Hi James,

Thank you, that is helpful. I'll look through my code; my guess is that the
best solution (at least for now) is to add that "eslint-disable" call to
many or even most of my hasClass() calls.

By the way, I think the current wording in the documentation is misleading:
the page I linked to lists the two kinds of function calls as "incorrect"
and "correct" - which I think implies something stronger than "this code
will lead to a validation warning" and "this code won't". (Most of the
so-called "correct" code won't work at all.)


On Sat, Aug 14, 2021 at 8:34 AM James Forrester <jforres...@wikimedia.org>

> [Moving to wikitech-l; mediawiki-l is a little off-topic.]
> On Mon, 26 Jul 2021 at 21:27, Yaron Koren <yaro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been trying to get rid of the ESLint warnings for the JavaScript
>> code in some of my extensions, when they go through Jenkins validation. One
>> warning that appears fairly often is this one:
>> Where possible, maintain application state in JS to avoid slower DOM
>> queries
>> no-jquery/no-class-state
>> I'm not sure if this is a warning that's specific to Wikimedia code, but
>> doing a web search on it brings up this Wikimedia help page as the only
>> real result:
>> https://github.com/wikimedia/eslint-plugin-no-jquery/blob/master/docs/rules/no-class-state.md
> Yes, we forked the dead "jquery" upstream eslint plugin and have expanded
> it significantly. In general, the plugin's purpose
> <https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint-plugin-no-jquery> is to discourage
> use of jQuery functions, especially where the functions are deprecated or
> have faster native equivalents. (Almost all uses of jQuery are no longer
> necessary given that the vast majority of the Web only runs on
> modern-enough browsers.)
> This page is rather confusing. It says that the warning comes when calling
>> either hasClass() or toggleClass() on a jQuery element. That part makes
>> sense, but then the suggested alternatives are strange. The page says that
>> the following are some examples of bad code:
>> $( 'div' ).hasClass();
>> $div.hasClass();
>> In their place, it suggests the following:
>> hasClass();
>> [].hasClass();
>> div.hasClass();
> No, it doesn't. It says that our code is clever enough to not think that
> these false positives are issues that you need to fix. It's not saying you
> should use a method called hasClass(); it's saying that you should maintain
> state inside JS; this is principally a performance/code smell test.
> If your code is triggered from a non-JS DOM (e.g. painted from PHP), the
> first time you grab state from the DOM is unavoidable (and so you'd use an
> inline disable), but thereafter you should keep track of such details in
> JS. An example of this is in the initialisation code for Notifications
> ("Echo"), where it has to grab the state from the DOM
> <https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/mediawiki/extensions/Echo/+/HEAD/modules/ext.echo.init.js#46>
> for a couple of items, but does so only once.
> Sorry that this is confusing! We could put together a narrow JS tips and
> tricks page and link to that from the linter, but most of these have been
> fixed over the years since we introduced this in Wikimedia production code
> so there's not been much call.
> J.
> --
> *James D. Forrester* (he/him <http://pronoun.is/he> or they/themself
> <http://pronoun.is/they/.../themself>)
> Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
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