Krinkle has uploaded a new change for review. ( )

Change subject: [WIP] Split profile.php from StartProfiler and add 

[WIP] Split profile.php from StartProfiler and add PhpAutoPrepend

Bug: T180183
Change-Id: I60cce0eb51101d9e3fed7a65890c101ddd39e7d0
A wmf-config/PhpAutoPrepend.php
M wmf-config/StartProfiler.php
A wmf-config/profiler.php
3 files changed, 282 insertions(+), 246 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/wmf-config/PhpAutoPrepend.php b/wmf-config/PhpAutoPrepend.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d29a893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wmf-config/PhpAutoPrepend.php
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# WARNING: This file is publicly viewable on the web. Do not put private data 
+ * Initialisation code for all PHP processes.
+ *
+ * This PHP file is configured to execute this file before the main script,
+ * through the `auto_prepend_file` setting. This can apply both to web
+ * request and CLI processes.
+ *
+ * This is executed in the same run-time as the main script, which means
+ * it CAN expose state, such as variables and constants.
+ *
+ * This file exposes one variable:
+ * - $wmfProfiler: Value intended for $wgProfiler, assigned in StartProfile.php
+ *
+ * @see
+ */
+require_once __DIR__ . '/profiler.php';
diff --git a/wmf-config/StartProfiler.php b/wmf-config/StartProfiler.php
index a11cecf..93fbe0c 100644
--- a/wmf-config/StartProfiler.php
+++ b/wmf-config/StartProfiler.php
@@ -12,250 +12,7 @@
 # DefaultSettings.php, and wmf-config CommonSettings or InitialiseSettings.
 # ######################################################################
- * File overview:
- *
- * 1. Parse X-Wikimedia-Header
- * 2. One-off profile to stdout (via MediaWiki)
- * 3. One-off profile to /tmp (from localhost)
- * 4. Sampling profiler for production traffic
- * 5. One-off profile to XHGui.
- */
+// profiler.php defines $wmfProfiler
+require_once __DIR__ . '/profiler.php';
- * 1) Parse X-Wikimedia-Header
- *
- * If the X-Wikimedia-Header is present, parse it into an associative array.
- *
- * See
- */
-$XWD = false;
-if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_WIKIMEDIA_DEBUG'] ) ) {
-       parse_str( preg_replace( '/; ?/', '&', 
-if ( ini_get( 'hhvm.stats.enable_hot_profiler' ) ) {
-       /**
-        * 2) One-off profile to stdout
-        *
-        * MediaWiki's Profiler class can output raw profile data directly to 
the output
-        * of a web response (web), or in stdout (CLI).
-        *
-        * For web: Set X-Wikimedia-Debug (to bypass cache) and query param 
-        * For CLI: Set CLI option '--profiler=text'.
-        *
-        * See
-        */
-       if (
-               ( isset( $_GET['forceprofile'] ) && isset( 
-               || PHP_SAPI === 'cli'
-       ) {
-               $wgProfiler = [
-                       'class'  => 'ProfilerXhprof',
-                       'flags'  => XHPROF_FLAGS_NO_BUILTINS,
-                       'output' => 'text',
-               ];
-       /**
-        * 3) One-off profile to /tmp
-        *
-        * When making requests to the local server using shell access,
-        * setting the 'Force-Local-XHProf: 1' header will write raw profile 
-        * directly to a local file in /tmp/xhprof/.
-        *
-        * Note: This is only allowed for requests within the same server.
