A problem in two parts with their own questions.   What is the terminology
for something, and then how would I do it.

My problem is that I don't know the correct Pythonic (or even general
programming terminology) term to use to search for what I am trying to do.
This makes it very difficult to go searching for the answer to my problem.

What is the correct terminology for the following:

I have a Main class that instantiates a Configuration class that handles
reading the settings file and then setting up properties.    The same main
class then calls a mainWindow GUI  which has a configuration gui that I
want to be able to use and set the properties in the Configuration
class.     I not sure what this terminology is.

For what its worth, I am using PySide, converting the .ui files to python
files and handling the gui content in python instead of the .ui file if
that helps.

In the following example each of the python files contain a single class.
(makes for a lot of files but it seems to work in my head)

    Main -\
              | Configuration
              |- guiMainWindow -\

Given that:
How do I set it up so that the properties set in the configuration class
can be accessed and set by the guiConfigWindow class?

Mind you,  if I know what the correct terminology is and can find some well
written examples I will have this problem solved before you can say "We
needed this code last Friday,  Today was meant to be release day"

I asked on StackOverflow a while ago but haven't had any responses.
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