Re: [Meep-discuss] Meep, MPB, Harminv on Cygwin

2010-06-07 Thread DEVEL Michel
Dear meep users and developers,

Thanks indeed to Pavel for taking the time to write down a complete
procedure to install the MIT codes on cygwin! Great job!

I just want to add a few comments to warn people about possible
additional problems:
I want to stress once more that everything should be compiled with
compilers (gcc, g++, gfortran) from the same 32 bits GCC 4.x.
For example, if you are using a 64 bits version of Vista or 7, you
should pay attention to the fact that the 32 bits compilers and
libraries should be before the 64 bits one in your PATH, when following
Pavel's procedure (you can reverse the order afterward).
Similarly, you should take care that you do not have other directories
in your PATH before GCC that would provide other versions of some
libraries (e.g. blas, atlas or lapack from a code such as matlab...)
The worse case is if you have some of the libraries already compiled by
g77! = recompile them with gfortran!

In case of a problem during the configure step, remember to look inside
the file config.log (not at the end because it finishes by recalling 
some of the values found but near the last line beginning by configure:).


Sincerely yours,

Michel DEVEL

meep-discuss mailing list

Re: [Meep-discuss] A problem with Material dispersion example

2010-06-07 Thread joe ertaba
Ok, I've found something baffling!

(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size *no-size no-size no-size*)))
(set-param! resolution 20)

with something like
(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size *1 1 1*)))
(set-param! resolution 20)

The output gives you too many frequencies! I even increased the resolution
but still cant get the same result
This is exactly what happens in my CPP code!

Any idea how to get same result with finite size object? when no-size is
used what is the resolution? if it is still 20 why when I change the
dimension to 1, this problem occurs?


On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 4:23 PM, joe ertaba wrote:


 I've tried to convert a simple example of 
 a C++ code.

 Attached is my simple code. I was wondering, although I use same variables
 as the example why I get wrong variables

 For K=[0.3, 0, 0] ctl file gives:
 freqs:, 1, 0.3, 0, 0, 0.180392569033513, 1.22101799986358
 While C++ gives:
 Too many frequencies!

 P.S: The only difference I can assume is that I use Ez component for
 Harminv peak detection, maybe in ctl something else is used!

 I really appreciate if somebody can check my file


 #include meep.hpp
 using namespace meep;
 typedef complexdouble dcomp;

 const double xWidth = 1.0;
 const double yWidth = 1.0;
 const double zWidth = 1.0;
 const double resolution = 20; // pixels per distance
 const double freq = 1.0;
 const double dfreq = 0.9; //fractional
 const component srcComp = Ez;
 const vec srcPosition = vec (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
 const component sampleComp = Ez;
 const int maxNumOfBands = 10;
 //Run Time
 const double timeAfterSource = 200.0;

 double eps(const vec p) {
 return 2.25;
 double sigma1(const vec p) {
 return 0.5;
 double sigma2(const vec p) {
 return 2e-5;
 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
 initialize mpi(argc, argv);
 /** Structure */
 grid_volume v = vol3d(xWidth, yWidth, zWidth, resolution);
 structure s(v, eps);
 const char *dirname = make_output_directory(~/Desktop/run);
 s.add_polarizability (sigma1, E_stuff, 1.1, 1e-5); //(sigma, field_type
 E_stuff, omega_n, gamma_n);
 s.add_polarizability (sigma2, E_stuff, 0.5, 0.1);

 fields f(s);
 //Harminv variables
 int NumOfSamples = int(timeAfterSource / f.dt + 0.5) + 1;
 dcomp *samplePoint = new dcomp[NumOfSamples];
 /** Source*/
 double freq_min = freq * (1 - dfreq);
 double freq_max = freq * (1 + dfreq);
 gaussian_src_time src((freq_min + freq_max) * 0.5, 0.5 / fabs(freq_max
 - freq_min), 0, 5 / fabs(freq_max - freq_min));
 f.add_point_source(srcComp, src, srcPosition);
 vec kVector = vec(0.3, 0.0, 0.0);
 /** Run*/
 while (f.time()  f.last_source_time()) {
 int i = 0;
 while (f.time()  f.last_source_time() + timeAfterSource) {
 samplePoint[i] = f.get_field(sampleComp, srcPosition);
 /** Harmonic Inversion*/
 dcomp amp[maxNumOfBands];
 double freq_re[maxNumOfBands], freq_im[maxNumOfBands],
 int num1_freqs = do_harminv(samplePoint, i, f.dt, freq_min / 4.0,
 freq_max * 4.0, maxNumOfBands,
 amp, freq_re, freq_im, freq_err);
 /** Results*/
 for (int i = 0; i  num1_freqs; ++i) {
 master_printf(freq[%d] = %g%+gi +/- %g (amp %g%+gi) Q = %g\n,i,
 freq_re[i], freq_im[i], freq_err[i], real(amp[i]), imag(amp[i]), -0.5 *
 freq_re[i] / freq_im[i]);
 delete[] samplePoint;

 return 0;

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