-        */
-       } elseif (
-               isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_FORCE_LOCAL_XHPROF'] )
-               && isset( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] )
-               && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == ''
-               && is_writable( '/tmp/xhprof' )
-       ) {
-               xhprof_enable();
-               register_shutdown_function( function () {
-                       $prof = xhprof_disable();
-                       $titleFormat = "%-75s %6s %13s %13s %13s\n";
-                       $format = "%-75s %6d %13.3f %13.3f %13.3f%%\n";
-                       $out = sprintf( $titleFormat, 'Name', 'Calls', 'Total', 
'Each', '%' );
-                       if ( empty( $prof['main()']['wt'] ) ) {
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       $total = $prof['main()']['wt'];
-                       uksort( $prof, function ( $a, $b ) use ( $prof ) {
-                               if ( $prof[$a]['wt'] < $prof[$b]['wt'] ) {
-                                       return 1;
-                               } elseif ( $prof[$a]['wt'] > $prof[$b]['wt'] ) {
-                                       return -1;
-                               } else {
-                                       return 0;
-                               }
-                       } );
-                       foreach ( $prof as $name => $info ) {
-                               $out .= sprintf( $format, $name, $info['ct'], 
$info['wt'] / 1000,
-                                       $info['wt'] / $info['ct'] / 1000,
-                                       $info['wt'] / $total * 100 );
-                       }
-                       file_put_contents( '/tmp/xhprof/' . date( 
'Y-m-d\TH:i:s' ) . '.prof', $out );
-               } );
-       }
- * 4) Sampling profiler for production traffic
- *
- * If Xenon is enabled, register a shutdown callback to ask HHVM for
- * recently collected data. Will not end up yielding something every
- * request.
- *
- * Based on
- */
-if ( extension_loaded( 'xenon' ) && ini_get( 'hhvm.xenon.period' ) ) {
-       register_shutdown_function( function () {
-               $data = HH\xenon_get_data();
-               if ( empty( $data ) ) {
-                       return;
-               }
-               $entryPoint = basename( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] );
-               $reqMethod = '{' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] . '}';
-               // Collate stack samples and fold into single lines.
-               // This is the format expected by FlameGraph.
-               $stacks = [];
-               foreach ( $data as $sample ) {
-                       $stack = [];
-                       if ( empty( $sample['phpStack'] ) ) {
-                               continue;
-                       }
-                       foreach ( $sample['phpStack'] as $frame ) {
-                               if ( $frame['function'] === 'include' ) {
-                                       // For file scope, just use the path as 
the name.
-                                       $func = $frame['file'];
-                               } elseif ( $frame['function'] === '{closure}' 
&& isset( $frame['line'] ) ) {
-                                       // Annotate anonymous functions with 
their location in the
-                                       // source code. Example: 
-                                       $func = 
-                               } else {
-                                       $func = $frame['function'];
-                               }
-                               if ( $func !== end( $stack ) ) {
-                                       $stack[] = $func;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if ( count( $stack ) ) {
-                               // The last element is usually (but not always) 
the full file
-                               // path of the script name. We want things nice 
and consistent,
-                               // so we pop off the path if it is there, and 
push the basename
-                               // instead.
-                               if ( strpos( end( $stack ), $entryPoint ) !== 
false ) {
-                                       array_pop( $stack );
-                               }
-                               $stack[] = $reqMethod;
-                               $stack[] = $entryPoint;
-                               $strStack = implode( ';', array_reverse( $stack 
) );
-                               if ( !isset( $stacks[$strStack] ) ) {
-                                       $stacks[$strStack] = 0;
-                               }
-                               $stacks[$strStack] += 1;
-                       }
-               }
-               $redis = new Redis();
-               if ( $redis->connect( 'mwlog1001.eqiad.wmnet', 6379, 0.1 ) ) {
-                       foreach ( $stacks as $stack => $count ) {
-                               $redis->publish( 'xenon', "$stack $count" );
-                       }
-               }
-       } );
- * 5) One-off profile to XHGui
- *
- * Set X-Wikimedia-Debug header with 'profile' attribute to instrument a web 
- * with XHProf and save the profile to XHGui's MongoDB.
