In a message dated 9/2/2005 11:54:22 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

i am not  saying their should be no government, just that the governments 
duties  should more limited

I think protecting the citizenry from civil unrest  is a legitimate 
undertaking for the government.

At 11:26 PM  9/1/2005, you wrote:
> > it has to  do as well with the government having given up on the
> > concept  that they are even vaguely responsible for the protection of
> > its  citizens.  I'm no longer sure they still even acknowledge any
>  > responsibilities

 why did not the president issue an order to nationalize the  damn cops !!!! 
and why was /is there NO PLAN TO DO SO??????
200 cops from each city on the east coast phila, Boston, Pittsburgh  
,Atlanta, Washington, ect  NY can spare 400
 put us under federal rules 10 directives  only 
 restore ,maintain and keep order  .....never mind   arresting ppl and taking 
reports   clear the damn corners!!!!! and stop looters!!!!!  the mere 
presence of a  uniform cop stops a lot of crap
 put us  on trains and take us  down south! 
 send us  in with a duffel bag cont  jeans boots duty  rig 2 bars of fels 
naphtha soap  1 bottle of brandy ect only the necessary  stuff
 send us in with the food/ water trucks to the areas that need it  to keep 
and forchrissakes send the right cops ( real ones not crooks, punks or  
 it is sooooo damn frustrating to sit here in phila ..doing  nothing
mike collins 
phila pa 
1985 500 sec 

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