Yuvipanda has submitted this change and it was merged. ( 
https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/327157 )

Change subject: labs: maintain-dbusers.py for maintaining labsdb users

labs: maintain-dbusers.py for maintaining labsdb users

- Will replace create-dbusers.py
- Uses a database in m5 as canonical store of user accounts
- Will create different type of accounts for new and old labsdbs

Change-Id: I5ced2ca23722267bca57fa234b0a1d6aaa0e9966
D modules/labstore/templates/initscripts/create-dbusers.systemd.erb
A modules/role/files/labs/db/maintain-dbusers.py
R modules/role/manifests/labs/db/maintain_dbusers.pp
M modules/role/manifests/labs/nfs/secondary.pp
A modules/role/templates/initscripts/labs/db/maintain-dbusers.systemd.erb
5 files changed, 445 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

  Yuvipanda: Looks good to me, approved
  jenkins-bot: Verified

diff --git a/modules/labstore/templates/initscripts/create-dbusers.systemd.erb 
deleted file mode 100644
index b65dad2..0000000
--- a/modules/labstore/templates/initscripts/create-dbusers.systemd.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Description=DB Accounts and Grants creator
-ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/create-dbusers --interval 300 --config 
diff --git a/modules/role/files/labs/db/maintain-dbusers.py 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dcdd19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/role/files/labs/db/maintain-dbusers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+This script keeps canonical source of mysql labsdb accounts in a
+database, and ensures that it is kept up to date with reality.
+The code pattern here is that you have a central data store (the db),
+that is then read/written to by various independent functions. These
+functions are not 'pure' - they could even be separate scripts. They
+mutate the DB in some way. They are also supposed to be idempotent -
+if they have nothing to do, they should not do anything.
+Some of the functions are one-time only, allowing migration from
+create-dbusers. These are:
+## harvest_cnf_files ##
+ - Look through NFS for replica.my.cnf files
+ - For those found, but no entry in `accounts` table, make an entry
+## harvest_dbaccounts ##
+ - Look through all accounts in account db
+ - Look through all users in all provisioned labsdbs
+ - Make entries in `account_host` table with status of all accounts.
+Most of these functions should be run in a continuous loop, maintaining
+mysql accounts for new tool accounts as they appear.
+## populate_new_tools ##
+ - Find list of tools (From LDAP) that aren't in the `accounts` table
+ - Create a replica.my.cnf for each of these tools
+ - Make an entry in the `accounts` table for each of these tools
+ - Make entries in `account_host` for each of these tools, marking them as
+   absent
+## create_accounts ##
+ - Look through `account_host` table for accounts that are marked as 'absent'
+ - Create those accounts, and mark them as present.
+If we need to add a new labsdb, we can do so the following way:
+ - Add it to the config file
+ - Insert entries into `account_host` for each tool with the new host.
+ - Run `create_accounts`
+In normal usage, just a continuous process running `populate_new_tools` and
+`create_accounts` in a loop will suffice.
+  - Support for maintaining per-tool restrictions (number of connections + 
+import ldap3
+import logging
+import argparse
+import string
+import io
+import yaml
+import configparser
+import os
+import time
+import pymysql
+import random
+from hashlib import sha1
+import subprocess
+PROJECT = 'tools'
+PASSWORD_CHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
+    'role': """
+        GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO '{username}'@'%'
+              IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '{password_hash}'
+              WITH MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS {max_connections};
+        GRANT labsdbuser TO '{username}'@'%';
+        SET DEFAULT ROLE labsdbuser FOR '{username}'@'%';
+    """,
+    'legacy': """
+        CREATE USER '{username}'@'%'
+               IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '{password_hash}';
+        GRANT SELECT, SHOW VIEW ON `%\_p`.* TO '{username}'@'%';
+        GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `{username}\_\_%`.* TO '{username}'@'%';
+    """
+def generate_new_pw():
+    """
+    Generate a new random password
+    """
+    sysrandom = random.SystemRandom()  # Uses /dev/urandom
+    return ''.join([sysrandom.choice(PASSWORD_CHARS) for _ in 
+def mysql_hash(password):
+    """
+    Hash a password to mimic MySQL's PASSWORD() function
+    """
+    return '*' + sha1(sha1(password.encode('utf-8')).digest()).hexdigest()
+def write_replica_cnf(file_path, uid, mysql_username, pwd):
+    """
+    Write a replica.my.cnf file.
+    Will also set the 'immutable' attribute on the file, so users
