Hi all,

I am currently trying to run my simulations on meep-mpi at a supercomputer. For 
my simulations I am running them with 20 nodes (12 processors per node) and the 
simulation takes a total of 30hrs. Since the center running the supercomputer 
charges you for number of nodes used for however long you use them, I am trying 
to determine a way to reduce either the number of nodes needed or how long the 
simulation takes. For these simulations I am using the Oakley cluster at the 
Ohio Supercomputer Center if anyone knows about this system. Below is my 
simulation that I use at the supercomputer. It simulates a metamaterial 
structure with a source located on one side of the computational cell, and a 
point of analysis on the other side of the computational cell. The metamaterial 
is located at the origin of the cell.  I chose to do a coordinate 
transformation, scaling the coordinates in the z-direction by 20 to include 
more grid points in the structure since before it was only thick enough to fit 
one point in the z-direction.


(define Cu (make medium (epsilon-diag (vector3 -676.8 -676.8 -270720)) (mu-diag 
(vector3 0.05 0.05 20))(D-conductivity-diag (vector3 201.0995 201.0995 

(define-param lattice-size 80) ; size of x - y square of computational space

(define-param lattice-length 40000) ; length of computational space

(define-param pml-thickness 1600) ; thickness of pml layer

(define-param substrate-index 3.42) ; refractive index of substrate

(define-param fcen 0.00833) ; center wavelength of incident pulse

(define-param df 0.01666) ; parameter related to the spectral width of the pulse

(define-param t 4) ; metal depth (z dir)

(define Ar (make medium (epsilon-diag (vector3 0.05 0.05 20)) (mu-diag (vector3 
0.05 0.05 20)))) ;Ar is air transformed

(define Si (make medium (epsilon-diag (vector3 0.58482 0.58482 233.928)) 
(mu-diag (vector3 0.05 0.05 20))))

(define-param l 60) ; side-length

(define-param w 5) ; microsrtip width
(define-param d 0.3) ; dielectric thickness

(set! resolution 0.86)

(set! Courant 0.02886)

(set! eps-averaging? false)

(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size lattice-size lattice-size 

(set! geometry
        (make block
            (center 0 0 0)
            (size infinity infinity infinity)
            (material Ar)
        (make block
            (center 0 0 (* lattice-length .75))
            (size lattice-size lattice-size (/ lattice-length 2))
            (material Si)
        (make block
            (center 0 0 0)
            (size lattice-size lattice-size t)
            (material Ar)
        (make block
            (center 0 0 0)
            (size w l t)
            (material Cu)
        (make block
            (center 0 0 0)
            (size l w t)
            (material Cu)
        (make block
            (center (/ l 4) (/ (- l w) 2) 0)
            (size (/ l 2) w t)
            (material Cu)
        (make block
            (center (/ (- l w) 2) (/ l -4) 0)
            (size w (/ l 2) t)
            (material Cu)
        (make block
            (center (/ l -4) (/ (- w l) 2) 0)
            (size (/ l 2) w t)
            (material Cu)
        (make block
            (center (/ (- w l) 2) (/ l 4) 0)
            (size w (/ l 2) t)
            (material Cu)

(set! k-point (vector3 0 0 0)); enable periodic boundary condition

(set! pml-layers  (list (make absorber (thickness pml-thickness) (R-asymptotic 
(expt 10 -300)) (direction Z)))); set pml

(set! sources (list
            (make source
                (src(make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df)))
                (component Ex)
                (center 0 0 (- (- (/ lattice-length 2) pml-thickness .5)))
                (size lattice-size lattice-size 0)

;(run-sources+ (stop-when-fields-decayed 10 Ey (vector3 0 0 -2) 1e-4)
(run-until 8000

    (to-appended "trangc1layer"
        (in-volume (volume (center 0 0  (- (/ lattice-length 2) pml-thickness 
.5)) (size 0 0 0)) output-efield-x))
    (at-beginning output-epsilon))

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