- *
- * To find the profile in XHGui, either browse "Recent", or use wgRequestId 
- * from the mw.config data in the HTML web response, e.g. by running the
- * `mw.config.get('wgRequestId')` snippet in JavaScript. Then look up as 
- *
- *
- *
- * See
- * See
- */
-if (
-       ini_get( 'hhvm.stats.enable_hot_profiler' ) &&
-       // Require X-Forwarded-For to ignore non-remote requests (e.g. PyBal)
-       !empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] ) &&
-       isset( $XWD['profile'] )
-) {
-       xhprof_enable( XHPROF_FLAGS_CPU | XHPROF_FLAGS_MEMORY | 
-       register_postsend_function( function () use ( $XWD ) {
-               $data = [ 'profile' => xhprof_disable() ];
-               $sec  = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
-               $usec = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'] - $sec;
-               $keyWhitelist = array_flip( [
-                       'HTTP_HOST', 'HTTP_X_WIKIMEDIA_DEBUG', 'REQUEST_METHOD',
-                       'REQUEST_START_TIME', 'REQUEST_TIME', 
-                       'SERVER_ADDR', 'SERVER_NAME', 'THREAD_TYPE', 'action'
-               ] );
-               // Create sanitized copies of $_SERVER, $_ENV, and $_GET:
-               $server = array_intersect_key( $_SERVER, $keyWhitelist );
-               $env = array_intersect_key( $_ENV, $keyWhitelist );
-               $get = array_intersect_key( $_GET, $keyWhitelist );
-               // Strip everything from the query string except 'action=' 
-               preg_match( '/action=[^&]+/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $matches 
-               $qs = $matches ? '?' . $matches[0] : '';
-               $url = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . $qs;
-               // If profiling was explicitly requested (via X-Wikimedia-Debug)
-               // then include the unique request ID in the reported URL, to 
-               // it easy for the person debugging to find the request in 
-               if ( $XWD && method_exists( 'WebRequest', 'getRequestId' ) ) {
-                       $reqId = WebRequest::getRequestId();
-                       $url = '//' . $reqId . $url;
-                       $env['UNIQUE_ID'] = $reqId;
-                       $server['UNIQUE_ID'] = $reqId;
-               }
-               // Include web server name (SERVER_NAME is e.g.,
-               // SERVER_ADDR is the LVS service name, e.g. appservers.svc)
-               $env['HOSTNAME'] = wfHostname();
-               // Re-insert scrubbed URL as REQUEST_URL:
-               $server['REQUEST_URI'] = $url;
-               $env['REQUEST_URI'] = $url;
-               $data['meta'] = [
-                       'url'              => $url,
-                       'SERVER'           => $server,
-                       'get'              => $get,
-                       'env'              => $env,
-                       'simple_url'       => Xhgui_Util::simpleUrl( $url ),
-                       'request_ts'       => new MongoDate( $sec ),
-                       'request_ts_micro' => new MongoDate( $sec, $usec ),
-                       'request_date'     => date( 'Y-m-d', $sec ),
-               ];
-               Xhgui_Saver::factory( [
-                       'save.handler' => 'mongodb',
-                       ''      => 
-                       'db.db'        => 'xhprof',
-                       'db.options'   => [],
-               ] )->save( $data );
-       } );
+$wgProfiler = $wmfProfiler;
diff --git a/wmf-config/profiler.php b/wmf-config/profiler.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16c77fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wmf-config/profiler.php
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+# WARNING: This file is publicly viewable on the web. Do not put private data 
+# Included by PhpAutoPrepend.php before any other wmf-config or mediawiki file.
+# Uses no predefined state, other than plain PHP.
+# Exports:
+# - $wmfProfiler (used by StartProfile.php)
+global $wmfProfiler;
+$wmfProfiler = [];
+ * File overview:
+ *
+ * 1. Parse X-Wikimedia-Header
+ * 2. One-off profile to stdout (via MediaWiki)
+ * 3. One-off profile to /tmp (from localhost)
+ * 4. Sampling profiler for production traffic
+ * 5. One-off profile to XHGui.
+ */
+ * 1) Parse X-Wikimedia-Header
+ *
+ * If the X-Wikimedia-Header is present, parse it into an associative array.
+ *
+ * See
+ */
+$XWD = false;
+if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_WIKIMEDIA_DEBUG'] ) ) {
+       parse_str( preg_replace( '/; ?/', '&', 
+if ( ini_get( 'hhvm.stats.enable_hot_profiler' ) ) {
+       /**
+        * 2) One-off profile to stdout
+        *
+        * MediaWiki's Profiler class can output raw profile data directly to 
the output
+        * of a web response (web), or in stdout (CLI).
+        *
+        * For web: Set X-Wikimedia-Debug (to bypass cache) and query param 
+        * For CLI: Set CLI option '--profiler=text'.