+    can not fuck up their own replica.my.cnf files accidentally.
+    """
+    replica_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
+    replica_config['client'] = {
+        'user': mysql_username,
+        'password': pwd
+    }
+    # Because ConfigParser can only write to a file
+    # and not just return the value as a string directly
+    replica_buffer = io.StringIO()
+    replica_config.write(replica_buffer)
+    f = os.open(file_path, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_NOFOLLOW)
+    try:
+        os.write(f, replica_buffer.getvalue().encode('utf-8'))
+        # uid == gid
+        os.fchown(f, uid, uid)
+        os.fchmod(f, 0o400)
+        # Prevent removal or modification of the credentials file by users
+        subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/chattr', '+i', file_path])
+    except:
+        os.remove(file_path)
+        raise
+    finally:
+        os.close(f)
+def read_replica_cnf(file_path):
+    """
+    Parse a given replica.my.cnf file
+    Return a tuple of mysql username, password_hash
+    """
+    cp = configparser.ConfigParser()
+    cp.read(file_path)
+    # sometimes these values have quotes around them
+    return (
+        cp['client']['user'].strip("'"),
+        mysql_hash(cp['client']['password'].strip("'"))
+    )
+def find_tools(config):
+    """
+    Return list of tools, from canonical LDAP source
+    Return a list of tuples of uid, toolname
+    """
+    with get_ldap_conn(config) as conn:
+        conn.search(
+            'ou=people,ou=servicegroups,dc=wikimedia,dc=org',
+            '(cn=%s.*)' % PROJECT,
+            ldap3.SEARCH_SCOPE_WHOLE_SUBTREE,
+            attributes=['uidNumber', 'cn'],
+            time_limit=5
+        )
+        users = []
+        for resp in conn.response:
+            attrs = resp['attributes']
+            users.append((attrs['cn'][0], int(attrs['uidNumber'][0])))
+    return users
+def get_ldap_conn(config):
+    """
+    Return a ldap connection
+    Return value can be used as a context manager
+    """
+    servers = ldap3.ServerPool([
+        ldap3.Server(host, connect_timeout=1)
+        for host in config['ldap']['hosts']
+    ], ldap3.POOLING_STRATEGY_ROUND_ROBIN, active=True, exhaust=True)
+    return ldap3.Connection(
+        servers, read_only=True,
+        user=config['ldap']['username'],
+        auto_bind=True,
+        password=config['ldap']['password']
+    )
+def get_accounts_db_conn(config):
+    """
+    Return a pymysql connection to the accounts database
+    """
+    return pymysql.connect(
+        config['accounts-backend']['host'],
+        config['accounts-backend']['username'],
+        config['accounts-backend']['password'],
+        db='labsdbaccounts',
+        charset='utf8mb4',
+        cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor
+    )
+def get_replica_path(type, name):
+    """
+    Return path to use for replica.my.cnf for a tool or user
+    """
+    if type == 'tool':
+        return os.path.join(
+            '/srv/tools/shared/tools/project/',
+            name[len(PROJECT) + 1:],  # Remove `PROJECT.` prefix from name
+            'replica.my.cnf'
+        )
+    else:
+        return os.path.join(
+            '/srv/tools/shared/tools/home/',
+            name,
+            'replica.my.cnf'
+        )
+def harvest_cnf_files(config):
+    tools = find_tools(config)
+    acct_db = get_accounts_db_conn(config)
+    cur = acct_db.cursor()
+    try:
+        for toolname, uid in tools:
+            replica_path = get_replica_path('tool', toolname)
+            if os.path.exists(replica_path):
+                mysql_user, pwd_hash = read_replica_cnf(replica_path)
+                cur.execute("""
+                INSERT INTO account (mysql_username, type, username, 
+                VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)
+                ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
+                password_hash = %s
+                """, (mysql_user, 'tool', toolname, pwd_hash, pwd_hash)
+                )
+            else:
+                logging.info('Found no replica.my.cnf to harvest for %s', 
+        acct_db.commit()
+    finally:
+        cur.close()
+def harvest_replica_accts(config):
+    acct_db = get_accounts_db_conn(config)
+    labsdbs = [
+        pymysql.connect(host, config['labsdbs']['username'], 
+        for host in config['labsdbs']['hosts']
+    ]
+    with acct_db.cursor() as read_cur:
+        read_cur.execute("""
+        SELECT id, mysql_username, type, username
+        FROM account
+        """)
+        for row in read_cur:
+            for labsdb in labsdbs:
+                with labsdb.cursor() as labsdb_cur:
+                    try:
+                        labsdb_cur.execute("""
+                        SHOW GRANTS FOR %s@'%%'
+                        """, (row['mysql_username']))
