Dear Meep users !

As you know, previously (December 2008) we anounced a python binding
for libmeep. Our ongoing efforts in this direction passed another
milestone and we are gladly presenting greatly improved python binding
for libmeep. Higlights for current release are:
- Support for MPI (currently compiled with OpenMPI)
- Tests, included in Meep source, are rewritten in python. So, all
libmeep functionality, necessary to pass those tests (excluding
integrate.cpp and h5test.cpp) is available now. The major limitation
of this release is that field_functions are still not implemented.
IMHO, given the python flexibility, it is more viable to implement
such functionality in pure python.

Additionaly, our repository for 32-bit Ubuntu 8.10 contains
h5utils-1.11.1 (no more that annoying bug with "colormap not found"),
libctl 3.0.3, openmpi-1.2.8 and swig 1.3.36. To use these packages,
add following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb ./

then use 'apt-get update' and corresponding 'apt-get install' commands.
Amd64 binaries and generic debian-style repository are next goals.

More files: - tests in
python, can be used as a reference to write your own scripts - source
files for swif, if you want to compile binding on your own
- binary binding files (system-wide paths). Untar files without paths
into current directory, if you don't want to make them system-wide
available (they will be available only for scripts in current

All techical questions about web-site and availability of files should
be adressed to tsema at nanolab dot ru. BTW, previous release moved to

With best regards,
Nizamov Shawkat

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