+        *
+        * See
+        */
+       if (
+               ( isset( $_GET['forceprofile'] ) && isset( 
+               || PHP_SAPI === 'cli'
+       ) {
+               $wmfProfiler = [
+                       'class'  => 'ProfilerXhprof',
+                       'flags'  => XHPROF_FLAGS_NO_BUILTINS,
+                       'output' => 'text',
+               ];
+       /**
+        * 3) One-off profile to /tmp
+        *
+        * When making requests to the local server using shell access,
+        * setting the 'Force-Local-XHProf: 1' header will write raw profile 
+        * directly to a local file in /tmp/xhprof/.
+        *
+        * Note: This is only allowed for requests within the same server.
+        */
+       } elseif (
+               isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_FORCE_LOCAL_XHPROF'] )
+               && isset( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] )
+               && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == ''
+               && is_writable( '/tmp/xhprof' )
+       ) {
+               xhprof_enable();
+               register_shutdown_function( function () {
+                       $prof = xhprof_disable();
+                       $titleFormat = "%-75s %6s %13s %13s %13s\n";
+                       $format = "%-75s %6d %13.3f %13.3f %13.3f%%\n";
+                       $out = sprintf( $titleFormat, 'Name', 'Calls', 'Total', 
'Each', '%' );
+                       if ( empty( $prof['main()']['wt'] ) ) {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       $total = $prof['main()']['wt'];
+                       uksort( $prof, function ( $a, $b ) use ( $prof ) {
+                               if ( $prof[$a]['wt'] < $prof[$b]['wt'] ) {
+                                       return 1;
+                               } elseif ( $prof[$a]['wt'] > $prof[$b]['wt'] ) {
+                                       return -1;
+                               } else {
+                                       return 0;
+                               }
+                       } );
+                       foreach ( $prof as $name => $info ) {
+                               $out .= sprintf( $format, $name, $info['ct'], 
$info['wt'] / 1000,
+                                       $info['wt'] / $info['ct'] / 1000,
+                                       $info['wt'] / $total * 100 );
+                       }
+                       file_put_contents( '/tmp/xhprof/' . date( 
'Y-m-d\TH:i:s' ) . '.prof', $out );
+               } );
+       }
+ * 4) Sampling profiler for production traffic
+ *
+ * If Xenon is enabled, register a shutdown callback to ask HHVM for
+ * recently collected data. Will not end up yielding something every
+ * request.
+ *
+ * Based on
+ */
+if ( extension_loaded( 'xenon' ) && ini_get( 'hhvm.xenon.period' ) ) {
+       register_shutdown_function( function () {
+               $data = HH\xenon_get_data();
+               if ( empty( $data ) ) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               $entryPoint = basename( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] );
+               $reqMethod = '{' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] . '}';
+               // Collate stack samples and fold into single lines.
+               // This is the format expected by FlameGraph.
+               $stacks = [];
+               foreach ( $data as $sample ) {
+                       $stack = [];
+                       if ( empty( $sample['phpStack'] ) ) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       foreach ( $sample['phpStack'] as $frame ) {
+                               if ( $frame['function'] === 'include' ) {
+                                       // For file scope, just use the path as 
the name.
+                                       $func = $frame['file'];
+                               } elseif ( $frame['function'] === '{closure}' 
&& isset( $frame['line'] ) ) {
+                                       // Annotate anonymous functions with 
their location in the
+                                       // source code. Example: 
+                                       $func = 
+                               } else {
+                                       $func = $frame['function'];
+                               }
+                               if ( $func !== end( $stack ) ) {
+                                       $stack[] = $func;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       if ( count( $stack ) ) {
+                               // The last element is usually (but not always) 
the full file
+                               // path of the script name. We want things nice 
and consistent,
+                               // so we pop off the path if it is there, and 
push the basename
+                               // instead.