+                        labsdb_cur.fetchone()
+                        status = 'present'
+                    except pymysql.err.InternalError as e:
+                        # Error code for when no grants exist for this username
+                        if e.args[0] != 1141:
+                            raise
+                        logging.info(
+                            'No acct found for %s in %s', row['username'], 
+                        status = 'absent'
+                    with acct_db.cursor() as write_cur:
+                        write_cur.execute("""
+                        INSERT INTO account_host (account_id, hostname, status)
+                        VALUES (%s, %s, %s)
+                        ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
+                        status = %s
+                        """, (row['id'], labsdb.host, status, status))
+    acct_db.commit()
+def populate_new_tools(config):
+    """
+    Populate new tools into meta db
+    """
+    all_tools = find_tools(config)
+    acct_db = get_accounts_db_conn(config)
+    with acct_db.cursor() as cur:
+        cur.execute("""
+        SELECT username FROM account
+        """)
+        cur_tools = set([r['username'] for r in cur])
+        new_tools = [t for t in all_tools if t[0] not in cur_tools]
+        logging.info('Found %s new tools: %s',
+                     len(new_tools),
+                     ', '.join([t[0] for t in new_tools]))
+        for new_tool, new_tool_id in new_tools:
+            # if a homedir for this tool does not exist yet, just ignore it
+            # home directory creation is currently handled by 
maintain-kubeusers, and we
+            # do not want to race. Tool accounts that get passed over like 
this will be
+            # picked up on the next round
+            replica_path = get_replica_path('tool', new_tool)
+            if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(replica_path)):
+                logging.info('Skipping tool %s, since no home directory exists 
yet', new_tool)
+            pwd = generate_new_pw()
+            mysql_username = 's%d' % new_tool_id
+            cur.execute("""
+            INSERT INTO account (mysql_username, type, username, password_hash)
+            VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)
+            """, (
+                mysql_username,
+                'tool',
+                new_tool,
+                mysql_hash(pwd)
+            ))
+            acct_id = cur.lastrowid
+            for hostname in config['labsdbs']['hosts']:
+                cur.execute("""
+                INSERT INTO account_host (account_id, hostname, status)
+                VALUES (%s, %s, %s)
+                """, (acct_id, hostname, 'absent'))
+            # Do this *before* the commit to the db has succeeded
+            write_replica_cnf(
+                replica_path,
+                new_tool_id,
+                mysql_username,
+                pwd
+            )
+            acct_db.commit()
+            logging.info('Wrote replica.my.cnf for %s', new_tool)
+def create_accounts(config):
+    """
+    Find hosts with accounts in absent state, and creates them.
+    """
+    acct_db = get_accounts_db_conn(config)
+    for host in config['labsdbs']['hosts']:
+        labsdb = pymysql.connect(
+            host,
+            config['labsdbs']['username'],
+            config['labsdbs']['password'])
+        grant_type = config['labsdbs']['hosts'][host]['grant-type']
+        with acct_db.cursor() as cur:
+            cur.execute("""
+            SELECT mysql_username, password_hash, username, hostname,
+                   account_host.id as account_host_id
+            FROM account JOIN account_host on account.id = 
+            WHERE hostname = %s AND status = 'absent'
+            """, (host, ))
+            for row in cur:
+                with labsdb.cursor() as labsdb_cur:
+                    labsdb_cur.execute(
+                        ACCOUNT_CREATION_SQL[grant_type].format(
+                            username=row['mysql_username'],
+                            password_hash=row['password_hash'].decode('utf-8'),
+                            max_connections=10,
+                        ))
+                    labsdb.commit()
+                with acct_db.cursor() as write_cur:
+                    write_cur.execute("""
+                    UPDATE account_host
+                    SET status='present'
+                    WHERE id = %s
+                    """, (row['account_host_id'],))
+                    acct_db.commit()
+                    logging.info('Created account in %s for %s', host, 
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    argparser.add_argument(
+        '--config',
+        default='/etc/dbusers.yaml',
+        help='Path to YAML config file'
+    )
+    argparser.add_argument(
+        '--debug',
+        help='Turn on debug logging',
+        action='store_true'
