.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-require 'open-uri'
-Puppet::Type.newtype(:tarball) do
-    @doc = "Fetch and extract tarballed packages"
-    ensurable
-    newparam(:source) do
-        desc "URL where the tarball will be found"
-    end
-    newparam(:path) do
-        desc "Directory in which the tarball shall be extracted"
-    end
-    newparam(:creates) do
-        desc "Will create this path when untarred"
-        isnamevar
-    end
-    newparam(:storage) do
-        desc "Directory in which to store the original tarball"
-    end
-    def create
-        if not File.exists? filename
-            fetch
-        end
-        extract
-    end
-    def creates_path
-        self[:creates] || filename
-    end
-    def destroy
-        File.unlink creates_path
-    end
-    def exists?
-        # TODO verify signature
-        File.exists? creates_path
-    end
-    def extract
-        notice "Unpacking tarball #{filename} into #{self[:path]}"
-        system("tar", "-C", self[:path], "-xzf", filename)
-    end
-    def fetch
-        # TODO safe noclobber
-        FileUtils.copy_stream(
-            open(self[:source]),
-  , "w+")
-        )
-    end
-    def filename
-        File.join(self[:storage], self[:source].split(/\//).last)
-    end
diff --git a/puppet/modules/activemq/manifests/init.pp 
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d2f4b1..0000000
--- a/puppet/modules/activemq/manifests/init.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# == Class: activemq
-# Provisions Apache ActiveMQ
-class activemq(
-    $version  = '5.11.4',
-    $hostname = '',
-    $port     = '61613',
-) {
-    $pkgname = "apache-activemq-${version}"
-    $mirror = 
-    $destdir = '/usr/local'
-    $pkgdir = "${destdir}/${pkgname}"
-    tarball { $pkgname:
-        ensure  => present,
-        source  => $mirror,
-        storage => '/vagrant/cache/apt',
-        path    => $destdir,
-        creates => $pkgdir,
-    }
-    $config = '/etc/activemq.xml'
-    file { $config:
-        owner   => root,
-        group   => root,
-        content => template('activemq/activemq.xml.erb'),
-    }
-    package { 'default-jre-headless':
-        ensure => present,
-    }
-    user { 'activemq':
-        ensure     => present,
-        managehome => true,
-        home       => '/home/activemq',
-    }
-    file { [ "${pkgdir}/data", "${pkgdir}/tmp" ]:
-        ensure  => directory,
-        owner   => 'activemq',
-        group   => 'activemq',
-        mode    => '0770',
-        recurse => true,
-        require => Tarball[$pkgname],
-    }
-    service { 'activemq':
-        ensure    => running,
-        enable    => true,
-        provider  => 'upstart',
-        require   => [
-            Package['default-jre-headless'],
-            Tarball[$pkgname],
-            File["${pkgdir}/data"],
-            User['activemq'],
-        ],
-        subscribe => [
-            File['/etc/init/activemq.conf'],
-            File[$config],
-        ],
-    }
-    file { '/etc/init/activemq.conf':
-        content => template('activemq/activemq-upstart.conf.erb'),
-        owner   => 'root',
-        group   => 'root',
-        mode    => '0644',
-    }
diff --git a/puppet/modules/activemq/templates/activemq-upstart.conf.erb 
deleted file mode 100755
index 7aa71a0..0000000
--- a/puppet/modules/activemq/templates/activemq-upstart.conf.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-description "ActiveMQ STOMP server"
-start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE!=lo)
-setuid activemq
-setgid activemq
-exec <%= @pkgdir %>/bin/activemq-admin start
diff --git a/puppet/modules/activemq/templates/activemq.xml.erb 
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c406f2..0000000
--- a/puppet/modules/activemq/templates/activemq.xml.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-    contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-    this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-    The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-    (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-    the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-    limitations under the License.
-  xmlns="";
-  xmlns:amq="";
-  xmlns:xsi="";
-  xsi:schemaLocation="
-    <bean 
-        <property name="locations">
-            <value>file:${activemq.base}/conf/</value>
-        </property>
-    </bean>
-    <!-- Allows us to use system properties as variables in this configuration 
file -->
-    <bean 
-    <broker xmlns="";
-            brokerName="localhost"
-            dataDirectory="${activemq.base}/data">
-        <!-- 
-            Configure message persistence for the broker. The default 
-            mechanism is the KahaDB store (identified by the kahaDB tag). 