+                               if ( strpos( end( $stack ), $entryPoint ) !== 
false ) {
+                                       array_pop( $stack );
+                               }
+                               $stack[] = $reqMethod;
+                               $stack[] = $entryPoint;
+                               $strStack = implode( ';', array_reverse( $stack 
) );
+                               if ( !isset( $stacks[$strStack] ) ) {
+                                       $stacks[$strStack] = 0;
+                               }
+                               $stacks[$strStack] += 1;
+                       }
+               }
+               $redis = new Redis();
+               if ( $redis->connect( 'mwlog1001.eqiad.wmnet', 6379, 0.1 ) ) {
+                       foreach ( $stacks as $stack => $count ) {
+                               $redis->publish( 'xenon', "$stack $count" );
+                       }
+               }
+       } );
+ * 5) One-off profile to XHGui
+ *
+ * Set X-Wikimedia-Debug header with 'profile' attribute to instrument a web 
+ * with XHProf and save the profile to XHGui's MongoDB.
+ *
+ * To find the profile in XHGui, either browse "Recent", or use wgRequestId 
+ * from the mw.config data in the HTML web response, e.g. by running the
+ * `mw.config.get('wgRequestId')` snippet in JavaScript. Then look up as 
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * See
+ * See
+ */
+if (
+       ini_get( 'hhvm.stats.enable_hot_profiler' ) &&
+       // Require X-Forwarded-For to ignore non-remote requests (e.g. PyBal)
+       !empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] ) &&
+       isset( $XWD['profile'] )
+) {
+       xhprof_enable( XHPROF_FLAGS_CPU | XHPROF_FLAGS_MEMORY | 
+       register_postsend_function( function () use ( $XWD ) {
+               $data = [ 'profile' => xhprof_disable() ];
+               $sec  = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
+               $usec = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'] - $sec;
+               $keyWhitelist = array_flip( [
+                       'HTTP_HOST', 'HTTP_X_WIKIMEDIA_DEBUG', 'REQUEST_METHOD',
+                       'REQUEST_START_TIME', 'REQUEST_TIME', 
+                       'SERVER_ADDR', 'SERVER_NAME', 'THREAD_TYPE', 'action'
+               ] );
+               // Create sanitized copies of $_SERVER, $_ENV, and $_GET:
+               $server = array_intersect_key( $_SERVER, $keyWhitelist );
+               $env = array_intersect_key( $_ENV, $keyWhitelist );
+               $get = array_intersect_key( $_GET, $keyWhitelist );
+               // Strip everything from the query string except 'action=' 
+               preg_match( '/action=[^&]+/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $matches 
+               $qs = $matches ? '?' . $matches[0] : '';
+               $url = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . $qs;
+               // If profiling was explicitly requested (via X-Wikimedia-Debug)
+               // then include the unique request ID in the reported URL, to 
+               // it easy for the person debugging to find the request in 
+               if ( $XWD && method_exists( 'WebRequest', 'getRequestId' ) ) {
+                       $reqId = WebRequest::getRequestId();
+                       $url = '//' . $reqId . $url;
+                       $env['UNIQUE_ID'] = $reqId;
+                       $server['UNIQUE_ID'] = $reqId;
+               }
+               // Include web server name (SERVER_NAME is e.g.,
+               // SERVER_ADDR is the LVS service name, e.g. appservers.svc)
+               $env['HOSTNAME'] = wfHostname();
+               // Re-insert scrubbed URL as REQUEST_URL:
+               $server['REQUEST_URI'] = $url;
+               $env['REQUEST_URI'] = $url;
+               $data['meta'] = [
+                       'url'              => $url,
+                       'SERVER'           => $server,
+                       'get'              => $get,
+                       'env'              => $env,
+                       'simple_url'       => Xhgui_Util::simpleUrl( $url ),
+                       'request_ts'       => new MongoDate( $sec ),
+                       'request_ts_micro' => new MongoDate( $sec, $usec ),
+                       'request_date'     => date( 'Y-m-d', $sec ),
+               ];
+               Xhgui_Saver::factory( [
+                       'save.handler' => 'mongodb',
+                       ''      => 
+                       'db.db'        => 'xhprof',
+                       'db.options'   => [],
+               ] )->save( $data );
+       } );

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I60cce0eb51101d9e3fed7a65890c101ddd39e7d0
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: operations/mediawiki-config
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Krinkle <>

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