+    )
+    argparser.add_argument(
+        'action',
+        choices=['harvest', 'maintain'],
+        help="""
+        What action to take.
+        harvest:
+        Collect information about all existing users from replica.my.cnf files
+        and accounts already created in legacy databases, and put them into the
+        account database. Runs as a one shot script.
+        maintain:
+        Runs as a daemon that watches for new tools being created, creates 
+        for them in all the labsdbs, maintains state in the account database, 
+        writes out replica.my.cnf files.
+        """
+    )
+    args = argparser.parse_args()
+    loglvl = logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO
+    logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s',
+                        level=loglvl)
+    with open(args.config) as f:
+        config = yaml.safe_load(f)
+    if args.action == 'harvest':
+        harvest_cnf_files(config)
+        harvest_replica_accts(config)
+    elif args.action == 'maintain':
+        while True:
+            populate_new_tools(config)
+            create_accounts(config)
+            time.sleep(60)
diff --git a/modules/labstore/manifests/account_services.pp 
similarity index 82%
rename from modules/labstore/manifests/account_services.pp
rename to modules/role/manifests/labs/db/maintain_dbusers.pp
index 1019a31..221788e 100644
--- a/modules/labstore/manifests/account_services.pp
+++ b/modules/role/manifests/labs/db/maintain_dbusers.pp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #   - MySQL replica / toolsdb accounts
-class labstore::account_services {
+class role::labs::db::maintain_dbusers {
     # We need a newer version of python3-ldap3 than what is in Jessie
     # For the connection time out / server pool features
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
-    file { '/etc/create-dbusers.yaml':
+    file { '/etc/dbusers.yaml':
         content => ordered_json($creds),
         owner   => 'root',
         group   => 'root',
@@ -82,13 +82,13 @@
-    file { '/usr/local/sbin/create-dbusers':
-        source  => 'puppet:///modules/labstore/create-dbusers',
+    file { '/usr/local/sbin/maintain-dbusers':
+        source  => 'puppet:///modules/role/labs/db/maintain-dbusers.py',
         owner   => 'root',
         group   => 'root',
         mode    => '0555',
-        require => File['/etc/create-dbusers.yaml'],
-        notify  => Base::Service_unit['create-dbusers'],
+        require => File['/etc/dbusers.yaml'],
+        notify  => Base::Service_unit['maintain-dbusers'],
     # To delete users from all the labsdb mysql databases
@@ -99,13 +99,14 @@
         mode   => '0550',
-    base::service_unit { 'create-dbusers':
-        ensure  => present,
-        systemd => true,
-        require => File['/usr/local/sbin/create-dbusers'],
+    base::service_unit { 'maintain-dbusers':
+        ensure        => present,
+        systemd       => true,
+        require       => File['/usr/local/sbin/maintain-dbusers'],
+        template_name => 'labs/db/maintain-dbusers',
-    nrpe::monitor_systemd_unit_state { 'create-dbusers':
+    nrpe::monitor_systemd_unit_state { 'maintain-dbusers':
         description => 'Ensure mysql credential creation for tools users is 
diff --git a/modules/role/manifests/labs/nfs/secondary.pp 
index c67af91..3d44c72 100644
--- a/modules/role/manifests/labs/nfs/secondary.pp
+++ b/modules/role/manifests/labs/nfs/secondary.pp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     include labstore::fileserver::exports
     include labstore::fileserver::secondary
     include labstore::backup_keys
-    include labstore::account_services
+    include role::labs::db::maintain_dbusers
     # Enable RPS to balance IRQs over CPUs
     interface::rps { $monitor: }
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1993c36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/role/templates/initscripts/labs/db/maintain-dbusers.systemd.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Description=Maintain labsdb accounts
+ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/maintain-dbusers --config /etc/dbusers.yaml

To view, visit https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/327157
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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I5ced2ca23722267bca57fa234b0a1d6aaa0e9966
Gerrit-PatchSet: 19
Gerrit-Project: operations/puppet
Gerrit-Branch: production
Gerrit-Owner: Yuvipanda <yuvipa...@wikimedia.org>
Gerrit-Reviewer: BryanDavis <bda...@wikimedia.org>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Chasemp <r...@wikimedia.org>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Volans <rcocci...@wikimedia.org>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Yuvipanda <yuvipa...@wikimedia.org>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot <>

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