-            For more information, see: 
-        -->
-        <persistenceAdapter>
-            <kahaDB directory="${activemq.base}/data/kahadb"/>
-        </persistenceAdapter>
-        <!-- 
-            The transport connectors expose ActiveMQ over a given protocol to
-            clients and other brokers. For more information, see: 
-        -->
-        <transportConnectors>
-            <transportConnector name="stomp" uri="stomp://<%= @hostname %>:<%= 
@port %>"/>
-        </transportConnectors>
-    </broker>
-    <import resource="jetty.xml"/>
diff --git a/puppet/modules/crm/manifests/init.pp 
index df53a6c..f4f41dd 100644
--- a/puppet/modules/crm/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/puppet/modules/crm/manifests/init.pp
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
     include ::crm::apache
     include ::crm::civicrm
     include ::crm::tools
-    include ::activemq
     git::clone { $repo:
         directory => $dir,
@@ -72,29 +71,27 @@
             'astropay_audit_recon_completed_dir'                   => 
             'astropay_audit_recon_files_dir'                       => 
             'astropay_audit_working_log_dir'                       => 
-            'banner_history_queue'                                 => 
-            'donationqueue_url'                                    => 
-            'fredge_payments_antifraud_queue'                      => 
-            'fredge_payments_init_queue'                           => 
+            'banner_history_queue'                                 => 
+            'fredge_payments_antifraud_queue'                      => 
+            'fredge_payments_init_queue'                           => 
             'queue2civicrm_batch'                                  => 5,
             'queue2civicrm_batch_time'                             => 90,
             'queue2civicrm_gateways_to_monitor'                    => 
             'queue2civicrm_gmetric_dmax'                           => 360,
             'queue2civicrm_gmetric_tmax'                           => 60,
-            'queue2civicrm_subscription'                           => 
-            'queue2civicrm_url'                                    => 
+            'queue2civicrm_subscription'                           => 
             'recurring_globalcollect_batch'                        => 1,
             'recurring_globalcollect_batch_max'                    => 100,
             'recurring_globalcollect_failure_retry_rate'           => 1,
             'recurring_globalcollect_failures_before_cancellation' => 3,
             'recurring_globalcollect_run_missed_days'              => 7,
-            'recurring_subscription'                               => 
+            'recurring_subscription'                               => 
             'refund_batch'                                         => 0,
             'refund_batch_time'                                    => 90,
-            'refund_queue'                                         => 
+            'refund_queue'                                         => 'refund',
             'thank_you_days'                                       => 14,
             'thank_you_batch'                                      => 100,
-            'unsubscribe_queue'                                    => 
+            'unsubscribe_queue'                                    => 
         require         => Php::Composer::Install['crm-composer'],
diff --git a/puppet/modules/crm/templates/DonationInterface.settings.php.erb 
index ad550e5..f2ca06c 100644
--- a/puppet/modules/crm/templates/DonationInterface.settings.php.erb
+++ b/puppet/modules/crm/templates/DonationInterface.settings.php.erb
@@ -31,9 +31,8 @@
 $wgDonationInterfaceDefaultQueueServer = array(
-        'type' => 'PHPQueue\Backend\Stomp',
-        'persistent' => 1,
-        'uri' => 'tcp://<%= scope['::activemq::hostname'] %>:<%= 
scope['::activemq::port'] %>',
+    'type'    => 'PHPQueue\Backend\Predis',
+    'servers' => 'tcp://localhost',
 $wgDonationInterfaceQueues = array(
diff --git a/puppet/modules/payments/manifests/donation_interface.pp 
index b48eef2..fe77d01 100644
--- a/puppet/modules/payments/manifests/donation_interface.pp
+++ b/puppet/modules/payments/manifests/donation_interface.pp
@@ -44,43 +44,16 @@
       wgDonationInterfaceUseSyslog              => true,
       wgDonationInterfaceDefaultQueueServer     => {
-        'type'       => 'PHPQueue\Backend\Stomp',
-        'uri'        => 'tcp://localhost:61613',
-        'persistent' => 1
+        'type'    => 'PHPQueue\Backend\Predis',
+        'servers' => 'tcp://localhost',
       wgDonationInterfaceQueues                 => {
         'globalcollect-cc-limbo' => {
-          'type'      => 'PHPQueue\Backend\Predis',
-          'servers'   => 'tcp://localhost',
-          'expiry'    => 3600,
           'order_key' => 'date',
-        },
-        'pending'                => {
-          'type'    => 'PHPQueue\Backend\Predis',
-          'servers' => 'tcp://localhost',
-          'expiry'  => 3600,
         'complete-new'           => {
           'queue'   => 'donations',
-          'type'    => 'PHPQueue\Backend\Predis',
-          'servers' => 'tcp://localhost',
-          'expiry'  => 3600,
-        },
-        'banner-history'         => {
-          'type'    => 'PHPQueue\Backend\Predis',
-          'servers' => 'tcp://localhost',
-          'expiry'  => 3600,
-        },
-        'payments-antifraud'     => {
-          'type'    => 'PHPQueue\Backend\Predis',
-          'servers' => 'tcp://localhost',
-          'expiry'  => 3600,
-        },
-        'payments-init'          => {
-          'type'    => 'PHPQueue\Backend\Predis',
-          'servers' => 'tcp://localhost',
-          'expiry'  => 3600,
diff --git a/puppet/modules/role/manifests/fundraising.pp 
index 3647869..38f3c87 100644
--- a/puppet/modules/role/manifests/fundraising.pp
+++ b/puppet/modules/role/manifests/fundraising.pp
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 class role::fundraising {
     include ::role::centralnotice
     include ::role::payments
-    include ::activemq
     include ::crm
     include ::rsyslog
     include ::smashpig

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I70af0564badd12703a41beee5e6ae9b67f648d6b
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/vagrant
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Awight <>

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